This repository is a collection of CLAS12 collaboration event generators, mostly in the form of git submodules, plus a central build "system". Builds for these generators are supported on the CLAS12 Open Science Grid portal, locally at JLab, and via CVMFS.
name | description | maintainer |
clasdis | SIDIS MC based on PEPSI LUND MC | Harut Avakian |
claspyth | SIDIS full event generator based on PYTHIA | Harut Avakian |
clas-stringspinner | SIDIS PYTHIA with hadronization spin effects | Christopher Dilks |
dvcsgen | DVCS/pi0/eta generator based on GPD and PDF parameterizations | Harut Avakian |
genKYandOnePion | KY, pi0P and pi+N | Valerii Klimenko |
inclusive-dis-rad | Inclusive electron and optionally radiative photon using PDFs | Harut Avakian |
tcsgen | Timelike Compton Scattering | Rafayel Paremuzyan |
jpsigen | J/Psi photoproduction | Rafayel Paremuzyan |
twopeg | pi+pi- electroproduction off protons | Iuliia Skorodumina |
clas12-elspectro | General electroproduction final states | Derek Glazier |
MCEGENpiN_radcorr | Exclusive single pion electroproduction based on MAID | Maksim Davydov |
deep-pipi-gen | Deep double pion production | Dilini Bulumulla |
genepi | Photon and meson electroproduction | Noémie Pilleuxi |
onepigen | Single charged pion production based on AO/Daresbury/MAID | Nick Tyler |
GiBUU | Quark and hadron propagation in nuclear media | Ahmed El Alaoui |
- A git repository for your source code is required, ideally at or
- Make sure to include the describing the generator, its options, and requirements
- Have a working build system (for example a Makefile)
- Satisfy the more detailed requirements described below
New, Upcoming Requirements in 2025
--ebeam #[.#]
must be accepted as a valid argument, and, if beam energy is a user configuration parameter for the generator, honored and used
should set default kinematic parameters reasonably appropriate for standard CLAS12 acceptance, i.e., not send a bunch of electron down the beampipe
- C/C++/Fortran/python3, with a working GNU make or cmake build system compliant with GCC no less than 9.0
- The top level README file should contain:
- The location of the executable(s) and any shared libraries produced and required at runtime
- Required environment variables
- Documentation on all command-line options
- The executable to be used on OSG should have the same name as the github repository name and be runnable from any current working directory
- The default output LUND filename should be the same as the executable +
. For example, the output of clasdis must beclasdis.dat
- The follow command-line arguments are always passed to all generators on OSG:
--trig #
must be honored and used to specify the number of events to generate.--docker
must be accepted as a valid argument and can be ignored or used for setting conditions for OSG.--seed #
must be accepted as a valid argument and can be ignored or used to initialize the event generator's RNG. Its value is a 32-bit RNG seed based on system clock with microsecond precision. If--seed
is ignored, the generator is responsible for choosing unique random seeds, without preserving state between jobs, which can be done from a millisecond or better precision system clock.
- A git tag to reference for including the generator as a submodule into this repository. Note versions.txt stores the current versions for insertion into the data stream.
- Note, currently CLAS12's OSG web submission portal does not support configuration files for event generators, so users' runtime options must be supported via command-line options.
- Some generators do that via a wrapper script that generates a configuration file on-the-fly.
- If there's popular demand for it, support for user-defined configuration files could be added.