Name | Type | Description | Notes |
url | string | The link to the current resource | [optional] |
id | int | The id | [optional] |
name | string | The name | [optional] |
short_name | string | The short name | [optional] |
web_enabled | bool | Should this be shown on web | [optional] |
web_edit_enabled | bool | Should this be editable on web | [optional] |
valid | bool | Is this valid for use | [optional] |
sequence | int | Sequence for ordering | [optional] |
allows_data_access | bool | Indicates that this function will allow a user to access data | [optional] |
roles | \Membercare\Client\Model\BoardMemberCategoryRole[] | Roles and rights applied to this boardFunction | [optional] |
max_months | int | This is the max amount of months a BoardFuction can last. Null is equal to infinity | [optional] |
roles_propagate_to_hierarchy | bool | Indicates that the board member category roles of this board function propagates to all organizations in the underlying physical hierarchy | [optional] |
use_board_membership_sequence | bool | Indicates whether the BoardMember.Sequence should be appended to the category | [optional] |