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Merge pull request MetaCoq#713 from MetaCoq/clean-admits
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Fill one admitted proof in Firstorder, remove dead code
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mattam82 authored Jun 17, 2022
2 parents 290e3b2 + 4461fe7 commit 4c8b06d
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Showing 5 changed files with 143 additions and 661 deletions.
197 changes: 0 additions & 197 deletions pcuic/theories/PCUICCanonicity.v
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Expand Up @@ -556,205 +556,8 @@ Qed.
- subst concl; eapply typing_spine_more_inv in sp; try lia.

(* Lemma app_fix_prod_indarg Σ mfix idx args na dom codom decl :
wf Σ.1 ->
Σ ;;; [] |- mkApps (tFix mfix idx) args : tProd na dom codom ->
nth_error mfix idx = Some decl ->
#|args| = decl.(rarg) ->
∑ ind u indargs, dom = mkApps (tInd ind u) indargs *
isType Σ [] (mkApps (tInd ind u) indargs) *
(check_recursivity_kind Σ.1 (inductive_mind ind) Finite).
intros wfΣ tapp.
eapply inversion_mkApps in tapp as [A [Hfix Hargs]]; eauto.
eapply inversion_Fix in Hfix;eauto.
destruct Hfix as [decl [fixg [Hnth [Hist [_ [wf cum]]]]]].
rewrite /wf_fixpoint in wf. *)

End Spines.

Section Normalization.
Context {cf:checker_flags} (Σ : global_env_ext).
Context {wfΣ : wf Σ}.
Section reducible.
Lemma reducible Γ t : sum (∑ t', red1 Σ Γ t t') (forall t', red1 Σ Γ t t' -> False).
Local Ltac lefte := left; eexists; econstructor; eauto.
Local Ltac leftes := left; eexists; econstructor; solve [eauto].
Local Ltac righte := right; intros t' red; depelim red; solve_discr; eauto 2.
induction t in Γ |- * using term_forall_list_ind.
(*all:try solve [righte].
- destruct (nth_error Γ n) eqn:hnth.
destruct c as [na [b|] ty]; [lefte|righte].
* rewrite hnth; reflexivity.
* rewrite hnth /= // in e.
* righte. rewrite hnth /= // in e.
- admit.
- destruct (IHt1 Γ) as [[? ?]|]; [lefte|].
destruct (IHt2 (Γ ,, vass n t1)) as [[? ?]|]; [|righte].
- destruct (IHt1 Γ) as [[? ?]|]; [lefte|].
destruct (IHt2 (Γ ,, vass n t1)) as [[? ?]|]; [|righte].
- destruct (IHt1 Γ) as [[? ?]|]; [lefte|].
destruct (IHt2 Γ) as [[? ?]|]; [lefte|].
destruct (IHt3 (Γ ,, vdef n t1 t2)) as [[? ?]|]; [|].
leftes. lefte.
- destruct (IHt1 Γ) as [[? ?]|]; [lefte|].
destruct (IHt2 Γ) as [[? ?]|]; [leftes|].
destruct (PCUICParallelReductionConfluence.view_lambda_fix_app t1 t2).
* rewrite [tApp _ _](mkApps_app _ _ [a]).
destruct (unfold_fix mfix i) as [[rarg body]|] eqn:unf.
destruct (is_constructor rarg (l ++ [a])) eqn:isc; [leftes|]; eauto.
right => t' red; depelim red; solve_discr; eauto.
rewrite mkApps_app in H. noconf H. eauto.
rewrite mkApps_app in H. noconf H. eauto.
eapply (f_equal (@length _)) in H1. rewrite /= app_length /= // in H1; lia.
eapply (f_equal (@length _)) in H1. rewrite /= app_length /= // in H1; lia.
righte; try (rewrite mkApps_app in H; noconf H); eauto.
eapply (f_equal (@length _)) in H1. rewrite /= app_length /= // in H1; lia.
eapply (f_equal (@length _)) in H1. rewrite /= app_length /= // in H1; lia.
* admit.
* righte. destruct args using rev_case; solve_discr; noconf H.
rewrite H in i. eapply negb_False; eauto.
rewrite mkApps_app; eapply isFixLambda_app_mkApps' => //.
- admit.
- admit.
- admit.
- admit.
- admit.*)
End reducible.
Lemma reducible' Γ t : sum (∑ t', red1 Σ Γ t t') (normal Σ Γ t).
Ltac lefte := left; eexists; econstructor; eauto.
Ltac leftes := left; eexists; econstructor; solve [eauto].
Ltac righte := right; (solve [repeat (constructor; eauto)])||(repeat constructor).
induction t in Γ |- * using term_forall_list_ind.
all:try solve [righte].
- destruct (nth_error Γ n) eqn:hnth.
destruct c as [na [b|] ty]; [lefte|].
* rewrite hnth; reflexivity.
* right. do 2 constructor; rewrite hnth /= //.
* righte. rewrite hnth /= //.
- admit.
- destruct (IHt1 Γ) as [[? ?]|]; [lefte|].
destruct (IHt2 (Γ ,, vass n t1)) as [[? ?]|]; [|].
leftes. right; solve[constructor; eauto].
- destruct (IHt1 Γ) as [[? ?]|]; [lefte|].
destruct (IHt2 (Γ ,, vass n t1)) as [[? ?]|]; [leftes|leftes].
- destruct (IHt1 Γ) as [[? ?]|]; [lefte|].
destruct (IHt2 Γ) as [[? ?]|]; [leftes|].
destruct (PCUICParallelReductionConfluence.view_lambda_fix_app t1 t2).
* rewrite [tApp _ _](mkApps_app _ _ [a]).
destruct (unfold_fix mfix i) as [[rarg body]|] eqn:unf.
destruct (is_constructor rarg (l ++ [a])) eqn:isc; [leftes|]; eauto.
right; constructor. rewrite mkApps_app. constructor. admit. admit. admit.
* admit.
* admit.
- admit.
- admit.
- admit.
- admit.
- admit.
Lemma normalizer {Γ t ty} :
Σ ;;; Γ |- t : ty ->
∑ nf, (red Σ.1 Γ t nf) * normal Σ Γ nf.
intros Hty.
unshelve epose proof (PCUICSN.normalisation Σ Γ t (iswelltyped _ _ _ ty Hty)).
clear ty Hty.
move: t H. eapply Fix_F.
intros x IH.
destruct (reducible' Γ x) as [[t' red]|nred].
specialize (IH t'). forward IH by (constructor; auto).
destruct IH as [nf [rednf norm]].
exists nf; split; auto. now transitivity t'.
exists x. split; [constructor|assumption].
Derive Signature for neutral normal.
Lemma typing_var {Γ n ty} : Σ ;;; Γ |- (tVar n) : ty -> False.
Proof. intros Hty; depind Hty; eauto. Qed.
Lemma typing_evar {Γ n l ty} : Σ ;;; Γ |- (tEvar n l) : ty -> False.
Proof. intros Hty; depind Hty; eauto. Qed.
Definition axiom_free Σ :=
forall c decl, declared_constant Σ c decl -> cst_body decl <> None.
Lemma neutral_empty t ty : axiom_free Σ -> Σ ;;; [] |- t : ty -> neutral Σ [] t -> False.
intros axfree typed ne.
pose proof (PCUICClosed.subject_closed wfΣ typed) as cl.
depind ne.
- now simpl in cl.
- now eapply typing_var in typed.
- now eapply typing_evar in typed.
- eapply inversion_Const in typed as [decl [wfd [declc [cu cum]]]]; eauto.
specialize (axfree _ _ declc). specialize (H decl).
destruct (cst_body decl); try congruence.
now specialize (H t declc eq_refl).
- simpl in cl; move/andP: cl => [clf cla].
eapply inversion_App in typed as [na [A [B [Hf _]]]]; eauto.
- simpl in cl; move/andP: cl => [/andP[_ clc] _].
eapply inversion_Case in typed; pcuicfo eauto.
- eapply inversion_Proj in typed; pcuicfo auto.
Lemma ind_normal_constructor t i u args :
axiom_free Σ ->
Σ ;;; [] |- t : mkApps (tInd i u) args -> normal Σ [] t -> construct_cofix_discr (head t).
intros axfree Ht capp. destruct capp.
- eapply neutral_empty in H; eauto.
- eapply inversion_Sort in Ht as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?); auto.
eapply ws_cumul_pb_Sort_l_inv in c as (? & ? & ?).
eapply invert_red_mkApps_tInd in r as (? & eq & ?); eauto; eauto.
- eapply inversion_Prod in Ht as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?); auto.
eapply ws_cumul_pb_Sort_l_inv in c as (? & ? & ?).
eapply invert_red_mkApps_tInd in r as (? & eq & ?); eauto; eauto.
- eapply inversion_Lambda in Ht as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?); auto.
eapply ws_cumul_pb_Prod_l_inv in c as (? & ? & ? & (? & ?) & ?); auto.
eapply invert_red_mkApps_tInd in r as (? & eq & ?); eauto; eauto.
- now rewrite head_mkApps /= /head /=.
- eapply PCUICValidity.inversion_mkApps in Ht as (? & ? & ?); auto.
eapply inversion_Ind in t as (? & ? & ? & decli & ? & ?); auto.
eapply PCUICSpine.typing_spine_strengthen in t0; eauto.
pose proof (on_declared_inductive wfΣ as decli) [onind oib].
rewrite oib.(ind_arity_eq) in t0.
rewrite !subst_instance_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in t0.
eapply typing_spine_arity_mkApps_Ind in t0; eauto.
eexists; split; [sq|]; eauto.
now do 2 eapply isArity_it_mkProd_or_LetIn.
- admit. (* wf of fixpoints *)
- now rewrite /head /=.
Lemma red_normal_constructor t i u args :
axiom_free Σ ->
Σ ;;; [] |- t : mkApps (tInd i u) args ->
∑ hnf, (red Σ.1 [] t hnf) * construct_cofix_discr (head hnf).
intros axfree Ht. destruct (normalizer Ht) as [nf [rednf capp]].
exists nf; split; auto.
eapply subject_reduction in Ht; eauto.
now eapply ind_normal_constructor.
End Normalization.

(** Evaluation is a subrelation of reduction: *)

Tactic Notation "redt" uconstr(y) := eapply (CRelationClasses.transitivity (R:=red _ _) (y:=y)).
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