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🐛 Bug
🐛 Bug
Report bugs or errors affecting the bot's functionality.
Pull requests that update a dependency file
📖 Dependencies
📖 Dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
📝 Documentation
📝 Documentation
Requests or updates related to guides, README, or project documentation.
🚀 Enhancement
🚀 Enhancement
Propose new features or suggest improvements to existing functionality.
🖥️ GUI
🖥️ GUI
Issues or enhancements related to the graphical user interface.
🔑 Key Binding
🔑 Key Binding
Concerns with configuring or managing the trigger key.
📏 Offsets
📏 Offsets
Report or update offsets values utilized by the bot.
⚡ Performance
⚡ Performance
Address concerns about speed, optimization, or resource usage.
Pull requests that update python code
❓ Question
❓ Question
Inquire about the bot or seek clarifications regarding its functionality.
🛠️ Refactor
🛠️ Refactor
Focus on codebase restructuring or improvements without altering behavior.
✅ Resolved
✅ Resolved
Indicate issues that have been successfully addressed and closed.
🔐 Security
🔐 Security
Fixing security issues
❌ Wontfix
❌ Wontfix
Mark issues that are out of scope or will not be addressed.