Name | Type | Description | Notes |
url | string | The link to the current resource | [optional] |
name | string | The name of the session | [optional] |
texts | \Membercare\Client\Model\ArrangementText[] | Short description of the session as html. | [optional] |
short_description | string | Short description of the session as html. | [optional] |
long_description | string | Long description of the session as html. | [optional] |
start_date_time | \DateTime | The start datetime of the session. | [optional] |
end_date_time | \DateTime | The end datetime of the session. | [optional] |
cancellation_date | \DateTime | When was it cancelled | [optional] |
minimum_seats | int | MinParticipants | [optional] |
budget_seats | int | BudgetParticipants | [optional] |
show_in_calendar | bool | ShowInCalendar | [optional] |
total_seats | int | Total nomber of seats | [optional] |
mandatory | bool | Indicates whether or not the Session is mandatory. | [optional] |
web_enabled | bool | Indicates wheter or not this session should be shown on web | [optional] |
responsible | \Membercare\Client\Model\Person | [optional] | |
class_room | \Membercare\Client\Model\ClassRoom | [optional] | |
cancellation_reason | \Membercare\Client\Model\CancellationReason | [optional] | |
track | \Membercare\Client\Model\SessionTrack | [optional] |