Name | Type | Description | Notes |
first_name | string | The name of the company | [optional] |
last_name | string | The name2 of the company | [optional] |
finance_type | \Membercare\Client\Model\FinanceType | [optional] | |
default_payer_rule | \Membercare\Client\Model\PayerRule | [optional] | |
start_date | \DateTime | StartDate for changes | [optional] |
end_date | \DateTime | EndDate for changes | [optional] |
close_date | \DateTime | The day the unit was closed. Value is ignored when creating or updating! | [optional] |
einvoice_ean | string | Ean for electronic invoicing | [optional] |
einvoice_email | string | Email for electronic invoicing | [optional] |
close_reason | \Membercare\Client\Model\CloseReason | [optional] | |
civil_registration_pin | string | Last 4 digits in CPR number | [optional] |
birth_date | \DateTime | BirthDate | [optional] |
external_id | string | ExternalId | [optional] |
allow_contact_via_sms | bool | AllowContactViaSms | [optional] |
gender | \Membercare\Client\Model\Gender | [optional] | |
honorific | string | Honorific | [optional] |
salary_system_identification | string | SalarySystemIdentification (Lønnummer) | [optional] |
temporary | bool | Person marked as temporary | [optional] |
bank_registration_number | string | Bank account registrationnumber | [optional] |
bank_account_number | string | Bank account number | [optional] |
invoice_distribution_preference | \Membercare\Client\Model\InvoiceDistributionPreference | [optional] |