============================================================== BEAVRS 2D GEOMETRY SPECIFICATION AND XS GENERATION FOR OPENMOC
Welcome to the BEAVRS 2D repository! BEAVRS is the Benchmark for Evaluation And Validation of Reactor Simulations, a benchmark reactor physics problem developed at MIT for validation of nuclear reactor physics codes like OpenMOC. The purpose of this repository is to provide the OpenMOC geometry and material cross section input for a 2D version of the BEAVRS problem. The material cross section libraries have been generated in 2 and 8 group form. Separate input files for all assemblies as well as the full core are included.
To download and install this repository, issue the following commands into your terminal:
>>> git clone [email protected]:Jasmeet107/BEAVRS.git
>>> cd BEAVRS
>>> python setup.py install --user