Name | Type | Description | Notes |
url | string | The link to the current resource | [optional] |
based_on_internal_id | string | [optional] | |
recurrences | \Membercare\Client\Model\RecurringArrangementRecurrence[] | These are the actual occurrences of the arrangement | [optional] |
recurring_frequency | \Membercare\Client\Model\RecurringArrangementFrequency | [optional] | |
number_of_reccurrences | int | The value the user entered when creating the arrangement. May not reflect the current state Either this or RecurrenceEndDateTime should have a value. | [optional] |
week_days | \Membercare\Client\Model\DayOfWeek[] | The value the user entered when creating the arrangement. May not reflect the current state | [optional] |
recurrence_end_date_time | \DateTime | The date the user entered when creating the arrangement. May not reflect the current state Either this or NumberOfReccurrences should have a value. | [optional] |
first_occurrence_start_date_time | \DateTime | Calculated value based on the actual occurrences | [optional] |
last_occurrence_end_date_time | \DateTime | Calculated value based on the actual occurrences | [optional] |