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JDK Management

Sven Ruppert edited this page Apr 8, 2018 · 1 revision

How to deal with all the JDK´s?

Depending on the new release train Oracle will deliver every six month a new JDK. Based on this, we have to deal with much more JDK versions in the future as we had in the past. The same happened with the amount of JDK vendors. We have right now Open / Oracle / Zulu and IBM.

The good news are, we are not alone with this challenge. The community is working on this topic too.

Here we will have a look at one solution that can be used on CommandLine and is available for Windows, Linux and OSX.

The Open Source project

The solution we are using here is called Jabba and is available at github.

Jabba @ Github


Install the tool and test if this is working.

  • docker pull debian
  • docker run -i -t --name debian debian /bin/bash
    • apt-get update
    • apt-get install curl
    • exit
  • docker commit -m "added curl" debian hackingday/debian:v001
  • docker run -i -t --name hackingday-001 hackingday/debian:v001 /bin/bash
  • docker commit -m "added jabba" hackingday-001 hackingday/debian:v002

Now we are adding a few jdk´s


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