Name | Type | Description | Notes |
url | string | The link to the current resource | [optional] |
identification | string | The external Quickpay subscription identifier | [optional] |
name | string | The internal name of the Quickpay subscription | [optional] |
type | \Membercare\Client\Model\QuickpaySubscriptionType | [optional] | |
phone_number | int | The phonenumber of the potential Mobilepay subscription this Quickpay subscription refers to | [optional] |
last_four_digits | string | The last four digits in the potential credit card this Quickpay subscription refers to | [optional] |
expiration_month | int | Expiration month of the potential credit card this Quickpay subscription refers to | [optional] |
expiration_year | int | Expiration year of the potential credit card this Quickpay subscription refers to | [optional] |
allowed_context | \Membercare\Client\Model\ServiceSourceFlag | [optional] | |
valid | bool | Is this Quickpay subscription valid? | [optional] |
is_credit_card | bool | [optional] | |
is_mobile_pay_subscription | bool | [optional] |