With this template you can quick generate the minimum required components needed to host a static website in Amazon S3
- Create the S3 bucket
- Deploy your website code files
- View the page on the internet
Navigate to the infra directory
cd infra
Run the script
bash deployInfra.sh
When prompted Specify if you want to update or create this stack (update/create) specify create
If the stack is created successfully you will receive an output containing the StackId
"StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation....."
Go the CloudFormation in the AWS console to verify if the stack created your resources successfully.
Run this to see if your bucket exists
aws s3api list-buckets --query "Buckets[].Name" --profile your-aws-profile --region us-east-1
Navigate to the infra directory
cd infra
Run the script
bash deployContent.sh
You should see some upload logs if everything is going well.
Sync S3 bucket starting...
upload: ../src/error.html to s3://my-s3-bucket-website-demo/error.html
upload: ../src/index.html to s3://my-s3-bucket-website-demo/index.html
Sync S3 bucket completed...
After completing the steps above you should be able navigate to the new website.
Find the URL in the AWS Console, S3, Properties
tab, Static website hosting