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CJ-JAM Unpolarized DIS Database Homepage


"Extraction of the neutron F2 structure function from inclusive proton and deuteron deep-inelastic scattering data", Shujie Li, Alberto Accardi, Ishara. P. Fernando, Cynthia E. Keppel, Wally Melnitchouk, Peter Monaghan, Gabriel Niculescu, Maria I. Niculescu, Jeff. F. Owens arXiv:2309.16851.

See also

  • CTEQ-JLab collaboration website.
  • note for reduced cross section and F2 calculation.

Contact us:

This database is maintained by Alberto Accardi (accardi at jlab org) and Shujie Li (shujieli at lbl gov). Feedback is welcome. Please contact us for bug fix, or adding new data sets.

New collaborators are always welcome!!

World DIS data tables

World proton and deuteron data of unploarized DIS cross sections, F2 structure functions, and the longitudinal to transverse cross section ratio R are collected or extracted from various experiments. Data were collected for the CJ global fit and related analysis. Now open for general use. See details under the data directory.

Neutron F2 extraction

Based on the collected F2 data, we performed a data-driven extraction of neutron F2 and neutron-to-proton F2n/F2p ratio within the CJ15 framework (see eq. 7-9 in reference for details). Data from all experiemnts are cross-normalized and combined into a single Excel file, both in the original kineamtics, as well as rebinned in Q^2. Check the f2n directory.

Structure function grids

Within CJ framework, we calculated various structure functions (F2, F3, FL, etc) at given x, Q^2 grids. Results are provided under folder SFN_grids in the LHAPDF format. An example plotting script is available at src/