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Merge pull request #70 from JeffersonLab/develop
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This merges develop back to master, to start the running during APEX with a stable baseline engine.
  • Loading branch information
paulmking authored Feb 8, 2019
2 parents 9764b16 + 3db38dc commit 4d495cb
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Showing 227 changed files with 26,473 additions and 3,980 deletions.
13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,13 +38,24 @@ qwparity_simple

# Directories

# output

#tmp files

# setup files
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
sudo: required
- docker

- docker build -t jeffersonlab/japan .

- docker login -u "$DOCKER_USERNAME" -p "$DOCKER_PASSWORD";
- if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "master" ] ; then
docker tag jeffersonlab/japan jeffersonlab/japan:latest ;
docker push jeffersonlab/japan:latest ;
docker tag jeffersonlab/japan jeffersonlab/japan:$TRAVIS_BRANCH ;
docker push jeffersonlab/japan:$TRAVIS_BRANCH ;

328 changes: 328 additions & 0 deletions Analysis/include/QwADC18_Channel.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
* File: QwADC18_Channel.h *
* *
* Author: P. M. King, W. Deconinck, B. Michaels *

#ifndef __QwADC18_CHANNEL__
#define __QwADC18_CHANNEL__

// System headers
#include <vector>

// Qweak headers
#include "VQwHardwareChannel.h"
#include "MQwMockable.h"

// Forward declarations
class TTree;
class QwBlinder;
class QwParameterFile;
#ifdef __USE_DATABASE__
class QwErrDBInterface;

/// \ingroup QwAnalysis_ADC
/// \ingroup QwAnalysis_BL
class QwADC18_Channel: public VQwHardwareChannel, public MQwMockable {
* Class: QwADC18_Channel
* Base class containing decoding functions for the HAPPEX 18-bit ADC
* The functions in this class will decode a single channel
* worth of ADC18_Channel data and provide the components
* through member functions.
static Int_t GetBufferOffset(Int_t moduleindex, Int_t channelindex);
static void PrintErrorCounterHead();
static void PrintErrorCounterTail();

static const Double_t kTimePerSample;

using MQwMockable::LoadMockDataParameters;

using VQwHardwareChannel::GetRawValue;
using VQwHardwareChannel::GetValue;
using VQwHardwareChannel::GetValueM2;
using VQwHardwareChannel::GetValueError;
using VQwHardwareChannel::GetValueWidth;

using VQwHardwareChannel::AccumulateRunningSum;
using VQwHardwareChannel::DeaccumulateRunningSum;

QwADC18_Channel(): MQwMockable() {
SetADC18SaturationLimt(8.5);//FIXME set the default saturation limit
QwADC18_Channel(TString name, TString datatosave = "raw"): MQwMockable() {
InitializeChannel(name, datatosave);
SetADC18SaturationLimt(8.5);//FIXME set the default saturation limit
QwADC18_Channel(const QwADC18_Channel& value):
VQwHardwareChannel(value), MQwMockable(value),
*this = value;
QwADC18_Channel(const QwADC18_Channel& value, VQwDataElement::EDataToSave datatosave):
VQwHardwareChannel(value,datatosave), MQwMockable(value),
*this = value;
virtual ~QwADC18_Channel() { };

/// \brief Initialize the fields in this object
void InitializeChannel(TString name, TString datatosave);

/// \brief Initialize the fields in this object
void InitializeChannel(TString subsystem, TString instrumenttype, TString name, TString datatosave);

void LoadChannelParameters(QwParameterFile &paramfile);

// Will update the default sample size for the module.
void SetDefaultSampleSize(size_t num_samples_map) {
// This will be checked against the no.of samples read by the module
fNumberOfSamples_map = num_samples_map;

void ClearEventData();

/// Internally generate random event data
void RandomizeEventData(int helicity = 0.0, double time = 0.0);

/// Forces the event "number of samples" varible to be what was expected from the mapfile.
/// NOTE: this should only be used in mock data generation!
void ForceMapfileSampleSize() {fNumberOfSamples = fNumberOfSamples_map;};

virtual void SmearByResolution(double resolution);

void SetEventData(Double_t value);
void SetRawEventData();

/// Encode the event data into a CODA buffer
void EncodeEventData(std::vector<UInt_t> &buffer);

/// Decode the event data from a CODA buffer
Bool_t IsHeaderWord(UInt_t word) const;
Int_t ProcessDataWord(UInt_t word);
Int_t ProcessEvBuffer(UInt_t* buffer, UInt_t num_words_left, UInt_t index = 0);

/// Process the event data according to pedestal and calibration factor
void ProcessEvent();

QwADC18_Channel& operator= (const QwADC18_Channel &value);
void AssignScaledValue(const QwADC18_Channel &value, Double_t scale);
void AssignValueFrom(const VQwDataElement* valueptr);
void AddValueFrom(const VQwHardwareChannel* valueptr);
void SubtractValueFrom(const VQwHardwareChannel* valueptr);
void MultiplyBy(const VQwHardwareChannel* valueptr);
void DivideBy(const VQwHardwareChannel* valueptr);
void ArcTan(const QwADC18_Channel &value);

QwADC18_Channel& operator+= (const QwADC18_Channel &value);
QwADC18_Channel& operator-= (const QwADC18_Channel &value);
QwADC18_Channel& operator*= (const QwADC18_Channel &value);

VQwHardwareChannel& operator+=(const VQwHardwareChannel* input);
VQwHardwareChannel& operator-=(const VQwHardwareChannel* input);
VQwHardwareChannel& operator*=(const VQwHardwareChannel* input);
VQwHardwareChannel& operator/=(const VQwHardwareChannel* input);

const QwADC18_Channel operator+ (const QwADC18_Channel &value) const;
const QwADC18_Channel operator- (const QwADC18_Channel &value) const;
const QwADC18_Channel operator* (const QwADC18_Channel &value) const;
void Sum(const QwADC18_Channel &value1, const QwADC18_Channel &value2);
void Difference(const QwADC18_Channel &value1, const QwADC18_Channel &value2);
void Ratio(const QwADC18_Channel &numer, const QwADC18_Channel &denom);
void Product(const QwADC18_Channel &value1, const QwADC18_Channel &value2);
void DivideBy(const QwADC18_Channel& denom);
void AddChannelOffset(Double_t Offset);
void Scale(Double_t Offset);

inline void AccumulateRunningSum(const QwADC18_Channel& value){
AccumulateRunningSum(value, value.fGoodEventCount);
void AccumulateRunningSum(const QwADC18_Channel& value, Int_t count);
void AccumulateRunningSum(const VQwHardwareChannel *value, Int_t count){
const QwADC18_Channel *tmp_ptr = dynamic_cast<const QwADC18_Channel*>(value);
if (tmp_ptr != NULL) AccumulateRunningSum(*tmp_ptr, count);
////deaccumulate one value from the running sum
inline void DeaccumulateRunningSum(const QwADC18_Channel& value){
AccumulateRunningSum(value, -1);
void DeaccumulateRunningSum(VQwHardwareChannel *value){
const QwADC18_Channel *tmp_ptr = dynamic_cast<const QwADC18_Channel*>(value);
if (tmp_ptr != NULL) DeaccumulateRunningSum(*tmp_ptr);

void CalculateRunningAverage();

Bool_t MatchSequenceNumber(size_t seqnum);
Bool_t MatchNumberOfSamples(size_t numsamp);

/*Event cut related routines*/
//check values read from modules are at desired level
Bool_t ApplySingleEventCuts(Double_t LL, Double_t UL);
//check values read from modules are at desired level by comparing upper and lower limits (fULimit and fLLimit) set on this channel
Bool_t ApplySingleEventCuts();
// report number of events failed due to HW and event cut faliure
void PrintErrorCounters() const;

// FIXME Set the absolute staturation limit in volts
void SetADC18SaturationLimt(Double_t sat_volts = 8.5){
fSaturationABSLimit = sat_volts;

// Get the absolute staturation limit in volts
Double_t GetADC18SaturationLimt(){
return fSaturationABSLimit;

// Check for harware errors in the devices. This will return the device error code.
Int_t ApplyHWChecks();

// Update the error counters based on the internal fErrorFlag
void IncrementErrorCounters();


Int_t GetRawValue(size_t element) const { return fValue_Raw; };
Double_t GetValue(size_t element) const { return fValue; };
Double_t GetValueM2(size_t element) const { return fValueM2; };
Double_t GetValueError(size_t element) const { return fValueError; };

void ConstructHistograms(TDirectory *folder, TString &prefix);
void FillHistograms();

void ConstructBranchAndVector(TTree *tree, TString &prefix, std::vector<Double_t> &values);
void ConstructBranch(TTree *tree, TString &prefix);
void FillTreeVector(std::vector<Double_t> &values) const;

Double_t GetAverageVolts() const;

size_t GetSequenceNumber() const {return (fSequenceNumber);};
size_t GetNumberOfSamples() const {return (fNumberOfSamples);};

void SetCalibrationToVolts(){SetCalibrationFactor(kADC18_VoltsPerBit);};

friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const QwADC18_Channel& channel);
void PrintValue() const;
void PrintInfo() const;

/// \brief Blind this channel as an asymmetry
void Blind(const QwBlinder *blinder);
/// \brief Blind this channel as a difference
void Blind(const QwBlinder *blinder, const QwADC18_Channel& yield);

void ScaledAdd(Double_t scale, const VQwHardwareChannel *value);

#ifdef __USE_DATABASE__
// Error Counters exist in QwADC18_Channel, not in VQwHardwareChannel
void AddErrEntriesToList(std::vector<QwErrDBInterface> &row_list);

QwADC18_Channel& operator/= (const QwADC18_Channel &value);

UInt_t fDiff_Raw;
UInt_t fBase_Raw;
UInt_t fPeak_Raw;
UInt_t fValue_Raw;

Double_t fValue;
Double_t fValueM2;
Double_t fValueError;

static const Bool_t kDEBUG;
static const Int_t kHeaderWordsPerBank; //no.of header words per bank in the CODA buffer
static const Int_t kFooterWordsPerBank; //no.of footer words per bank in the CODA buffer
static const Int_t kHeaderWordsPerModule; //no.of header words per module in the CODA buffer
static const Int_t kFooterWordsPerModule; //no.of footer words per module in the CODA buffer
static const Int_t kDataWordsPerChannel; //no.of data words per channel in the CODA buffer
static const Int_t kMaxChannels; //no.of channels per module

static const UInt_t mask31x; // = 0x80000000; // Header bit mask
static const UInt_t mask3029x; // = 0x60000000; // Channel number mask
static const UInt_t mask2625x; // = 0x06000000; // Divider value mask
static const UInt_t mask2422x; // = 0x01c00000; // Data type mask
static const UInt_t mask21x; // = 0x00200000; // Data type 0 value sign mask
static const UInt_t mask200x; // = 0x001fffff; // Data type 0 value field mask
static const UInt_t mask2118x; // = 0x003c0000; // Data types 1-2 sample number mask
static const UInt_t mask170x; // = 0x0003ffff; // Data types 1-2 value field mask
static const UInt_t mask150x; // = 0x0000ffff; // Data type 4 value field mask

/// Pointer to the running sum for this channel
QwADC18_Channel* fRunningSum;

/// Pointer to the DAC channel for this channel
QwADC18_Channel* fDAC;

/*! \name ADC Calibration */
// @{
static const Double_t kADC18_VoltsPerBit;

/*! \name Channel information data members */

/*! \name Channel configuration data members */
// @{

size_t fSequenceNumber; ///< Event sequence number for this channel
size_t fPreviousSequenceNumber; ///< Previous event sequence number for this channel
size_t fNumberOfSamples; ///< Number of samples read through the module
size_t fNumberOfSamples_map; ///< Number of samples in the expected to read through the module. This value is set in the QwBeamline map file

// Set of error counters for each HW test.
Int_t fErrorCount_HWSat; ///< check to see ADC channel is saturated
Int_t fErrorCount_sample; ///< for sample size check
Int_t fErrorCount_SW_HW; ///< HW_sum==SW_sum check
Int_t fErrorCount_Sequence; ///< sequence number check
Int_t fErrorCount_SameHW; ///< check to see ADC returning same HW value
Int_t fErrorCount_ZeroHW; ///< check to see ADC returning zero

Int_t fNumEvtsWithEventCutsRejected; ///< Counts the Event cut rejected events

Int_t fADC_Same_NumEvt; ///< Keep track of how many events with same ADC value returned
Int_t fSequenceNo_Prev; ///< Keep the sequence number of the last event
Int_t fSequenceNo_Counter; ///< Internal counter to keep track of the sequence number
Double_t fPrev_HardwareBlockSum; ///< Previous Module-based sum of the four sub-blocks

Double_t fSaturationABSLimit;///<absolute value of the ADC18 saturation volt

const static Bool_t bDEBUG=kFALSE;///<debugging display purposes

///<For ADC18 data element trimming uses
Bool_t bHw_sum;
Bool_t bHw_sum_raw;
Bool_t bBlock;
Bool_t bBlock_raw;
Bool_t bNum_samples;
Bool_t bDevice_Error_Code;
Bool_t bSequence_number;



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