An Emulator for the 16-bit X-Makina ISA designed by Doctor Larry Hughes at Dalhousie University.
Description from Larry Hughes:
X-Makina is a 16-bit Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) design with the following features:
33 instructions (memory access, arithmetic, logic, and control), all 16-bits in width. Many instructions can operate on a byte, a word, or both.
An additional 32 instructions that can be emulated by using existing instructions, allowing operations such as subroutine return, interrupt return, and stack push and pull.
A common instruction format, containing an opcode and one or two operand addresses (for arithmetic and logical instructions) or a signed 10-bit offset (for jump instructions).
Sixteen 16-bit registers: four special purpose (program counter, stack pointer, program status word, and link register) and four general purpose (for data, addressing, or both).
Four addressing modes (register, register with pre- and post- auto-increment and auto-decrement, register-relative, and immediate). A 16-bit data/address bus, allowing up to 64 KiB of random-access memory.
Traps, Faults and Devices are also implemented. Devices consist of a clock, an input reader and an output to screen.