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Using gazebo_ros_control for the Jaco arm

Jennifer Buehler edited this page Oct 23, 2020 · 7 revisions

You can use the gazebo_ros_control packages to add joint controllers which implement the ros_control hardware interfaces. See also this Gazebo tutorial. Example launch and configuration files used in this wiki page are from the package jaco_arm/jaco_gazebo and jaco_tutorial/jaco_on_table.

There are some limitations with using the gazebo_ros_control package. It works fine with position controllers, but if you would like to send velocity commands instead, also position controllers are required. See this wiki page for more details about this issue.
The current DefaultRobotHWSim implemenation does not support this, you can only use velocity or position controllers. However, it still works more or less well with velocity commands only (tested on Ubuntu 14.04/Jade), but it is not a stable solution at this stage.

Note about Gazebo plugin

Ensure that the following gazebo plugin is loaded with the model in the URDF:

        <plugin name="gazebo_ros_control" filename="">

The example set-up with jaco on the table used in the following already includes this.

Install dependencies

You will need to install the ros_control packages. For example on Jade:

sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-ros-control ros-<distro>-ros-controllers

Also, you have to have the package gazebo_ros_control.

Note for Jade

The library may actually not be included in the Ubuntu repository of gazebo_ros for Jade yet (it was not at the time of writing, January 2016). To fix this, you can load it into your catkin workdpace separately:

cd <your catkin_workspace>/src
git clone

Then, you may delete all folders except gazebo_ros_control (or you may leave them there to overlay your ubuntu packages).

Quick howto

First, load up the jaco simulation and the controllers:

roslaunch jaco_on_table jaco_on_table_gazebo_controlled.launch load_ros_controllers:=true load_velocity_controller:=false

The argument load_ros_controllers triggers loading up the ros_control controllers instead of using the gazebo_joint_control implementation.
By default, velocity controllers are loaded. If you would like to use position controllers instead, you can specify the additional argument load_velocity_controller:=false. With the ROS controllers, you can either load velocity or position controllers, so setting this argument to false will automatically select position controllers.

The robot will collapse at first, until the controllers are loaded. You may now control the robot by sending command messages, e.g. with

rostopic pub -1 /jaco/jaco_arm_1_joint_position_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 "data: -1"

or you may use RQT as described in the Gazebo control tutorial.

rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui

If you would like to try out sending velocity commands instead of position commands:

roslaunch jaco_on_table jaco_on_table_gazebo_controlled.launch load_ros_controllers:=true load_velocity_controller:=true

The argument load_velocity_controller can be skipped as it defaults to true. It can be used to switch between positon and velocity controllers.

The arm should slowly sink down. This is the problem described here with using velocity commands only.
You can now send velocity commands to the robot, use for example

rostopic pub -1 /jaco/jaco_arm_0_joint_velocity_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 "data: 1"

to make the arm rotate around its first joint. Or, use the RQT gui to publish command messages.

Adjusting parameters

The gazebo_ros_control Gazebo plugin implements a few joint control methods (EffortJointInterface, PositionJointInterface or VelocityJointInterface; see also implementation of DefaultRobotHWSim, in particular methods initSim() and writeSim()).
At the time of writing, all of these methods use PID controllers. A template of the configuration for the Jaco robot is provided in config/JacoControl.yaml:

rosed jaco_gazebo JacoControl.yaml

This YAML file will be loaded onto the parameter server by the example launch file jaco_on_table_gazebo_controlled.launch.
When loading velocity controllers, other PID values are used than when using position controllers. You can adjust PID values for both position and velocity controllers in the YAML configuration file.

The jaco_on_table_gazebo_controlled.launch file can also be used as a template to load your own robot with the Jaco arm. You can also change the configuration YAML file to be loaded in this launch file:

rosed jaco_on_table jaco_on_table_gazebo_controlled.launch

Note that this launch file also offers the option to load up the gazebo_joint_control implementation to control the joints. So you only need to pay attention to the settings when argument load_ros_controllers:=true.

Using your own launch file

After you load up your robot with the jaco arm, you will also need to load the controllers. The jaco_on_table_gazebo_controlled.launch example already does this for you. Similarly, your own launch file can.

You can use a launch file like this for example to load up the position controllers:

  <!-- Load joint controller configurations from YAML file to parameter server -->
  <rosparam file="$(find jaco_gazebo)/config/JacoControl.yaml" command="load"/>

  <!-- load the controllers -->
  <node name="controller_spawner" pkg="controller_manager" type="spawner" respawn="false"
    output="screen" ns="/jaco" 

Or use the launch file provided in this package as a template / starting point to create your own launch file:

roslaunch jaco_gazebo jaco_control.launch

The Gazebo controller DefaultRobotHWSim has to be loaded from within a Gazebo model plugin (see also gazebo control tutorial), for example the one implemented in GazeboRosControlPlugin. Gazebo "model plugins" have to be loaded from within the URDF file. The jaco_on_table_gazebo_controlled.launch file uses urdf/gzplugin_ros_control.urdf.xacro to load the Gazebo plugin for the Jaco robot on the table.

Referenced wiki pages