Package was generated and renamed as Membercare by Jess J Nielsen
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: v1
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.php.PhpClientCodegen For more information, please visit
PHP 5.5 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
"jessjnielsen/membercare-apiclient-php": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new Membercare\Client\Api\AddressesApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$id = 789; // int |
$token = "token_example"; // string | access token
try {
$apiInstance->deleteAddress($id, $token);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AddressesApi->deleteAddress: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
$apiInstance = new Membercare\Client\Api\AddressesApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$id = 789; // int |
$token = "token_example"; // string | access token
try {
$apiInstance->deleteInvoiceAddress($id, $token);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AddressesApi->deleteInvoiceAddress: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
$apiInstance = new Membercare\Client\Api\AddressesApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$id = 789; // int |
$token = "token_example"; // string | access token
try {
$apiInstance->deleteReaddressing($id, $token);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AddressesApi->deleteReaddressing: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
$apiInstance = new Membercare\Client\Api\AddressesApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$token = "token_example"; // string | access token
$page = 1; // int |
$page_size = 50; // int |
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getAddressCategories($token, $page, $page_size);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AddressesApi->getAddressCategories: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
$apiInstance = new Membercare\Client\Api\AddressesApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$token = "token_example"; // string | access token
$page = 1; // int |
$page_size = 50; // int |
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getCounties($token, $page, $page_size);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AddressesApi->getCounties: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
$apiInstance = new Membercare\Client\Api\AddressesApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$token = "token_example"; // string | access token
$page = 1; // int |
$page_size = 50; // int |
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getCountries($token, $page, $page_size);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AddressesApi->getCountries: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
$apiInstance = new Membercare\Client\Api\AddressesApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$iso2_letter = "iso2_letter_example"; // string | A two-letter country code.
$token = "token_example"; // string | access token
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getCountry($iso2_letter, $token);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AddressesApi->getCountry: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
$apiInstance = new Membercare\Client\Api\AddressesApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$token = "token_example"; // string | access token
$iso2_letter = "iso2_letter_example"; // string | A two-letter country code.
$zip_code = "zip_code_example"; // string |
$street = "street_example"; // string |
$house_number = "house_number_example"; // string |
$letter = "letter_example"; // string |
$membership_category_context = new \Membercare\Client\Model\UnitTypeContextFlag(); // \Membercare\Client\Model\UnitTypeContextFlag | 1 = Person 2 = Company
$include_subscription_definitions = false; // bool |
$page = 1; // int |
$page_size = 50; // int |
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getMembershipCategoriesFromCountryZipCodeStreetHouseNumber($token, $iso2_letter, $zip_code, $street, $house_number, $letter, $membership_category_context, $include_subscription_definitions, $page, $page_size);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AddressesApi->getMembershipCategoriesFromCountryZipCodeStreetHouseNumber: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
$apiInstance = new Membercare\Client\Api\AddressesApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$token = "token_example"; // string | access token
$county_official_code = "county_official_code_example"; // string | possible to filter by County by using the officialCode
$country_iso2_letter_code = "country_iso2_letter_code_example"; // string | possible to filter by country by using the 2 letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
$page = 1; // int |
$page_size = 50; // int |
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getMunicipalities($token, $county_official_code, $country_iso2_letter_code, $page, $page_size);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AddressesApi->getMunicipalities: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
$apiInstance = new Membercare\Client\Api\AddressesApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$iso2_letter = "iso2_letter_example"; // string | A two-letter country code.
$token = "token_example"; // string | access token
$page = 1; // int |
$page_size = 50; // int |
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getPostalCodesByCountryCodeApi($iso2_letter, $token, $page, $page_size);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AddressesApi->getPostalCodesByCountryCodeApi: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
$apiInstance = new Membercare\Client\Api\AddressesApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$token = "token_example"; // string | access token
$id = 789; // int |
$body = new \Membercare\Client\Model\AddressLinkPatch(); // \Membercare\Client\Model\AddressLinkPatch |
try {
$apiInstance->patchInvoiceAddress($token, $id, $body);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AddressesApi->patchInvoiceAddress: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
$apiInstance = new Membercare\Client\Api\AddressesApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$token = "token_example"; // string | access token
$id = 789; // int |
$body = new \Membercare\Client\Model\AddressLinkPatch(); // \Membercare\Client\Model\AddressLinkPatch |
try {
$apiInstance->patchReaddressing($token, $id, $body);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AddressesApi->patchReaddressing: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
$apiInstance = new Membercare\Client\Api\AddressesApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$token = "token_example"; // string | access token
$iso2_letter = "iso2_letter_example"; // string | A two-letter country code.
$body = new \Membercare\Client\Model\PostalCode(); // \Membercare\Client\Model\PostalCode |
try {
$result = $apiInstance->postPostalCodesToCountryCodeApi($token, $iso2_letter, $body);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AddressesApi->postPostalCodesToCountryCodeApi: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
$apiInstance = new Membercare\Client\Api\AddressesApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$token = "token_example"; // string | access token
$body = new \Membercare\Client\Model\PostalAddressSearchCriteria(); // \Membercare\Client\Model\PostalAddressSearchCriteria |
$page = 1; // int |
$page_size = 50; // int |
try {
$result = $apiInstance->postSearchPostalAddress($token, $body, $page, $page_size);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AddressesApi->postSearchPostalAddress: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to /
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AddressesApi | deleteAddress | DELETE /api/v1/addresses/address/{id} | Deletes an address |
AddressesApi | deleteInvoiceAddress | DELETE /api/v1/addresses/invoiceAddresses/{id} | Deletes an invoice address |
AddressesApi | deleteReaddressing | DELETE /api/v1/addresses/readdressing/{id} | Deletes an readdressing |
AddressesApi | getAddressCategories | GET /api/v1/addresses/addressCategories | Gets a list of address categories available in the system |
AddressesApi | getCounties | GET /api/v1/addresses/counties | Gets a list of counties available in the system |
AddressesApi | getCountries | GET /api/v1/addresses/countries | Gets a list of countries available in the system |
AddressesApi | getCountry | GET /api/v1/addresses/countries/{iso2Letter} | Gets the country with the provided two-letter country code. |
AddressesApi | getMembershipCategoriesFromCountryZipCodeStreetHouseNumber | GET /api/v1/addresses/membershipCategories | |
AddressesApi | getMunicipalities | GET /api/v1/addresses/municipalities | Gets a list of municipalities available in the system |
AddressesApi | getPostalCodesByCountryCodeApi | GET /api/v1/addresses/countries/{iso2Letter}/postalCodes | Gets the postal codes from the country with the provided two-letter country code. |
AddressesApi | patchInvoiceAddress | PATCH /api/v1/addresses/invoiceAddresses/{id} | Patch start or end date on an invoice address |
AddressesApi | patchReaddressing | PATCH /api/v1/addresses/readdressing/{id} | Patch start or end date on a readdressing |
AddressesApi | postPostalCodesToCountryCodeApi | POST /api/v1/addresses/countries/{iso2Letter}/postalCodes | Create a postal codes in the country with the provided two-letter country code. |
AddressesApi | postSearchPostalAddress | POST /api/v1/addresses/postalAddresses/search | |
ArrangementApi | allowedParticipantCategoriesApi | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/allowedParticipantCategories | Get allowed participant categories of the arrangement, for the given person. |
ArrangementApi | allowedParticipantCategoriesByEnroller | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/allowedParticipantCategoriesByEnroller | Get allowed participant categories of the arrangement, for the given person. |
ArrangementApi | apiV1ArrangementsInternalIdParticipantCategoriesGet | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participantCategories | Get allowed participant categories of the arrangement, for the given person. |
ArrangementApi | apiV1ArrangementsInternalIdParticipantCategoriesIdPatch | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participantCategories/{id} | Updates a allowed participant category |
ArrangementApi | apiV1ArrangementsInternalIdParticipantCategoriesIdPut | PUT /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participantCategories/{id} | Updates a allowed participant category |
ArrangementApi | apiV1ArrangementsInternalIdParticipantCategoryIdDelete | DELETE /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participantCategory/{id} | Removes an allowed participant category from the given arrangement |
ArrangementApi | apiV1ArrangementsInternalIdParticipantCategoryPost | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participantCategory | Adds an allowed participant category to the given arrangement |
ArrangementApi | calculateBestPriceServiceToEnroll | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/calculator/bestprice | Get the set of calculated transactions with the best price from a list of serviceToEnroll. If you send more than one Discount/Subsidy, we will find the cheapest combination. |
ArrangementApi | calculateServiceToEnrollApi | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/calculator | Get calculated transactions from a list of serviceToEnroll. |
ArrangementApi | cancellationReasonsApi | GET /api/v1/arrangements/cancellationReasons | Gets all valid cancellation reasons |
ArrangementApi | deleteAllowedParticipantCategoryFromSession | DELETE /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/Sessions/{sessionId}/allowedParticipantCategories/{id} | Removes an allowed participant category from the given arrangement |
ArrangementApi | deleteArrangementAreas | DELETE /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/areas/{id} | Deletes an association between an ArrangementArea and an Arrangement. |
ArrangementApi | deleteArrangementCategories | DELETE /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/categories/{id} | Deletes an association between an ArrangementCategory and an Arrangement. |
ArrangementApi | deleteArrangementGroups | DELETE /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/groups/{id} | Deletes an association between an ArrangementGroup and an Arrangement. |
ArrangementApi | deleteArrangementHotel | DELETE /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/Hotels/{id} | |
ArrangementApi | deleteArrangementPlaces | DELETE /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/Places/{id} | |
ArrangementApi | deleteArrangementSequence | DELETE /api/v1/arrangements/sequence/{sequenceIdentification}/{internalId} | |
ArrangementApi | deleteArrangementServices | DELETE /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/{id} | |
ArrangementApi | deleteArrangementSessionsService | DELETE /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/Sessions/{sessionId}/Services/{id} | |
ArrangementApi | deleteArrangementSubCategories | DELETE /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/subCategories/{id} | Deletes an association between an ArrangementSubCategory and an Arrangement. |
ArrangementApi | deleteArrangementTransactionParticipantService | DELETE /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/Participants/{participantId}/Services/{id} | Delete course transaction from arrangment based on participant and service |
ArrangementApi | deleteEventCrew | DELETE /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/crew/{id} | Removes a member from the crew |
ArrangementApi | deleteParticipantCategory | DELETE /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/allowedParticipantCategories/{id} | Removes an allowed participant category from the given arrangement |
ArrangementApi | deleteSession | DELETE /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/sessions/{id} | |
ArrangementApi | deleteSessionServiceCourseTransaction | DELETE /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/Participants/{participantId}/Sessions/{sessionId}/Services/{serviceId} | Deletes a course transaction from a service attached to a specifik participant who participates in a specific session |
ArrangementApi | deleteSessionTrack | DELETE /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/Tracks/{id} | Deletes a SessionTrack |
ArrangementApi | getAllowedParticipantCategoryFromSession | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/Sessions/{sessionId}/allowedParticipantCategories | |
ArrangementApi | getArrangement | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId} | Get a specific arrangement by it's InternalId |
ArrangementApi | getArrangementAreas | GET /api/v1/arrangements/areas | Gets all Arrangement areas |
ArrangementApi | getArrangementCategories | GET /api/v1/arrangements/categories | Gets all Arrangement categories |
ArrangementApi | getArrangementCrew | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/crew | Gets an Arrangment's crew members |
ArrangementApi | getArrangementGroups | GET /api/v1/arrangements/groups | Gets all Arrangement groups |
ArrangementApi | getArrangementHotels | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/Hotels | Gets hotels for an arrangement |
ArrangementApi | getArrangementNotifications | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/notifications | Get notifications of a given arrangement |
ArrangementApi | getArrangementPLaces | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/Places | Gets an arrangement's places |
ArrangementApi | getArrangementParticipantsByGlobalSearch | POST /api/v1/arrangements/participants/search | Under development but stable. Currently supports the following combinations: (IncludeCancelled) OR (ArrangementStartsAfter, ArrangementStartsBefore) OR (RepresentersDebtorAccountNumbers) |
ArrangementApi | getArrangementParticipantsBySearch | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participants/search | Under development but stable. Currently supports the following combinations: (InternalId, IncludeParticipating, IncludeCancelled, IncludeOnWaitingList) OR (InternalId, DebtorAccountNumbers) OR (InternalId, DebtorAccountNumbers, ArrangementStartsAfter) OR (InternalId, DebtorAccountNumbers, ArrangementStartsBefore) OR (InternalId, DebtorAccountNumbers, ArrangementStartsAfter, ArrangementStartsBefore) |
ArrangementApi | getArrangementQuestions | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/Questions | Gets the list of questions associated to the arrangement |
ArrangementApi | getArrangementSearch | POST /api/v1/arrangements/search | Gets arrangements by search criterias When searching by custom fields it is necessary to provide only objects containing {"type": {"identifier": XX},"value": "XX"} |
ArrangementApi | getArrangementSections | GET /api/v1/arrangements/sections | Gets all Arrangement groups |
ArrangementApi | getArrangementSubCategories | GET /api/v1/arrangements/subCategories | Gets all Arrangement sub categories |
ArrangementApi | getArrangementTracks | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{InternalId}/Tracks | Gets tracks for an arrangment internalId |
ArrangementApi | getArrangements | GET /api/v1/arrangements | Retrieves a paged result of arrangements with startdate after the given startsAfter date. |
ArrangementApi | getArrangementsInSequence | GET /api/v1/arrangements/sequence/{sequenceIdentification} | Retrieves a paged result of arrangements in a sequence with startdate after the given startsAfter date. |
ArrangementApi | getCustomFieldValuesForArrangement | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/customFields/values | Retrieves a paged result of all CustomFieldValues for the arrangement with given internalId |
ArrangementApi | getEventCrewCategories | GET /api/v1/arrangements/crewCategories | Get CrewCategories |
ArrangementApi | getEventInvitationByArrangementInternalIdAndInvitationIdentification | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/invitation/{identification} | Gets event invitation by the given event id and invitation code |
ArrangementApi | getOrganizationsForCurrentAndFutureEvents | GET /api/v1/arrangements/currentAndFuture/organizations | Get a paged result of organizations that the current and future events belong to |
ArrangementApi | getParticipantCategories | GET /api/v1/arrangements/participantCategories | Gets Participant Categories. |
ArrangementApi | getParticipantsCancelled | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participants/cancelled | Get a paged result of participants who are no longer enrolled in the arrangement |
ArrangementApi | getParticipantsOnWaitingList | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participants/waitingList | Get a paged result of participants on waiting list in the arrangement |
ArrangementApi | getSessions | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/Sessions | Returns all sessions for the conference |
ArrangementApi | participantAllServicesApi | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participantCategories/{participantCategoryId}/servicesAndSessionServices | Get all services including session services for the given debtorAccountNumber and participantCategoryId, that the participant is allowed to purchase. |
ArrangementApi | participantApi | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participants/{debtorAccountNumber} | Get a participant participating in the arrangement |
ArrangementApi | participantEnrollmentApi | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participants | Enroll a list of participants (wrapped inside an enrollment object). Include a Payment object if the enrollment should be registered as paid. |
ArrangementApi | participantInvoicesApi | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participants/{debtorAccountNumber}/invoices | Get a paged result of a participants invoices, for the given arrangement. |
ArrangementApi | participantPayEnrollmentApi | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participants/payment | FOR USE BY GROUPCARE ONLY! TAKES TOO MANY ASSUMPTIONS TO BE USED IN A GENERAL MANNER! |
ArrangementApi | participantServicesApi | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participantCategories/{participantCategoryId}/services | Get services for the given debtorAccountNumber and participantCategoryId, that the participant is allowed to purchase. |
ArrangementApi | participantsApi | GET /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participants | Get a paged result of participants participating in the arrangement |
ArrangementApi | patchAllowedParticipantCategory | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/allowedParticipantCategories/{id} | Updates a allowed participant category |
ArrangementApi | patchArrangement | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId} | Patch an arrangement of type Course |
ArrangementApi | patchArrangementCrew | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/crew/{id} | |
ArrangementApi | patchArrangementHotel | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/Hotels/{id} | |
ArrangementApi | patchArrangementParticipant | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participants/{participantId} | Updates a participant |
ArrangementApi | patchArrangementPlace | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/places/{id} | Updates a place |
ArrangementApi | patchEventInvitation | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/invitation/{identification} | Updates status of an event invitation |
ArrangementApi | patchEventParticipations | POST /api/v1/arrangements/participants/addServices | Enrolls additional services to signed up event participations |
ArrangementApi | patchServicesCancellation | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/cancellation | Updates a cancellation service |
ArrangementApi | patchServicesCompanion | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/companion | Updates a companion service |
ArrangementApi | patchServicesDiscount | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/discount | Updates a discount service |
ArrangementApi | patchServicesHotelRoom | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/hotelRoom | Updates a hotel room service |
ArrangementApi | patchServicesRegular | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/regular | Updates a regular service |
ArrangementApi | patchServicesSessionsCompanion | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/sessions/{sessionId}/services/companion | Updates a companion service |
ArrangementApi | patchServicesSessionsRegular | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/sessions/{sessionId}/services/regular | Updates a regular service |
ArrangementApi | patchServicesSubsidy | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/subsidy | Updates a subsidy service |
ArrangementApi | patchSession | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/sessions/{id} | Updates a Session |
ArrangementApi | patchSessionTrack | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/tracks/{id} | Updates a SessionTrack |
ArrangementApi | patchSessionsAllowedParticipantCategory | PATCH /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/sessions/{sessionId}/allowedParticipantCategories/{id} | Updates a allowed participant category |
ArrangementApi | postAllowedParticipantCategory | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/allowedParticipantCategories | Adds an allowed participant category to the given arrangement |
ArrangementApi | postArrangement | POST /api/v1/arrangements | Creates an arrangement |
ArrangementApi | postArrangementAnswers | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participant/{debtorAccountNumber}/answers | Post answers for a participant in a given arrangement |
ArrangementApi | postArrangementAreas | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/areas | Associates an ArrangementArea with an Arrangement. If Configuration AllowMultiSelectOnArea is false all other area associations is deleted first. |
ArrangementApi | postArrangementCancellation | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/cancellation | Cancel the arrangement |
ArrangementApi | postArrangementCategories | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/categories | Associates an ArrangementCategory with an Arrangement. If Configuration AllowMultiSelectOnCategory is false all other category associations is deleted first. |
ArrangementApi | postArrangementGroups | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/groups | Associates an ArrangementGroup with an Arrangement. If Configuration AllowMultiSelectOnGroup is false all other group associations is deleted first. |
ArrangementApi | postArrangementHotel | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/Hotels | |
ArrangementApi | postArrangementNewSequence | POST /api/v1/arrangements/sequence/{internalId} | |
ArrangementApi | postArrangementParticipantWorkListItem | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participants/{debtorAccountNumber}/worklistItem | Will insert a worklist item with regards to the participation |
ArrangementApi | postArrangementPlace | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/places | Creates a place |
ArrangementApi | postArrangementRegularService | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/service | Adds a regular service to the given arrangement |
ArrangementApi | postArrangementSequence | POST /api/v1/arrangements/sequence/{sequenceIdentification}/{internalId} | |
ArrangementApi | postArrangementSubCategories | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/subCategories | Associates an ArrangementSubCategory with an Arrangement. If Configuration AllowMultiSelectOnSubCategory is false all other subcategory associations is deleted first. |
ArrangementApi | postArrangementsByCustomFieldAndValue | POST /api/v1/arrangements/search/by/customField | Gets arrangements by customFieldValue. Please provide an object containing: {"type": {"identifier": XX},"value": "XX"} |
ArrangementApi | postCustomFieldValueForArrangement | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/customFields/values | Takes a CustomFieldValue, and inserts it for the given arrangement internal id. Note that the following values Must be assigned: - CustomFieldValue.Type.Id - CustomFieldValue.StartDate - CustomFieldValue.Value - Optional, the EndDate can be assigned - Optional, the Description can be assigned |
ArrangementApi | postEventCrew | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/crew | Adds a new member to the crew |
ArrangementApi | postParticipantAttendance | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participants/{participantId}/attendance | Set attendance for a Participant for the arrangement |
ArrangementApi | postParticipantCancellation | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participants/{participantId}/cancellation | Cancel participation of a Participant for all participations on the arrangement |
ArrangementApi | postParticipantServices | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participants/{participantId}/services | Adds a service to a participant |
ArrangementApi | postParticipantSession | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participants/{participantId}/sessions | Associates a Participant with a Session |
ArrangementApi | postParticipantSessionServices | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participants/{participantId}/sessions/{sessionId}/services | Adds a service to a participant on a specific session |
ArrangementApi | postParticipantSessionsCancellation | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participants/{participantId}/sessions/{sessionId}/cancellation | Cancel participation of a participant for the given session |
ArrangementApi | postServicesCancellation | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/cancellation | Creates a cancellation service |
ArrangementApi | postServicesCompanion | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/companion | Creates a companion service |
ArrangementApi | postServicesDiscount | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/discount | Creates a discount service |
ArrangementApi | postServicesHotelRoom | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/hotelRoom | Creates a hotel room service |
ArrangementApi | postServicesRegular | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/regular | Creates a regular service |
ArrangementApi | postServicesSessionsCompanion | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/sessions/{sessionId}/services/companion | Creates a companion service for the given Session |
ArrangementApi | postServicesSessionsRegular | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/sessions/{sessionId}/services/regular | Creates a regular service for the given Session |
ArrangementApi | postServicesSubsidy | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/subsidy | Creates a subsidy service |
ArrangementApi | postSession | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/sessions | Creates a Session |
ArrangementApi | postSessionTrack | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/tracks | Creates a SessionTrack |
ArrangementApi | postSessionsAllowedParticipantCategory | POST /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/sessions/{sessionId}/allowedParticipantCategories | Creates a allowed participant category |
ArrangementApi | putAllowedParticipantCategory | PUT /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/allowedParticipantCategories/{id} | Updates a allowed participant category |
ArrangementApi | putArrangement | PUT /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId} | Patch an arrangement of type Course |
ArrangementApi | putArrangementHotel | PUT /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/Hotels/{id} | |
ArrangementApi | putArrangementParticipant | PUT /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/participants/{participantId} | Updates a participant |
ArrangementApi | putArrangementPlace | PUT /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/places/{id} | Updates a place |
ArrangementApi | putServicesCancellation | PUT /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/cancellation | Updates a cancellation service |
ArrangementApi | putServicesCompanion | PUT /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/companion | Updates a companion service |
ArrangementApi | putServicesDiscount | PUT /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/discount | Updates a discount service |
ArrangementApi | putServicesHotelRoom | PUT /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/hotelRoom | Updates a hotel room service |
ArrangementApi | putServicesRegular | PUT /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/regular | Updates a regular service |
ArrangementApi | putServicesSessionsCompanion | PUT /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/sessions/{sessionId}/services/companion | Updates a companion service |
ArrangementApi | putServicesSessionsRegular | PUT /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/sessions/{sessionId}/services/regular | Updates a regular service |
ArrangementApi | putServicesSubsidy | PUT /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/services/subsidy | Updates a subsidy service |
ArrangementApi | putSession | PUT /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/sessions/{id} | Updates a Session |
ArrangementApi | putSessionTrack | PUT /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/tracks/{id} | Updates a SessionTrack |
ArrangementApi | putSessionsAllowedParticipantCategory | PUT /api/v1/arrangements/{internalId}/sessions/{sessionId}/allowedParticipantCategories/{id} | Updates a allowed participant category |
ArrangementTemplatesApi | getArrangementTemplate | GET /api/v1/arrangementTemplates/{id} | Get arrangement templates with the provided id |
ArrangementTemplatesApi | getArrangementTemplates | GET /api/v1/arrangementTemplates | Get arrangement templates |
ArrangementTemplatesApi | postArrangementTemplates | POST /api/v1/arrangementTemplates | Create an arrangement via a specific arrangement template |
BoardMembershipApi | deleteBoardMembership | DELETE /api/v1/boardMemberships/{id} | Delete the boardMembership |
BoardMembershipApi | getBoardFunctionsByOrganizations | POST /api/v1/boardMemberships/boardFunctions/search | Search board functions by organization identifications. |
BoardMembershipApi | patchBoardMembership | PATCH /api/v1/boardMemberships/{id} | Patch the boardMembership |
BoardMembershipApi | postBoardMembership | POST /api/v1/boardMemberships | Post boardMembership |
CertificationApi | getCertificationCertificates | GET /api/v1/certifications/{debtorAccountNumber}/Certificates | Retrieves a list of certificates for the person with the given debtor account number |
CommunityGroupApi | getCommunityFileChanges | GET /api/v1/communityGroups/Changes/Files | Get a paged result of community files changes for all groups. |
CommunityGroupApi | getCommunityFileChangesByGroup | GET /api/v1/communityGroups/{groupId}/Changes/Files | Get a paged result of community file changes for the chosen group. |
CommunityGroupApi | getCommunityGroup | GET /api/v1/communityGroups/{groupId} | Get a community group with origin |
CommunityGroupApi | getCommunityGroupAnnouncementChanges | GET /api/v1/communityGroups/Changes/Announcements | Get a paged result of community group announcement changes for all groups. |
CommunityGroupApi | getCommunityGroupAnnouncementChangesByGroup | GET /api/v1/communityGroups/{groupId}/Changes/Announcements | Get a paged result of community group announcement changes for the chosen group. |
CommunityGroupApi | getCommunityGroupMeetingChanges | GET /api/v1/communityGroups/Changes/Meetings | Get a paged result of community group meeting changes for all groups. |
CommunityGroupApi | getCommunityGroupMeetingChangesByGroup | GET /api/v1/communityGroups/{groupId}/Changes/Meetings | Get a paged result of community group meeting changes for the chosen group. |
CommunityGroupApi | getCommunityGroupMembers | GET /api/v1/communityGroups/{groupId}/Members | Get members of a community group |
CommunityGroupApi | getCommunityGroupMessageChanges | GET /api/v1/communityGroups/Changes/Messages | Get a paged result of community group message changes for all groups. |
CommunityGroupApi | getCommunityGroupMessageChangesByGroup | GET /api/v1/communityGroups/{groupId}/Changes/Messages | Get a paged result of community group message changes for the chosen group. |
CommunityGroupApi | getCommunityGroups | GET /api/v1/communityGroups | Get a paged result of community groups with origin |
CompanyApi | companyApi | GET /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber} | Retrieves a Company with the given DebtorAccountNumber |
CompanyApi | companyEmploymentsApi | GET /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/employments | Retrieves a paged result of employments that the company have. |
CompanyApi | companySearchApi | GET /api/v1/companies/search | Get a paged result of companies that match the search string in either debtorAccountNumber or name or CVR or SE. |
CompanyApi | deleteCompanyForeignSystem | DELETE /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/foreignSystem/{id} | Disassociate ForeignSystem with a Company |
CompanyApi | deleteInterestForCompany | DELETE /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/interests | Ends the interest |
CompanyApi | deleteProductionNumber | DELETE /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/cvr/{registrationNumberCvr}/productionNumbers/{id} | Deletes a production number |
CompanyApi | deleteRegistrationNumberCVR | DELETE /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/cvr/{id} | Deletes a RegistrationNumber (CVR) |
CompanyApi | deleteRegistrationNumberNorwegianCompanyNumber | DELETE /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/norwegianCompanyNumber/{id} | Deletes a RegistrationNumber (Norwegian Company Number) |
CompanyApi | deleteRegistrationNumberRut | DELETE /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/rut/{id} | Deletes a RegistrationNumber (RUT) |
CompanyApi | deleteRegistrationNumberSe | DELETE /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/se/{id} | Deletes a RegistrationNumber (SE) |
CompanyApi | deleteRegistrationNumberSwedishCompanyNumber | DELETE /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/swedishCompanyNumber/{id} | Deletes a RegistrationNumber (Swedish Company Number) |
CompanyApi | deleteRegistrationNumberVat | DELETE /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/vat/{id} | Deletes a RegistrationNumber (VAT) |
CompanyApi | getBoardMembershipsForCompany | GET /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/boardMemberships | Get a paged result of boardmemberships. |
CompanyApi | getBusinessActivityCodes | GET /api/v1/companies/businessActivityCodes | Get all Business Activity Codes |
CompanyApi | getCompaniesByCompanyCategory | GET /api/v1/companies/companyCategories/{companyCategoryId}/companies | Get all Companies with a specific category |
CompanyApi | getCompanyCategories | GET /api/v1/companies/companyCategories | Get all Company Categories |
CompanyApi | getCompanyCloseReasons | GET /api/v1/companies/closeReasons | Returns a list of CloseReasons |
CompanyApi | getCompanyForeignSystem | GET /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/foreignSystem/{id} | Get Companies via ForeignSystem |
CompanyApi | getCompanyHierarchyCategories | GET /api/v1/companies/hierarchyCategories | Gets a list of the companys hierarchy categories |
CompanyApi | getCompanyHierarchyDown | GET /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/hierarchy/down | Gets a list of the companys hierarchy down related companies. |
CompanyApi | getCompanyHierarchyUp | GET /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/hierarchy/up | Gets a list of the companys hierarchy up related companies. |
CompanyApi | getCompanySubscriptions | GET /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/subscriptions | Get a companys subscriptions |
CompanyApi | getCustomFieldValuesForCompany | GET /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/customFields/values | Retrieves a paged result of all CustomFieldValues for the company with the given DebtorAccountNumber |
CompanyApi | getInterestsForCompany | GET /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/interests | Get the company's interests |
CompanyApi | getMembershipsForCompany | GET /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/memberships | Get a paged result of memberships. |
CompanyApi | getProductionNumbers | GET /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/cvr/{registrationNumberCvr}/productionNumbers | Gets production number by company debtor account number and a registration number cvr Id |
CompanyApi | getRegistrationNumberCvr | GET /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/cvr | Get current active CVR registration number |
CompanyApi | getRegistrationNumberNorwegianCompanyNumber | GET /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/norwegianCompanyNumber | Get current active Norwegian Company Number registration number |
CompanyApi | getRegistrationNumberRut | GET /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/rut | Get current active RUT registration numbers |
CompanyApi | getRegistrationNumberSe | GET /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/se | Get current active SE registration numbers |
CompanyApi | getRegistrationNumberSwedishCompanyNumber | GET /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/swedishCompanyNumber | Get current active Swedish Company registration number |
CompanyApi | getRegistrationNumberVat | GET /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/vat | Gets current active VAT registration number |
CompanyApi | getValidCompanies | GET /api/v1/companies | Get a paged result of companies. |
CompanyApi | patchCompany | PATCH /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber} | Patches a Company |
CompanyApi | patchCompanyPostalAddress | PATCH /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/postalAddress/{id} | Patch the postalAddress |
CompanyApi | patchProductionNumber | PATCH /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/cvr/{registrationNumberCvr}/productionNumbers/{id} | Patches a ProductionNumber |
CompanyApi | patchRegistrationNumberCVR | PATCH /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/cvr/{id} | Patch a RegistrationNumber (CVR) |
CompanyApi | patchRegistrationNumberNorwegianCompanyNumber | PATCH /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/norwegianCompanyNumber/{id} | Patches a Norwegian Company Number registration number for a Company |
CompanyApi | patchRegistrationNumberRUT | PATCH /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/rut/{id} | Patches a RUT Registration number for a Company |
CompanyApi | patchRegistrationNumberSE | PATCH /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/se/{Id} | Patches a registration number (SE) |
CompanyApi | patchRegistrationNumberSwedishCompanyNumber | PATCH /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/swedishCompanyNumber/{id} | Patches a Swedish Company Number registration number for a Company |
CompanyApi | patchRegistrationNumberVAT | PATCH /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/vat/{id} | Patches a VAT registration number for a Company |
CompanyApi | postAddressesForCompany | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtoraccountnumber}/addresses | Takes a list of postaladdress, and inserts it for the given DebtorAccountNumber. Note that the following values Must be assigned: - debtorAccountNumber - list of postaladdress (body object) |
CompanyApi | postBusinessActivityToProductionNumber | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/productionNumbers/{productionNumber}/businessActivities | Inserts a businessActivity on the Production Number |
CompanyApi | postBusinessActivityToRegistrationNumber | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/{registrationNumber}/businessActivities | Inserts a businessActivity on the RegistrationNumber Number |
CompanyApi | postCompany | POST /api/v1/companies | Creates a new Company. The properties debtorAccountNumber, name, nameHistory, businessNumbers, addresses, invoiceAddresses, readdressings and contacts must not be provided and will result in a BadRequest. closeDate and closeReason are ignored. |
CompanyApi | postCompanyForeignSystem | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/foreignSystem/{id} | Associate ForeignSystem with a Company |
CompanyApi | postCompanyHierarchyDown | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/hierarchy/down | Creates a CompanyHierarchy where the Company in the provided CompanyHierarchy will be child. In the provided CompanyHierarchy object it is enough to provide the 'debtorAccountNumber' property on the Company object. In the provided CompanyHierarchy object it is enough to provide the 'id' property on the CompanyHierarchyCategory object. |
CompanyApi | postCompanyHierarchyUp | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/hierarchy/up | Creates a CompanyHierarchy where the Company in the provided CompanyHierarchy will be parent. In the provided CompanyHierarchy object it is enough to provide the 'debtorAccountNumber' property on the Company object. In the provided CompanyHierarchy object it is enough to provide the 'id' property on the CompanyHierarchyCategory object. |
CompanyApi | postCompanyInvoiceAddress | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtoraccountnumber}/invoiceAddresses | Create an invoice address |
CompanyApi | postCompanyReaddressing | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtoraccountnumber}/readdressing | Create a readdressing |
CompanyApi | postCompanySearchCriteria | POST /api/v1/companies/search | Retrieves a list of companies that match criteria in request body, e.g. email domain name, website |
CompanyApi | postCompanyWorkListItem | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/worklistItem | Will insert a worklist item with regards to the company |
CompanyApi | postContactsForCompany | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtoraccountnumber}/contacts | Takes a list of contacts, and inserts it for the given DebtorAccountNumber. Note that the following values Must be assigned: - debtorAccountNumber - list of contacts (body object) |
CompanyApi | postCustomFieldValueForCompany | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/customFields/values | Takes a CustomFieldValue, and inserts it for the given Debtor. Note that the following values Must be assigned: - CustomFieldValue.Type.Id - CustomFieldValue.StartDate - CustomFieldValue.Value - Optional, the EndDate can be assigned - Optional, the Description can be assigned |
CompanyApi | postInterestForCompany | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/interests | Saves the interest |
CompanyApi | postMembershipCompany | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/memberships | Creates a membership for a company MembershipCategory, ApplicationDate, AffiliateDate, ApplicationStatus are mandatory. |
CompanyApi | postProductionNumber | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/cvr/{registrationNumberCvr}/productionNumbers | Creates a ProductionNumber |
CompanyApi | postRegistrationNumberCvr | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/cvr | Post a RegistrationNumber (CVR) |
CompanyApi | postRegistrationNumberNorwegianCompanyNumber | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/norwegianCompanyNumber | Posts a RegistrationNumber Norwegian Company Number |
CompanyApi | postRegistrationNumberRut | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/rut | Post a RegistrationNumber (RUT) |
CompanyApi | postRegistrationNumberSe | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/se | Post a RegistrationNumber (SE) |
CompanyApi | postRegistrationNumberSwedishCompanyNumber | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/swedishCompanyNumber | Posts a RegistrationNumber Swedish Company Number |
CompanyApi | postRegistrationNumberVat | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/vat | Creates a RegistrationNumber (VAT) |
CompanyApi | postSubscriptionCompany | POST /api/v1/companies/{debtoraccountnumber}/subscriptions | The Subscriber property on Subscription will need to have a property telling which type the member is eg. "$type": "Membercare.REST.Models.v1.Company.Company, Membercare.REST.Models" for companies The Recipient property on Subscription will need to have a property telling which type the member is eg. "$type": "Membercare.REST.Models.v1.Company.Company, Membercare.REST.Models" for companies The Payer property on Subscription will need to have a property telling which type the member is eg. "$type": "Membercare.REST.Models.v1.Company.Company, Membercare.REST.Models" for companies |
CompanyApi | putBusinessActivity | PUT /api/v1/companies/businessActivities/{id} | Updates a Business Activity's activityType, start and end |
CompanyApi | putCompany | PUT /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber} | Updates a Company |
CompanyApi | putCompanyHierarchy | PUT /api/v1/companies/hierarchy | Updates StartDate, EndDate and Description. Other properties are ignored. |
CompanyApi | putProductionNumber | PUT /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/cvr/{registrationNumberCvr}/productionNumbers/{id} | Puts a ProductionNumber |
CompanyApi | putRegistrationNumberCvr | PUT /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/cvr/{id} | Puts a RegistrationNumber (CVR) |
CompanyApi | putRegistrationNumberNorwegianCompanyNumber | PUT /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/norwegianCompanyNumber | Puts a RegistrationNumber Norwegian Company Number |
CompanyApi | putRegistrationNumberRut | PUT /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/rut/{id} | Put a RegistrationNumber (RUT) |
CompanyApi | putRegistrationNumberSe | PUT /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/se/{Id} | Put a RegistrationNumber (SE) |
CompanyApi | putRegistrationNumberSwedishCompanyNumber | PUT /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/swedishCompanyNumber | Puts a RegistrationNumber (Swedish Company Number) |
CompanyApi | putRegistrationNumberVat | PUT /api/v1/companies/{debtorAccountNumber}/registrationNumbers/vat/{id} | Puts a VAT registration number for a Company |
ConfigurationApi | areDuplicateEmailsAllowed | GET /api/v1/configuration/areDuplicateEmailsAllowed | Check if duplicate emails are allowed |
CreditCardApi | deleteCreditCard | DELETE /api/v1/creditcards/{creditCardIdentification} | Method to delete a credit card and it's payment gateway subscription |
CreditCardApi | getCreditCardsByDebtorAccountNumber | GET /api/v1/creditcards/{debtorAccountNumber} | Get saved credit cards by debtor account number |
CreditCardApi | postCreditCard | POST /api/v1/creditcards/{debtorAccountNumber} | Method to save a credit card subscription information |
CreditCardApi | updateCreditCard | PATCH /api/v1/creditcards/{creditCardIdentification} | Method to save a credit card subscription information |
CustomFieldApi | customFieldTypeApi | GET /api/v1/customFields/types/{id} | Retrieves a specific CustomFieldType which corresponds to the given identifier. |
CustomFieldApi | customFieldTypesApi | GET /api/v1/customFields/types | Retrieves a paged result of all CustomFieldTypes defined in Membercare |
CustomFieldApi | customFieldValueApi | GET /api/v1/customFields/values/{id} | Retrieves a specific CustomFieldValue which corresponds to the passed identifier. |
CustomFieldApi | customFieldValuesApi | GET /api/v1/customFields/types/{id}/values | Retrieves a paged result of all CustomFieldValues for the given CustomFieldType |
CustomFieldApi | deleteCustomFieldTableValueOrganization | DELETE /api/v1/customFields/tablevalue/{id}/organizations | Delete link between organization and Customfieldtablevalue |
CustomFieldApi | deleteCustomFieldTypeOrganization | DELETE /api/v1/customFields/types/{id}/organizations | Removes the connection between the customfieldDefinition and the organization |
CustomFieldApi | deleteCustomFieldValue | DELETE /api/v1/customFields/values/{id} | Deletes a custom field value |
CustomFieldApi | deleteCustomFieldValueDEPRECATED | DELETE /api/v1/customFields/customfieldvalue/{id} | Deletes a custom field value |
CustomFieldApi | postCustomFieldTableValueOrganization | POST /api/v1/customFields/tablevalue/{id}/organizations | Create link between organization and Customfieldtablevalue |
CustomFieldApi | postCustomFieldTableValueString | POST /api/v1/customFields/tables/{id}/values | Save a new table value of type "string" on a customfield table |
CustomFieldApi | postCustomFieldTypeOrganization | POST /api/v1/customFields/types/{id}/organizations | Creates a connection between the customfieldDefinition and the organization |
CustomFieldApi | putCustomFieldValue | PUT /api/v1/customFields/values | Takes a CustomFieldValue, and updates its StartDate, EndDate and Value. Note that the following values Must be assigned: - CustomFieldValue.Id - CustomFieldValue.StartDate - CustomFieldValue.Value - Optional, the EndDate can be assigned - Optional, the Description can be assigned |
DebtorApi | debtorApi | GET /api/v1/debtors/{debtorAccountNumber} | Gets a Debtor by the given debtorAccountNumber |
DebtorApi | debtorsApi | GET /api/v1/debtors | Gets Debtors that has changed after the given date. |
DebtorApi | deleteOpenPaymentByExternalId | DELETE /api/v1/debtors/payments/open/byExternalId/{externalid} | Deletes all open payments matching given external id. |
DebtorApi | deleteOpenPaymentById | DELETE /api/v1/debtors/payments/open/byId/{id} | Deletes an open payment by given id. |
DebtorApi | getBalanceByDebtorAccountNumber | GET /api/v1/debtors/{debtorAccountNumber}/balance | Gets balance of a Debtor by the given debtorAccountNumber |
DebtorApi | getDebtorsBalance | GET /api/v1/debtors/balance | Gets balance of a Debtor by the given debtorAccountNumber |
DebtorApi | getImportExports | GET /api/v1/debtors/{debtorAccountNumber}/invoiceExports | Gets InvoiceExports of a Debtor by the given debtorAccountNumber |
DebtorApi | getOpenPayments | GET /api/v1/debtors/{debtorAccountNumber}/payments/open | Method returns a paged list of open payments. The paged result includes a summary and links to next and prevoius page. |
DebtorApi | getUpdatedImportExport | GET /api/v1/debtors/{debtorAccountNumber}/updatedInvoiceExport | Method returns InvoiceExport for currently due invoices. Will create a new one of if one doesn't exist or if it is outdated |
DebtorApi | invoicesByDebtorApi | GET /api/v1/debtors/{debtorAccountNumber}/invoices | Returns all invoices which has the given DebtorAccountNumber as the payer. |
DebtorApi | postOpenPayment | POST /api/v1/debtors/{debtorAccountNumber}/payments/open | Method adds an open payment with no invoice to match |
DocumentApi | getDocument | GET /api/v1/documents/{identification} | Returns a document |
DocumentApi | postDocuments | POST /api/v1/documents | Saves the document in the database |
EducationApi | getEducationsBySearchString | GET /api/v1/educations | Get a paged result of educations. |
EmailApi | insertEmailApi | POST /api/v1/emails/queue | Enqueues the e-mails in the Membercare e-mail queue. |
EmailApi | personByEmailApi | GET /api/v1/emails/{emailAddress}/persons | Checks if the provided email address already exists as an valid email adresse. Get all persons with a given e-mail at a specifik point in time. |
EmailApi | postEmailToMany | POST /api/v1/emails/queue2 | EXPERIMENTAL - WILL BE SUBJECT TO BREAKING CHANGES - DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION - Enqueues an e-mail for multiple receivers in the Membercare e-mail queue. |
EmailApi | sendEmail | POST /api/v1/emails/send | Sends the email directly without enqueuing it |
EmploymentApi | getAgreements | GET /api/v1/employments/agreements | Get agreements |
EmploymentApi | getEmploymentCategories | GET /api/v1/employments/categories | Get the employment Categories |
EmploymentApi | getOccupationTitles | GET /api/v1/employments/occupationtitles | Get the occupation titles |
EmploymentApi | postEmploymentWorklistItem | POST /api/v1/employments/{id}/worklistItem | Will insert a worklist item with regards to the employment |
EmploymentApi | putEmployment | PUT /api/v1/employments | Set new values to the specified employment |
ExternalLoginApi | deleteExternalLogin | DELETE /api/v1/externalLogins | Deletes an External login association by given externallogin info |
ExternalLoginApi | getExternalLoginInfoByProviderInfo | GET /api/v1/externalLogins | Retrieves external login information by given externallogin info |
ExternalLoginApi | postExternalLogin | POST /api/v1/externalLogins/externallogin | Saves external login information after successful authentication by the login provider |
ExternalPurchaseApi | postExternalOrderApi | POST /api/v1/externalPurchase | Inserts an external purchased order with payment if given. |
FeeApi | defaultPeriodApi | GET /api/v1/fee/periods/default | Gets the default period |
FeeApi | feeAmountAllApi | GET /api/v1/fee/member/{debtorAccountNumber}/amounts/all | Gets all amount for the provided debtoraccountnumber |
FeeApi | feeAmountApi | GET /api/v1/fee/member/{debtorAccountNumber}/amounts | Gets all amount for the provided debtoraccountnumber |
FeeApi | feeAmountCategoryApi | GET /api/v1/fee/amountCategories | Gets all amount categories. |
FeeApi | feeAmountRegistationCategoriesApi | GET /api/v1/fee/registrationCategories | Gets all registration categories. |
FeeApi | feeAmountReporterApi | GET /api/v1/fee/member/{debtorAccountNumber}/reporter | Gets the reporter for the provided member debtorAccountNumber |
FeeApi | getCompaniesForFeeAmountReporter | GET /api/v1/fee/reporter/{debtorAccountNumber}/companies | Get the companies for which the person is registered as fee amount reporter |
FeeApi | getFeeServices | GET /api/v1/fee/services/{identification} | UNDER DEVELOPMENT! Will give you a list of fee Services based on the provided criteria |
FeeApi | getPreviousFeePeriod | GET /api/v1/fee/period/{id}/previousPeriod | Get previos fee period from the given period id |
FeeApi | periodApi | GET /api/v1/fee/periods/{yearPeriod} | Gets the period by the provided yearperiod |
FeeApi | periodsApi | GET /api/v1/fee/periods | Gets all periods in the system |
FeeApi | postCommunicationPreferenceApi | POST /api/v1/fee/member/{debtorAccountNumber}/communicationPreference | Sets feeamount communication preference for the member with the provided debtoraccountnumber |
FeeApi | postFeeAmountsApi | POST /api/v1/fee/member/{debtorAccountNumber}/amounts | Inserts amounts |
FeeApi | postFeeMemberSpecificEmail | POST /api/v1/fee/member/{debtorAccountNumber}/specificEmail | Sets feeamount specific email address for the member with the provided debtoraccountnumber |
FeeApi | postFeeServicesAndGetFeeServiceTransactions | POST /api/v1/fee/calculator | Receives a list of FeeServices, a yearPeriod, membership startdate and a membership enddate |
FeeApi | postReporterApi | POST /api/v1/fee/member/{debtorAccountNumber}/reporter | Inserts/Updates feeamount reporter. |
ForeignSystemApi | deleteFoerignSystem | DELETE /api/v1/foreignSystems/{id} | Delete a ForeginSystem |
ForeignSystemApi | getCompaniesByForeignSystem | GET /api/v1/foreignSystems/{id}/companies | Get Persons via ForeginSystem |
ForeignSystemApi | getFoerignSystem | GET /api/v1/foreignSystems/{id} | Get a ForeginSystem |
ForeignSystemApi | getFoerignSystems | GET /api/v1/foreignSystems | Get all ForeginSystems |
ForeignSystemApi | getOrganizationsByForeignSystem | GET /api/v1/foreignSystems/{id}/organizations | Get Organizations via ForeginSystem |
ForeignSystemApi | getPersonsForeignSystem | GET /api/v1/foreignSystems/{id}/persons | Get Persons via ForeignSystem |
ForeignSystemApi | patchFoerignSystem | PATCH /api/v1/foreignSystems/{id} | Update ForeginSystem |
ForeignSystemApi | postFoerignSystem | POST /api/v1/foreignSystems | Create a ForeginSystem |
GeneralDataProctectionRegulationApi | getConsentDeclarationCategories | GET /api/v1/generalDataProctectionRegulation/consentDeclarationCategories | Retrieves ConsentDeclarations ordered by MajorVerson and MinorVersion |
GeneralDataProctectionRegulationApi | getConsentDeclarations | GET /api/v1/generalDataProctectionRegulation/consentDeclarations | Retrieves ConsentDeclarations ordered by MajorVerson and MinorVersion |
GeneralDataProctectionRegulationApi | getCurrentConsentDeclaration | GET /api/v1/generalDataProctectionRegulation/currentConsentDeclaration/{consentDeclarationCategoryId} | Retrieves current ConsentDeclaration |
GeneralDataProctectionRegulationApi | getCurrentTerms | GET /api/v1/generalDataProctectionRegulation/currentTerms | Retrieves current Terms |
GeneralDataProctectionRegulationApi | getTerms | GET /api/v1/generalDataProctectionRegulation/terms | Retrieves Terms ordered by MajorVerson and MinorVersion |
InterestsApi | deleteInterestCategory | DELETE /api/v1/interests/categories/{id} | Tries to delete an Interest Category based on the provided id |
InterestsApi | getInterestCategories | GET /api/v1/interests/categories | Get the interest Categories |
InterestsApi | getInterestCategory | GET /api/v1/interests/categories/{id} | Retrieves a specific interest category based on the provided id |
InterestsApi | getInterestCategoryGroups | GET /api/v1/interests/groups | Get the interest Category Groups |
InterestsApi | patchInterestCategory | PATCH /api/v1/interests/categories/{id} | Tries to patch an Interest Category with the provided properties |
InterestsApi | postInterestCategory | POST /api/v1/interests/categories | Tries to create a new Interest Category |
InterestsApi | putInterestCategory | PUT /api/v1/interests/categories/{id} | Tries to update an Interest Category |
InvoicesApi | arrangementByInvoiceApi | GET /api/v1/invoices/{id}/arrangement | Get a specific arrangement by an invoiceId |
InvoicesApi | invoiceApi | GET /api/v1/invoices/{id} | Retrieves a specific invoice |
InvoicesApi | invoicesApi | GET /api/v1/invoices | Method returns a paged list of Invoices. The paged result includes a summary and links to next and prevoius page. |
InvoicesApi | patchInvoiceApi | PUT /api/v1/invoices/{id} | Updates the financestatus of the invoice with the passed identifier. |
InvoicesApi | patchInvoiceApi_0 | PATCH /api/v1/invoices/{id} | Updates the financestatus of the invoice with the passed identifier. |
InvoicesApi | patchInvoicesApi | PATCH /api/v1/invoices | Updates the financestatus of the invoices. |
InvoicesApi | paymentAPI | GET /api/v1/invoices/{id}/payments | Get all the payments on this Invoice |
InvoicesApi | postPaymentApi | POST /api/v1/invoices/{id}/payments | |
LedgerApi | getLedgerAccounts | GET /api/v1/ledger/accounts | Get ledger accounts (paged) |
LedgerApi | getLedgerBatches | GET /api/v1/ledger/journals | Get ledger journals (paged) |
LedgerApi | getLedgerItemsByAccountNumber | GET /api/v1/ledger/accounts/{accountNumber}/ledgerItems | Get ledger items by account (paged) |
LedgerApi | getLedgerItemsByBatchId | GET /api/v1/ledger/journals/{journalId}/ledgerItems | Get ledger items by journal id (paged) |
LedgerApi | patchLedgerBatchApi | PUT /api/v1/ledger/journals/{journalId} | Updates the financestatus of the ledger journal with the passed identifier. |
LedgerApi | patchLedgerBatchApi_0 | PATCH /api/v1/ledger/journals/{journalId} | Updates the financestatus of the ledger journal with the passed identifier. |
MembershipApi | apiV1MembershipsCategorygroupsIdMembershipsGet | GET /api/v1/memberships/categorygroups/{id}/memberships | Get a paged result of memberships. DEPRECATED USE api/v1/memberships/groups/{id}/memberships |
MembershipApi | deleteMembership | DELETE /api/v1/memberships/{id} | Deletes a membership |
MembershipApi | getAffiliationReasons | GET /api/v1/memberships/affiliationReasons | Returns affiliation reasons in the solution |
MembershipApi | getAffiliationSources | GET /api/v1/memberships/affiliationSources | Returns affiliation sources in the solution |
MembershipApi | getDisaffiliateReasons | GET /api/v1/memberships/disaffiliateReasons | Returns disaffiliate reasons in the solution |
MembershipApi | getMembershipCategoryFeeServices | GET /api/v1/memberships/categories/{Id}/fees | UNDER DEVELOPMENT - NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION USE |
MembershipApi | getMembershipCategorySubscriptionDefinitions | GET /api/v1/memberships/categories/{Id}/subscriptions | UNDER DEVELOPMENT - NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION USE |
MembershipApi | membershipCategoryByGroupApi | GET /api/v1/memberships/groups/{id}/categories | Get a paged result of membership categories. With possibility to only get those with a given category groupid or to a given organization by identificationnumber. |
MembershipApi | membershipCategoryCustomFieldApi | GET /api/v1/memberships/categories/{id}/customFields | Get a paged result of customfields that the given membership categoryid reference to. |
MembershipApi | membershipCategoryGroupApi | GET /api/v1/memberships/groups | Get a paged result of membership category groups. |
MembershipApi | membershipsByCategoryGroupApi | GET /api/v1/memberships/groups/{id}/memberships | Get a paged result of memberships. |
MembershipApi | patchMembership | PATCH /api/v1/memberships | |
MembershipApi | postMembershipWorklistItem | POST /api/v1/memberships/{id}/worklistItem | Will insert a worklist item with regards to the membership |
MembershipApi | putMembership | PUT /api/v1/memberships | NOTE: ApplicationStatusComment is only updated if ApplicationStatus is Rejected |
MembersiteApi | boardmembershipCategoriesByOrganizationsApi | POST /api/v1/membersite/boardFunctions/search | Search board functions by organization identifications. |
MembersiteApi | customFieldTypesAndValuesForPerson | GET /api/v1/membersite/person/{debtorAccountNumber}/customFields/typesAndSelectedValues | Retrieves all CustomFieldTypes and selected values for the given debtor account number |
MembersiteApi | customFieldTypesSearch | POST /api/v1/membersite/customFields/search/types | Gets all CustomFieldTypes for the given custom field definition seach criteria |
MembersiteApi | getArrangmentParticipantByIdentificationKey | GET /api/v1/membersite/arrangements/{identificationKey}/participant | Get event participant by identificationKey |
MembersiteApi | getArrangmentParticipantListAccessStatus | GET /api/v1/membersite/arrangements/{internalId}/participantlist/{debtorAccountNumber}/hasAccess | Get if the person with debtor account number has access the participant list of the arrangement |
MembersiteApi | getAvailableChildMembershipCategoriesByDebtorAccountNumber | GET /api/v1/membersite/myFamily/{debtorAccountNumber}/membershipCategories | |
MembersiteApi | getBoardMembershipsForPersonWithOrganizationsInHierarchy | GET /api/v1/membersite/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/boardmembershipsWithOrganizationsInHierarchy | Get a paged result of boardmemberships with organizations in hierarchy. |
MembersiteApi | getCompaniesForAddingEmploymentsToProfile | GET /api/v1/membersite/profile/employments/availableCompanies | Get Companies to choose from when adding employments to profile. |
MembersiteApi | getCompaniesFromCompanyRegistryForAddingEmploymentsToProfile | GET /api/v1/membersite/profile/employments/{countryCode}/availableCompanies | |
MembersiteApi | getExternalDonationTransactions | GET /api/v1/membersite/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/externalDonationTransactions | Get external donation transactions by the given debtor account number |
MembersiteApi | getFamilyRelationCategories | GET /api/v1/membersite/family/relationCategories | Gets FamilyRelationCategories. |
MembersiteApi | getInternalDonationTransactions | GET /api/v1/membersite/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/internalDonationTransactions | Get internal donation transactions by the given debtor account number |
MembersiteApi | getMemberStatistics | POST /api/v1/membersite/myOrganization/{debtorAccountNumber}/memberStatistics | Get membershipStatistics for 'My organizations'. Based on the users data access in Membercare. |
MembersiteApi | getMembersAndBoardMembersReceivingSmsAndEmail | POST /api/v1/membersite/smsAndEmailRecipients/search | Gets members and board members receiving SMS and e-mail based on params given in the body. |
MembersiteApi | getMyOrganizations | GET /api/v1/membersite/myOrganization/{debtorAccountNumber}/organizations | Get Organizations for 'My organizations'. Based on the users data access in Membercare. |
MembersiteApi | getOverlappingEmployments | GET /api/v1/membersite/employments/{employmentId}/overlapping | Get internal donation transactions by the given debtor account number |
MembersiteApi | getPaymentGatewayNextOrderNumber | GET /api/v1/membersite/paymentGateway/nextOrderNumber | Returns an auto generated next unique order number for payment gateway. |
MembersiteApi | getPersonAccessibleArrangementTemplates | GET /api/v1/membersite/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/arrangementTemplates/accessible | Gets accessible arrangement templates for a person via boardmemberfunction with intersecting organizations |
MembersiteApi | getPersonAccessibleArrangements | GET /api/v1/membersite/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/arrangements/accessible | Gets accessible arrangements for a person via boardmemberfunctions with intersecting organizations |
MembersiteApi | getPersonByOrganization | GET /api/v1/membersite/organizations/{organizationIdentification}/persons/accessible | Gets accessible persons using various measures via organization association |
MembersiteApi | getPersonByOrganizationInHierarchy | GET /api/v1/membersite/organizations/{organizationIdentification}/hierarchy/persons/accessible | Search persons in organization and the underlying hierarchy - Members and board members |
MembersiteApi | getPersonsByDebtorAccountNumberAndBirthDateAsync | GET /api/v1/membersite/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/birthDate/{birthDate} | Search for persons with a specific debtorAccountNumber and birthDate |
MembersiteApi | getPersonsWithBoardMembershipByOrganization | GET /api/v1/membersite/organizations/{organizationIdentification}/persons/hasBoardmembership | Search with search string from persons with board memberships in an organization |
MembersiteApi | getReport | GET /api/v1/membersite/report/{id} | Get a report by its ID |
MembersiteApi | getReportNumberOfViews | GET /api/v1/membersite/reportnumberofviews | Get number of report view |
MembersiteApi | getReports | GET /api/v1/membersite/reports | |
MembersiteApi | getSalesOrganization | GET /api/v1/membersite/myInvoices/salesOrganization | Gets the sales organization and company |
MembersiteApi | membershipMembersAndBalanceInMyOrganizationApi | POST /api/v1/membersite/myOrganization/{debtorAccountNumber}/membersAndBalance | Get a list of membership members in 'My organizations'. Based on the users data access in Membercare. Included is also the balance related to the Member. |
MembersiteApi | membershipMembersAndKeyAffiliateDatesInMyOrganizationApi | POST /api/v1/membersite/myOrganization/{debtorAccountNumber}/membersAndKeyAffiliateDates | Get a paged result of membership members and key affiliate dates in 'My organization'. Based on the users data access in Membercare. |
MembersiteApi | membershipMembersInMyOrganizationApi | GET /api/v1/membersite/myOrganization/{debtorAccountNumber}/members | Get a paged result of membership members in 'My organization'. Based on the users data access in Membercare. |
MembersiteApi | membershipMembersWithDueAmount | POST /api/v1/membersite/myOrganization/{debtorAccountNumber}/membersWithDueAmount | Get a list of membership members in 'My organizations'. Based on the users data access in Membercare. Included is also the due amount related to the Member. |
MembersiteApi | membersiteOrderStagingDataGetByShopOrderId | GET /api/v1/membersite/MembersiteOrderStagingData/{shopOrderId} | |
MembersiteApi | membersiteOrderStagingDataInsert | POST /api/v1/membersite/MembersiteOrderStagingData | |
MembersiteApi | patchMembersiteOrderStagingData | PATCH /api/v1/membersite/MembersiteOrderStagingData/{shopOrderId} | |
MembersiteApi | postBoardMembershipSearchCriteria | POST /api/v1/membersite/myOrganization/search/boardMembers | Get a list of board members based on given search criteria |
MembersiteApi | postCalculatedFeeServices | POST /api/v1/membersite/fee/membershipCategories/transactions | Calculate individual prices for memberships by membership category |
MembersiteApi | postInvoicePayments | POST /api/v1/membersite/invoices/payments | |
MembersiteApi | postMembershipsPurchase | POST /api/v1/membersite/membership/purchase | Purchase memberships |
MembersiteApi | postRegisterMember | POST /api/v1/membersite/membership/registermember | Register memberships |
MembersiteApi | postReportServiceAccessLog | POST /api/v1/membersite/postreportserviceaccesslog | Log an attempted access to a ReportService |
MembersiteApi | smsRecipientsByOrganizations | POST /api/v1/membersite/smsRecipients/search | Gets membership members of the organization given by a Organization identification number. |
OrganizationApi | apiV1OrganizationsOrganizationIdentificationLocalFilesDelete | DELETE /api/v1/organizations/{organizationIdentification}/localFiles | |
OrganizationApi | apiV1OrganizationsOrganizationIdentificationLocalFilesGet | GET /api/v1/organizations/{organizationIdentification}/localFiles | |
OrganizationApi | apiV1OrganizationsOrganizationIdentificationLocalFilesPost | POST /api/v1/organizations/{organizationIdentification}/localFiles | |
OrganizationApi | boardmemberByOrganizationApi | GET /api/v1/organizations/{organizationIdentification}/boardMembers | Gets boardmembers in the organization given by a Organization identification number. |
OrganizationApi | boardmembersByOrganizationsApi | POST /api/v1/organizations/boardMembers/search | Search board functions by organization identifications. |
OrganizationApi | getAllBoardMemberships | GET /api/v1/organizations/boardMembers | Gets ALL boardmembers in the system. |
OrganizationApi | getBoardFunctionLimits | GET /api/v1/organizations/{organizationIdentification}/boardFunctionLimits | Get limits for all boards in an organization |
OrganizationApi | getBoardFunctions | GET /api/v1/organizations/boards/boardFunctions | Get all board functions |
OrganizationApi | getBoardFunctionsByOrganization | GET /api/v1/organizations/{organizationIdentification}/boardFunctions | Get board functions of an organization |
OrganizationApi | getBoardsByOrganization | GET /api/v1/organizations/{organizationIdentification}/boards | Get all boards of an organization |
OrganizationApi | getCustomFieldValuesForOrganization | GET /api/v1/organizations/{organizationIdentification}/customFields/values | Retrieves a paged result of all CustomFieldValues for the organization with given organizationIdentification |
OrganizationApi | getOrganizationsByCategory | GET /api/v1/organizations/categories/{id}/organizations | Get a paged result of Organizations with a given organization categoryid. |
OrganizationApi | membershipCategoryByOrganizationApi | GET /api/v1/organizations/{organizationIdentification}/memberships/categories | Get a paged result of membership categories. With possibility to only get those with a given category groupid or to a given organization by identificationnumber. |
OrganizationApi | membershipCategoryByOrganizations | POST /api/v1/organizations/memberships/categories | Get a paged result of membership categories. With possibility to only get those with a given category groupid or to a given organization by identificationnumber. |
OrganizationApi | membershipMembersByOrganizationApi | GET /api/v1/organizations/{organizationIdentification}/members | Gets membership members of the organization given by a Organization identification number. |
OrganizationApi | organizationApi | GET /api/v1/organizations/{organizationIdentification} | Get an Organization by the given Organization identification number. |
OrganizationApi | organizationCategoriesApi | GET /api/v1/organizations/categories | Gets a paged result of Organization categories. |
OrganizationApi | organizationsApi | GET /api/v1/organizations | Get a paged result of Organizations. |
OrganizationApi | organizationsByDownRelatedOrganizationApi | GET /api/v1/organizations/{organizationIdentification}/childOrganizations | Get a paged result of Organizations. With possibility to only get those with a given organization categoryid. |
OrganizationApi | organizationsByUpRelatedOrganizationApi | GET /api/v1/organizations/{organizationIdentification}/parentOrganizations | Get a paged result of Organizations. With possibility to only get those with a given organization categoryid. |
OrganizationApi | patchOrganization | PATCH /api/v1/organizations/{organizationIdentification} | |
OrganizationApi | postCustomFieldValuesForOrganization | POST /api/v1/organizations/{organizationIdentification}/customFields/values | Takes a CustomFieldValue, and inserts it for the given Debtor. Note that the following values Must be assigned: - CustomFieldValue.Type.Id - CustomFieldValue.StartDate - CustomFieldValue.Value - Optional, the EndDate can be assigned - Optional, the Description can be assigned |
OrganizationApi | postOrganization | POST /api/v1/organizations | |
OrganizationApi | postOrganizationMembershipCategory | POST /api/v1/organizations/{organizationIdentification}/memberships/categories | |
OrganizationApi | postOrganizationsHierarchiesSearch | POST /api/v1/organizations/hierarchies/search | Returns OrganizationHierarchies where the child and parent Organization has the given OrganizationCategories |
PaymentApi | apiV1PaymentsOpenAllDelete | DELETE /api/v1/payments/open/all | Deletes all open payments - use carefully |
PaymentApi | patchPaymentApi | PUT /api/v1/payments/{id} | Updates the status of the payment. NB: only the status is updated other fields are ignored. |
PaymentApi | patchPaymentApi_0 | PATCH /api/v1/payments/{id} | Updates the status of the payment. NB: only the status is updated other fields are ignored. |
PaymentApi | patchPaymentsApi | PATCH /api/v1/payments | Updates the status of the payments. NB: only the status is updated other fields are ignored. |
PersonApi | apiV1PersonsDebtorAccountNumberFamilyPut | PUT /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/family | Updates a given familyRelation. |
PersonApi | changeDebtorAccountNumberOnPerson | PATCH /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/changeDebtorAccountNumber | Change DebtorAccountNumber for a Person |
PersonApi | deleteInterestForPerson | DELETE /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/interests | Ends the interest |
PersonApi | deletePersonDocument | DELETE /api/v1/persons/document/{identification} | Deletes a PersonDocument by document identitifcation |
PersonApi | deletePersonFoerignSystem | DELETE /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/foreignSystem/{id} | Disassociate ForeginSystem with a Person |
PersonApi | deletePersonProfilePicture | DELETE /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/profilePicture | Deletes a person profile picture |
PersonApi | deprecatedPasswordValidation | GET /api/v1/persons/password/validator/{password} | WARNING!!! Not possible to use with complex passwords, due to URL rules! - Please use api/v1/password/validator?password=XXX |
PersonApi | familyRelationPostApi | POST /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/family | Creates a child familyRelation to the person. |
PersonApi | familyRelationsApi | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/family | Retrieves a paged result of all families containing the person with the given debtorAccountNumber. |
PersonApi | getAccessibleOrganizations | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/organizations/accessible | Returns list of accessible ogranizations for the user based on the available data roles |
PersonApi | getBoardMembershipsForPerson | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/boardMemberships | Get a paged result of boardmemberships. |
PersonApi | getCommunityGroupsByDebtorAccountNumber | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/CommunityGroups | Gets community groups and their origin by debtor account number |
PersonApi | getCustomFieldValuesForPerson | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/customFields/values | Retrieves a paged result of all CustomFieldValues for the person with the given DebtorAccountNumber |
PersonApi | getExternalLoginsByDebtorAccountNumber | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/externalLogins | Gets all external logins the user is currently associated to |
PersonApi | getInterestsForPerson | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/interests | Get the persons interests |
PersonApi | getMembershipsForPerson | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/memberships | Get a paged result of memberships. |
PersonApi | getNotPersonAcceptedTerms | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/notAcceptedTerms | Returns the Terms the Person has not accepted ordered by MajorVerson and MinorVersion |
PersonApi | getPasswordValidationRules | GET /api/v1/persons/password/validationRules | Get PasswordValidationRules |
PersonApi | getPersonAcceptedTerms | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/acceptedTerms | Returns the newest Terms the Person has accepted |
PersonApi | getPersonByLoginToken | GET /api/v1/persons/search/by/loginToken | Retrieves a Person with the given loginToken |
PersonApi | getPersonCloseReasons | GET /api/v1/persons/closeReasons | Returns a list of CloseReasons |
PersonApi | getPersonConsents | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/consents | Returns all consents for this person |
PersonApi | getPersonDocuments | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/documents | Returns a list ot person documents |
PersonApi | getPersonForeignSystem | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/foreignSystem/{id} | Get Persons via ForeginSystem |
PersonApi | getPersonMembercareUser | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/membercareUsers | Gets a list of MembercareUsers for a person with the given DebtorAccountNumber |
PersonApi | getPersonParticipations | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/participations | Gets participations for a given person |
PersonApi | getPersonProfilePicture | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/profilePicture | Gets a person profile picture |
PersonApi | getPersonSubscriptions | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/subscriptions | Get a persons subscriptions |
PersonApi | getPersons | GET /api/v1/persons | Retrieves a list of all Persons |
PersonApi | getPersonsByUserIdentification | GET /api/v1/persons/search/by/userIdentification/{userIdentification} | Returns persons with the given UserIdentification if found |
PersonApi | getUnionRepresentativesByDebtorAccountNumber | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/unionrepresentatives | Gets all representatives of the person with given debtor account number |
PersonApi | getValidatePasswordResult | GET /api/v1/persons/password/validator | Will validate the password |
PersonApi | patchPassword | PATCH /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/password | Will set the users password to the provided string |
PersonApi | patchPerson | PATCH /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber} | Tries to Patch a Person |
PersonApi | patchPersonConsent | PATCH /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/consent | Patch Accepted for a Consent associated with a Person |
PersonApi | patchPersonMembercareUser | PATCH /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/membercareUsers | Updates a specific MembercareUser for a person with the given DebtorAccountNumber |
PersonApi | personApi | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber} | Retrieves a Person with the given DebtorAccountNumber |
PersonApi | personByBirthdateAndLastFour | GET /api/v1/persons/birthdate/{year}/{month}/{day} | Retrieves a person by birthdate and lastfour (from social security number) |
PersonApi | personByExternalIdApi | GET /api/v1/persons/search/by/externalid | Retrieves a Person with the given ExternalId |
PersonApi | personEmploymentApi | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/employments/{id} | Retrieves a employment that the person have, from the given id. |
PersonApi | personEmploymentsApi | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/employments | Retrieves a paged result of employments that the person have. |
PersonApi | personMemberEducations | GET /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/memberEducations | Retrieves a paged result of educations that the person have. |
PersonApi | postAddressesForPerson | POST /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/addresses | Takes a list of postaladdress, and inserts it for the given DebtorAccountNumber. Note that the following values Must be assigned: - debtorAccountNumber - list of postaladdress (body object) |
PersonApi | postContactsForPerson | POST /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/contacts | Takes a list of contacts, and inserts it for the given DebtorAccountNumber and EmploymentId (if given). Note that the following values Must be assigned: - debtorAccountNumber - list of contacts (body object) |
PersonApi | postCustomFieldValueForPerson | POST /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/customFields/values | Takes a CustomFieldValue, and inserts it for the given Debtor. Note that the following values Must be assigned: - CustomFieldValue.Type.Id - CustomFieldValue.StartDate - CustomFieldValue.Value - Optional, the EndDate can be assigned - Optional, the Description can be assigned |
PersonApi | postEmploymentForPerson | POST /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/employments | Saves a new employment on the person with the given debtorAccountNumber - Employment.Company.DebtorAccountNumber is mandatory in order to find the Company - Employment contacts are also saved |
PersonApi | postExternalLoginToPerson | POST /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/externalLogin | Saves external login information after successful authentication by the login provider |
PersonApi | postFamilyRelations | POST /api/v1/persons/families | Creates a list of familyRelations |
PersonApi | postInterestForPerson | POST /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/interests | Saves the interest |
PersonApi | postMembershipPerson | POST /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/memberships | Creates a membership for a person. MembershipCategory, ApplicationDate, AffiliateDate, ApplicationStatus are mandatory. |
PersonApi | postPersonApi | POST /api/v1/persons | Inserts or Updates the provided person. Addresses and Contact has to be empty. Use routes designed specific to handle insert/update of addresses and contacts. |
PersonApi | postPersonConsent | POST /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/consent | Associate Consent with a Person |
PersonApi | postPersonDocument | POST /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/document | Saves a PersonDocument with content in it. |
PersonApi | postPersonFoerignSystem | POST /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/foreignSystem/{id} | Associate ForeginSystem with a Person |
PersonApi | postPersonMemberEducation | POST /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/memberEducations | Saves a new MemberEducation on the person with the given debtorAccountNumber |
PersonApi | postPersonMembercareUser | POST /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/membercareUsers | Creates a new MembercareUser for the person with the given DebtorAccountNumber |
PersonApi | postPersonProfilePicture | POST /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/profilePicture | Uploads a profile picture to a person |
PersonApi | postPersonStartEnd | PUT /api/v1/persons | Update the start and end dates of the provided person |
PersonApi | postPersonSubscriptionPurchase | POST /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/subscriptions/purchase | Creates, invoice and set payment for the provided list of subscription definitions. Discounts based on membership category are not supported in this webservice |
PersonApi | postPersonTerms | POST /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/terms | Associate Terms with a Person |
PersonApi | postPersonWorklistItem | POST /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/worklistItem | Will insert a worklist item with regards to the person |
PersonApi | postSubscriptionPerson | POST /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/subscriptions | The Subscriber property on Subscription will need to have a property telling which type the member is eg. "$type": "Membercare.REST.Models.v1.Person.Person, Membercare.REST.Models" for persons The Recipient property on Subscription will need to have a property telling which type the member is eg. "$type": "Membercare.REST.Models.v1.Person.Person, Membercare.REST.Models" for persons The Payer property on Subscription will need to have a property telling which type the member is eg. "$type": "Membercare.REST.Models.v1.Person.Person, Membercare.REST.Models" for persons |
PersonApi | putPassword | PUT /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/password | Will set the users password to the provided string |
PersonApi | putPersonMembercareUser | PUT /api/v1/persons/{debtorAccountNumber}/membercareUsers/{id} | Updates a specific MembercareUser for a person with the given DebtorAccountNumber Roles and DataRoles are not affected |
PersonApi | searchPerson | POST /api/v1/persons/search | Get a paged result of persons that match the search string. |
ProductApi | getProduct | GET /api/v1/products/{id} | Get all Products |
ProductApi | getProductGroups | GET /api/v1/products/groups | Get all ProductGroups |
ProductApi | getProducts | GET /api/v1/products | Get all Products |
ProductApi | getProductsByProductGroup | GET /api/v1/products/group/{productGroupId}/products | Get all Products |
QuickpaySubscriptionApi | deleteQuickpaySubscription | DELETE /api/v1/quickpaysubscriptions/{quickpaySubscriptionIdentification} | Method to delete a Quickpay subscription and it's payment gateway subscription |
QuickpaySubscriptionApi | getQuickpaySubscriptionsByDebtorAccountNumber | GET /api/v1/quickpaysubscriptions/{debtorAccountNumber} | Get saved quickpay subscription by debtor account number |
QuickpaySubscriptionApi | postQuickpaySubscription | POST /api/v1/quickpaysubscriptions/{debtorAccountNumber} | Method to save a quickpay subscription which may be a credit card or mobilepay subscription |
QuickpaySubscriptionApi | updateQuickpaySubscription | PATCH /api/v1/quickpaysubscriptions/{quickpayIdentification} | Method to patch a Quickpay subscription information |
SecurityApi | getDataRoles | GET /api/v1/security/dataroles | Get all security data roles |
SecurityApi | getMembercareUsers | GET /api/v1/security/membercareUsers | Get all membercare users |
SecurityApi | getPersonPermissions | GET /api/v1/security/person/{debtorAccountNumber}/permissions | Get permissions for a person on its associated organizations. If a member debtor account number is provided get permissions only for the common organizations between the person and the member. |
SecurityApi | getRoles | GET /api/v1/security/roles | Get all security roles |
SecurityApi | postMembercareUserDataRole | POST /api/v1/security/membercareUsers/{id}/dataRoles | Create a DataRole for the given MembercareUser |
SecurityApi | postMembercareUserRole | POST /api/v1/security/membercareUsers/{id}/roles | Create a Role for the given MembercareUser |
SmsApi | sendBulkSms | POST /api/v1/sms/queue | Enqueuees the smses in the Membercare sms queue. |
SmsApi | sendSms | POST /api/v1/sms/send | Send the sms directly without waiting in the queue. |
SmsApi | sendSmsToListOfDebtorAccountNumbers | POST /api/v1/sms/queue2 | Enqueuees an sms for a list of debtor account numbers in the Membercare sms queue. |
SubscriptionApi | apiV1SubscriptionsSubscriptionIdDelete | DELETE /api/v1/subscriptions/subscription/{id} | DEPRECATED - Deletes a subscription |
SubscriptionApi | apiV1SubscriptionsSubscriptionSubscriptionIdInvoicesGet | GET /api/v1/subscriptions/subscription/{subscriptionId}/invoices | DEPRECATED Gets invoices of a subscription |
SubscriptionApi | deletePaidSubscriptionDefinitionDifferentiatedPrice | DELETE /api/v1/subscriptions/definitions/paid/{subscriptionDefinitionId}/differentiatedPrices/{id} | |
SubscriptionApi | deleteSubscription | DELETE /api/v1/subscriptions/{id} | Deletes a subscription |
SubscriptionApi | getSubscription | GET /api/v1/subscriptions/{id} | Get a subscription |
SubscriptionApi | getSubscriptionAreas | GET /api/v1/subscriptions/areas | Retrieves a paged result of Subscription Area. |
SubscriptionApi | getSubscriptionCategories | GET /api/v1/subscriptions/categories | Retrieves a paged result of Subscription Category. |
SubscriptionApi | getSubscriptionDefinitions | GET /api/v1/subscriptions/definitions | Retrieves a paged result of SubscriptionDefinitions. |
SubscriptionApi | getSubscriptionGroups | GET /api/v1/subscriptions/groups | Retrieves a paged result of Subscription Groups. |
SubscriptionApi | getSubscriptionInvoices | GET /api/v1/subscriptions/{id}/invoices | Gets invoices of a subscription |
SubscriptionApi | getSubscriptionsByDefinitionId | GET /api/v1/subscriptions/definitions/{id}/subscriptions | Get subscriptions by Definition Id |
SubscriptionApi | patchPaidSubscriptionDefinition | PATCH /api/v1/subscriptions/definitions/paid/{id} | Patches a paid subscription definition |
SubscriptionApi | patchPaidSubscriptionDefinitionDifferentiatedPrice | PATCH /api/v1/subscriptions/definitions/paid/{subscriptionDefinitionId}/differentiatedPrices/{id} | Patch Differentiated Prices |
SubscriptionApi | patchSubscription | PATCH /api/v1/subscriptions/{id} | Updates a subscription |
SubscriptionApi | postPaidSubscriptionDefinitionDifferentiatedPrice | POST /api/v1/subscriptions/definitions/paid/{subscriptionDefinitionId}/differentiatedPrices | Posts Differentiated Prices |
SubscriptionApi | putPaidSubscriptionDefinitionDifferentiatedPrice | PUT /api/v1/subscriptions/definitions/paid/{subscriptionDefinitionId}/differentiatedPrices/{id} | Puts Differentiated Prices |
SubscriptionApi | putSubscription | PUT /api/v1/subscriptions | Tries to update a Subscription where StartDate, EndDate, Quantity, Description, DeliveryWanted and MailRecipient are the only affected properties! |
TagApi | getTags | GET /api/v1/tag/Tags | Retrieves a list of all Tags. |
TokenApi | getToken | GET /api/v1/token | |
TokenApi | postToken | POST /api/v1/token | |
UnionApi | getUnionGroups | GET /api/v1/union/unionGroups | Get union groups |
UnionApi | getUnionMembersByRespresentativesDebtorAccountNumber | GET /api/v1/union/{debtorAccountNumber}/unionMembers | Get union members by representative's debtor account number |
UnionApi | getUnionRepresentatives | GET /api/v1/union | Get all UnionRepresentatives |
VippsMobilePayAgreementApi | deleteVippsMobilePayAgreement | DELETE /api/v1/vippsmobilepayagreements/{localIdentification} | |
VippsMobilePayAgreementApi | getVippsMobilePayAgreementsByDebtorAccountNumber | GET /api/v1/vippsmobilepayagreements/{debtorAccountNumber} | |
VotingApi | getVotingMembers | POST /api/v1/voting/members | Find members who are eligable to vote, based on submitted criteria |
WorklistApi | getWorkGroups | GET /api/v1/worklist/workGroups | Gets a list of Work Groups available in the system |
WorklistApi | patchWorklistItem | PATCH /api/v1/worklist/{id} | Updates a Worklist item |
- AddressCategory
- AddressCategoryPagedResult
- AddressLinkPatch
- AddressLinkType
- AddressRule
- AffiliationReason
- AffiliationReasonPagedResult
- AffiliationSource
- AffiliationSourcePagedResult
- Agreement
- AgreementPagedResult
- AllowedParticipantCategory
- AllowedParticipantCategoryPagedResult
- AllowedParticipantCategoryPatch
- AllowedParticipantCategoryPost
- AllowedParticipantCategoryPut
- AllowedParticipantCategoryTemplate
- Answer
- AnswerPost
- ApplicationStatus
- Arrangement
- ArrangementArea
- ArrangementCancellationPost
- ArrangementCategory
- ArrangementGroup
- ArrangementNotificationMessage
- ArrangementPagedResult
- ArrangementPatch
- ArrangementPost
- ArrangementPut
- ArrangementSearchCriteria
- ArrangementSubCategory
- ArrangementTemplate
- ArrangementTemplatePost
- ArrangementTemplatePostRecurrence
- ArrangementTemplateText
- ArrangementText
- ArrangementType
- Assembly
- BalanceCalculationCriteria
- Board
- BoardCategory
- BoardFunction
- BoardFunctionLimit
- BoardFunctionPagedResult
- BoardMemberAmountHandlingRule
- BoardMemberCategoryRole
- BoardMembership
- BoardMembershipPagedResult
- BoardMembershipPatch
- BoardMembershipPost
- BoardMembershipSearchCriteria
- BoardMembershipWithOrganizationsInHierarchy
- BoardMembershipWithOrganizationsInHierarchyPagedResult
- BusinessActivity
- BusinessActivityCode
- BusinessActivityCodePagedResult
- BusinessActivityType
- BusinessNumbers
- CalculationRule
- CallingConventions
- CancellationReason
- CancellationReasonPagedResult
- CancellationService
- CancellationServicePatch
- CancellationServicePost
- CancellationServicePut
- Certificate
- CertificatePagedResult
- Certification
- CertificationCertificateStatus
- ClassRoom
- CloseReason
- CommunityFileChangeInfo
- CommunityFileChangeInfoPagedResult
- CommunityGroupAnnouncementAuthor
- CommunityGroupAnnouncementChangeInfo
- CommunityGroupAnnouncementChangeInfoPagedResult
- CommunityGroupChangeType
- CommunityGroupMeetingChangeInfo
- CommunityGroupMeetingChangeInfoPagedResult
- CommunityGroupMeetingHost
- CommunityGroupMember
- CommunityGroupMemberPagedResult
- CommunityGroupMessageAuthor
- CommunityGroupMessageChangeInfo
- CommunityGroupMessageChangeInfoPagedResult
- CommunityGroupOriginType
- CommunityGroupWithOrigin
- CommunityGroupWithOriginPagedResult
- CompanionService
- CompanionServicePatch
- CompanionServicePost
- CompanionServicePut
- Company
- CompanyCategory
- CompanyCategoryPagedResult
- CompanyHierarchy
- CompanyHierarchyCategory
- CompanyHierarchyCategoryPagedResult
- CompanyHierarchyPagedResult
- CompanyNameHistory
- CompanyPagedResult
- CompanyPatch
- CompanyPut
- CompanyReAddressing
- CompanyWorkListItem
- ConfigValue
- Consent
- ConsentDeclaration
- ConsentDeclarationCategory
- ConstructorInfo
- Contact
- ContactInfo
- ContactType
- Country
- CountryPagedResult
- County
- CountyPagedResult
- CourseEventInvitationStatus
- CourseServiceType
- CreditCard
- CreditCardPatch
- CrudByInfo
- CrudByPersonDescriptor
- CustomAttributeData
- CustomAttributeNamedArgument
- CustomAttributeTypedArgument
- CustomFieldDefinition
- CustomFieldDefinitionPagedResult
- CustomFieldDefinitionSearch
- CustomFieldDefinitionSearchCriteria
- CustomFieldDefinitionsAndSelectedValues
- CustomFieldParentTypeFlag
- CustomFieldType
- CustomFieldValue
- CustomFieldValuePagedResult
- CustomFieldValueSearch
- DataRole
- DataRolePagedResult
- DayOfWeek
- Debtor
- DebtorBalance
- DebtorBalancePagedResult
- DebtorPagedResult
- DisaffiliateReason
- DisaffiliateReasonPagedResult
- DiscountService
- DiscountServicePatch
- DiscountServicePost
- DiscountServicePut
- Document
- DonationTransaction
- EInvoiceInfo
- Education
- EducationPagedResult
- ElectoralDistrict
- EmailShot
- EmailShotCategory
- EmailToListParameters
- Employment
- EmploymentCategory
- EmploymentCategoryPagedResult
- EmploymentPagedResult
- EmploymentWorklistItem
- EnrollPayment
- EnrolledFrom
- Enrollment
- EnrollmentReceipt
- EventAttributes
- EventCrew
- EventCrewCategory
- EventCrewCategoryPagedResult
- EventCrewPagedResult
- EventCrewPatch
- EventCrewTemplate
- EventInfo
- EventInvitation
- EventInvitationPatch
- EventModuleInfo
- Exception
- Expertise
- ExternalCourseProvider
- ExternalLogin
- ExternalPurchase
- ExternalPurchaseItem
- ExternalSystemInfo
- FamilyRelation
- FamilyRelationCategory
- FamilyRelationPagedResult
- FeeAmount
- FeeAmountCategory
- FeeAmountCategoryPagedResult
- FeeAmountCategoryType
- FeeAmountInfo
- FeeAmountPagedResult
- FeeAmountPost
- FeeCalculatorParam
- FeeCalculatorParams
- FeeCalculatorResult
- FeeMemberCommunicationPreference
- FeePaymentStatusSelection
- FeeService
- FeeServicePagedResult
- FeeTransaction
- FeeTransactionPagedResult
- FieldAttributes
- FieldId
- FieldInfo
- FinanceDimensions
- FinanceStatus
- FinanceType
- ForeignSystem
- ForeignSystemMapping
- ForeignSystemPatch
- FrequenceType
- Gender
- GenericParameterAttributes
- Grade
- GradeCategory
- Group
- GroupRole
- Hotel
- HotelPagedResult
- HotelPatch
- HotelPost
- HotelPut
- HotelRoom
- HotelRoomPatch
- HotelRoomPost
- HotelRoomPut
- HttpStatusCode
- ICustomAttributeProvider
- Identity
- IdentityProvider
- IntPtr
- Interest
- InterestCategory
- InterestCategoryGroup
- InterestCategoryGroupPagedResult
- InterestCategoryPagedResult
- InterestCategoryPatch
- InterestCategoryPost
- InterestCategoryPut
- InterestPagedResult
- InternalUserInfo
- Invoice
- InvoiceAddressLinkToCompany
- InvoiceDistributionPreference
- InvoiceExport
- InvoiceExportPagedResult
- InvoiceItem
- InvoiceItemFeeInfo
- InvoiceItemSubscriptionInfo
- InvoicePagedResult
- InvoicePatch
- InvoicePatchResult
- InvoicePaymentParams
- InvoiceText
- LayoutKind
- LedgerAccount
- LedgerAccountPagedResult
- LedgerAccountType
- LedgerAccountingType
- LedgerItem
- LedgerItemPagedResult
- LedgerItemPaymentInfo
- LedgerJournal
- LedgerJournalPagedResult
- LedgerJournalPatch
- LineType
- LocalFileEntryGet
- LocalFilePost
- Member
- MemberEducation
- MemberEducationPagedResult
- MemberInfo
- MemberTypes
- MembercareUser
- MembercareUserDataRole
- MembercareUserPagedResult
- MembercareUserPatch
- MembercareUserPut
- MembercareUserRole
- Membership
- MembershipAndBalance
- MembershipAndDueAmount
- MembershipAndKeyAffiliateDates
- MembershipAndKeyAffiliateDatesPagedResult
- MembershipCategory
- MembershipCategoryGroup
- MembershipCategoryGroupPagedResult
- MembershipCategoryPagedResult
- MembershipCategoryPost
- MembershipCategoryValidationRule
- MembershipPagedResult
- MembershipPatch
- MembershipPost
- MembershipPurchase
- MembershipPurchaseParams
- MembershipPut
- MembershipStatistics
- MembershipWeight
- MembershipWorklistItem
- MembershipWorklistItemPost
- MembersiteOrderStagingData
- MembersiteOrderStagingDataPatch
- MembersiteOrderStagingDataPayloadFormat
- MembersiteOrderStagingDataPayloadModel
- MembersiteOrderStagingDataStatus
- MethodAttributes
- MethodBase
- MethodImplAttributes
- MethodInfo
- Module
- ModuleHandle
- Municipality
- MunicipalityPagedResult
- MyOrganizationSendSmsAndEmailParams
- NextOrderNumber
- NotificationMedium
- NotificationSettings
- NotificationType
- OccupationTitle
- OccupationTitlePagedResult
- Organization
- OrganizationCategory
- OrganizationCategoryPagedResult
- OrganizationHierarchy
- OrganizationHierarchyCategory
- OrganizationHierarchyPagedResult
- OrganizationHierarchySearch
- OrganizationPagedResult
- OrganizationPatch
- OrganizationPermissions
- OrganizationPost
- OrganizationWithPropagatedBoardMemberCategoryRoles
- OrganizationsSmsAndEmailReceiversInfo
- PaidSubscriptionDefinitionDifferentiatedPricePatch
- PaidSubscriptionDefinitionDifferentiatedPricePost
- PaidSubscriptionDefinitionDifferentiatedPricePut
- PaidSubscriptionDefinitionPatch
- ParameterAttributes
- ParameterInfo
- Participant
- ParticipantCancellationPost
- ParticipantCategory
- ParticipantCategoryPagedResult
- ParticipantPagedResult
- ParticipantPatch
- ParticipantPut
- ParticipantSearchCriteria
- ParticipantServiceSet
- ParticipantToEnroll
- ParticipantToPay
- ParticipantWorkListItem
- Participation
- ParticipationStatus
- PasswordValidationError
- PatchQuickpaySubscription
- PayerRule
- Payment
- PaymentOpen
- PaymentOpenPagedResult
- PaymentOption
- PaymentPagedResult
- PaymentPatch
- PaymentPatchResult
- PaymentPost
- PaymentType
- Period
- PeriodPagedResult
- Person
- PersonAccessibleArrangement
- PersonAccessibleArrangementPagedResult
- PersonAccessibleArrangementTemplate
- PersonAccessibleArrangementTemplatePagedResult
- PersonDocument
- PersonDocumentGroup
- PersonDocumentPagedResult
- PersonNameHistory
- PersonPagedResult
- PersonPatch
- PersonPermissions
- PersonProfilePicture
- PersonProfilePicturePost
- PersonSearch
- PersonSearchAddressCriteria
- PersonSearchBoardMemberCriteria
- PersonSearchBoardMemberQueryItem
- PersonSearchCustomFieldValueCriteria
- PersonSearchCustomFieldValueQueryItem
- PersonSearchInterestCriteria
- PersonSearchInterestQueryItem
- PersonSearchMembershipCriteria
- PersonSearchMembershipQueryItem
- PersonSearchPersonInfoCriteria
- PersonStartEnd
- PersonWorkListItem
- Place
- PlacePagedResult
- PlacePatch
- PlacePost
- PlacePut
- PostArrangementTemplateRegularService
- PostQuickpaySubscription
- PostalAddress
- PostalAddressPagedResult
- PostalAddressPatch
- PostalAddressSearchCriteria
- PostalCode
- PostalCodePagedResult
- Priority
- ProblemDetails
- Product
- ProductGroup
- ProductPagedResult
- ProductionNumber
- ProductionNumberPatch
- ProductionNumberPost
- ProductionNumberPut
- PropertyAttributes
- PropertyInfo
- Question
- QuestionDataType
- QuestionDateTimeValidation
- QuestionDependency
- QuestionDependencyCriteria
- QuestionDependencyCriteriaOperator
- QuestionForEnrollment
- QuestionForEnrollmentPagedResult
- QuestionNumberValidation
- QuestionOptionValidation
- QuestionSelectOptionAnswerOption
- QuestionUsageContext
- QuickpaySubscription
- QuickpaySubscriptionPagedResult
- QuickpaySubscriptionType
- ReceiptCode
- RecurringArrangement
- RecurringArrangementFrequency
- RecurringArrangementRecurrence
- RegistrationCategory
- RegistrationCategoryPagedResult
- RegistrationNumberCVR
- RegistrationNumberCVRPatch
- RegistrationNumberCVRPost
- RegistrationNumberCVRPut
- RegistrationNumberNorwegianCompanyNumber
- RegistrationNumberNorwegianCompanyNumberPatch
- RegistrationNumberRUT
- RegistrationNumberRUTPatch
- RegistrationNumberRUTPost
- RegistrationNumberRUTPut
- RegistrationNumberSE
- RegistrationNumberSEPatch
- RegistrationNumberSEPost
- RegistrationNumberSEPut
- RegistrationNumberSwedishCompanyNumber
- RegistrationNumberSwedishCompanyNumberPatch
- RegistrationNumberVAT
- RegistrationNumberVATPatch
- RegistrationNumberVATPost
- RegistrationNumberVATPut
- RegularService
- RegularServicePatch
- RegularServicePost
- RegularServicePut
- RegularServiceTemplate
- ReportService
- ReportServiceAccessLogPost
- ReportServiceAccessLogViews
- ReportServiceGroup
- ReportServiceUsedOn
- Reporter
- ReporterPost
- Role
- RolePagedResult
- RuntimeFieldHandle
- RuntimeMethodHandle
- RuntimeTypeHandle
- SearchAssociatedValid
- SearchBooleanType
- SearchCompanyCriteriaPost
- SearchCriteria
- SearchCriteriaResultFilter
- SearchText
- SecretContactPriority
- SecurityRuleSet
- SendSmsOrEmailSelection
- ServiceBase
- ServiceSet
- ServiceSource
- ServiceSourceFlag
- ServiceTemplate
- ServiceToEnroll
- Session
- SessionPagedResult
- SessionPatch
- SessionPost
- SessionPut
- SessionServiceSet
- SessionToEnroll
- SessionTrack
- SessionTrackPagedResult
- SessionTrackPatch
- SessionTrackPost
- SessionTrackPut
- SimpleOrganization
- SimpleOrganizationPagedResult
- Sms
- SmsSenderMemberInfo
- SmsSenderOrganizationInfo
- SmsShot
- SmsShotCategory
- SmsToDebtorAccountNumbersPost
- SocialSecurityNumber
- StartDateRule
- StructLayoutAttribute
- Subscription
- SubscriptionArea
- SubscriptionAreaPagedResult
- SubscriptionCategory
- SubscriptionCategoryPagedResult
- SubscriptionDefinition
- SubscriptionDefinitionCrew
- SubscriptionDefinitionCrewType
- SubscriptionDefinitionPagedResult
- SubscriptionDefinitionPurchase
- SubscriptionDefinitionType
- SubscriptionGroup
- SubscriptionGroupPagedResult
- SubscriptionPagedResult
- SubscriptionPatch
- SubsidyService
- SubsidyServicePatch
- SubsidyServicePost
- SubsidyServicePut
- TableValueString
- TableValueStringPost
- Tag
- TagsSupportedOn
- Teacher
- TemplateServiceSet
- Terms
- TextType
- Token
- TokenRequest
- Transaction
- TransactionPagedResult
- Type
- TypeAttributes
- TypeInfo
- UnionGroup
- UnionGroupCompany
- UnionGroupPagedResult
- UnionMember
- UnionRepresentative
- UnionRepresentativeCategory
- UnionRepresentativePagedResult
- UnitType
- UnitTypeContextFlag
- UserDataRolePost
- UserRolePost
- VippsMobilePayAgreement
- VippsMobilePayAgreementPagedResult
- VippsMobilePayAgreementStatus
- VotingMember
- VotingMemberCriteria
- VotingMemberPagedResult
- WaitingPeriodCriteria
- WaitingPeriodScope
- WorkGroup
- WorkGroupPagedResult
- WorklistItemPatch
- WorklistStatus
All endpoints do not require authorization.