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Deep Learning Temporal Action Detection

Last updated: 2019/9/25

Performance Table

Detector THUMOS (mAP@IoU=0.5) ANET (mAP@IoU=0.5) Speed Published In
LAF 4.4 - ACMMM'15
RNN & RL 17.1 - CVPR'16
PSDF 18.8 - CVPR'16
SSAD 24.6 - CVPR'16
SCNN 19.0 - CVPR'16
SCNNv2 19.0 - WACV'16
CBR 31.0 - BMVC'17
SMS 14.8 - CVPR'17
UntrimmedNets 13.7 7.2 CVPR'17
TCN 25.6 23.6 ICCV'17
ETE SSTAD 29.2 - BMVC'17
CDC 23.3 22.9 500 ICCV'17
SMS 17.8 - CVPR'17
SCC 19.3 - CVPR'17
TAG 28.3 - CVPR'17
SST 19.3 - CVPR'17
SSTAD 24.6 - ACMMM'17
TURN-TAP 25.6 - 880 ICCV'17
R-C3D 28.9 16.7 ICCV'17
TAG+SSN 29.1 28.3 ICCV'17
ETP 34.2 - CVPR'18
TAL-Net 42.0 38.2 CVPR'18
STPN 16.9 29.3 CVPR'18
TPN 27.6 - AAAI'18
SAP 27.7 - AAAI'18
WSTAD 15.9 27.3 ACMMM'18
BSN 36.9 - ECCV'18
AutoLoc 21.2 27.3 ECCV'18
W-TALC 22.8 37.0 ECCV'18
CPMN 16.1 39.3 ACMMM'18
STAR 23.0 31.1 AAAI'19
BMN 38.8 39.4 ICCV'19
MGG 39.9 - ICCV'19


  • [THUMOS] THUMOS Challenge 2014 |[Homepage]

  • [Activity-Net] A Large-Scale Video Benchmark for Human Activity Understanding |[Homepage]

  • [COIN] A Large-scale Dataset for Comprehensive Instructional Video Analysis |[Homepage]


  • [LAF] Temporal Localization of Fine-Grained Actions in Videos by Domain Transfer from Web Images | [ACMMM'15] |[pdf]


  • [RNN & RL] End-to-end learning of action detection from frame glimpses in videos | [CVPR'16] |[pdf]

  • [PSDF] Temporal Action Localization with Pyramid of Score Distribution Features | [CVPR'16] |[pdf]

  • [SCNN] Temporal action localization in untrimmed videos via multi-stage CNNs | [CVPR'16] |[pdf]

  • [SCNNv2] Efficient Action Detection in Untrimmed Videos via Multi-Task Learning | [WACV'16] |[pdf]


  • [SSAD] Single Shot Temporal Action Detection | [ACMMM'17] |[pdf]

  • [CBR] Cascaded Boundary Regression for Temporal Action Detection | [BMVC'17] |[pdf]

  • [SMS] Temporal Action Localization by Structured Maximal Sums | [CVPR'17] |[pdf]

  • [UntrimmedNets] UntrimmedNets for Weakly Supervised Action Recognition and Detection | [CVPR'17] |[pdf]

  • [TCN] Temporal Context Network for Activity Localization in Videos | [ICCV'17] |[pdf]

  • [SCC] Semantic Context Cascade for Efficient Action Detection | [CVPR'17] |[pdf]

  • [SSTAD] Single Shot Temporal Action Detection | [ACMMM'17] |[pdf]

  • [ETE SSTAD] End-to-End, Single-Stream Temporal Action Detection in Untrimmed Videos | [BMVC'17] |[pdf]

  • [SST] Single-stream temporal action proposals | [CVPR'17] |[pdf]

  • [TURN-TAP] Temporal Unit Regression Network for Temporal Action Proposals | [ICCV'17] |[pdf]

  • [Hide-and-Seek] Hide-and-Seek: Forcing a Network to be Meticulous for Weakly-supervised Object and Action Localization | [ICCV'17] |[pdf]

  • [TAG] A Pursuit of Temporal Accuracy in General Activity Detection | [CVPR'17] |[pdf]


  • [ETP] Precise Temporal Action Localization by Evolving Temporal Proposals | [CVPR'18] |[pdf]

  • [TAL-Net] Rethinking the Faster R-CNN Architecture for Temporal Action Localization | [CVPR'18] |[pdf]

  • [STPN] Weakly Supervised Action Localization by Sparse Temporal Pooling Network| [CVPR'18] |[pdf]

  • [TPN] Exploring Temporal Preservation Networks for Precise Temporal Action Localization | [AAAI'18] |[pdf]

  • [SAP] A Self-Adaptive Proposal Model for Temporal Action Detection based on Reinforcement Learning | [AAAI'18] |[pdf]

  • [WSTAD] Step-by-step Erasion, One-by-one Collection: A Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Detector | [ACMMM'18] |[pdf]

  • [BSN] Boundary Sensitive Network for Temporal Action Proposal Generation | [ECCV'18] |[pdf]

  • [AutoLoc] AutoLoc: Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization in Untrimmed Videos | [ECCV'18] |[pdf]

  • [W-TALC] W-TALC: Weakly-supervised Temporal Activity Localization and Classification | [ECCV'18] |[pdf]

  • [CPMN] Cascaded Pyramid Mining Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization | [ACCV'18] |[pdf]


  • [STAR] Segregated Temporal Assembly Recurrent Networks for Weakly Supervised Multiple Action Detection | [AAAI'19] |[pdf]
  • [BMN] BMN: Boundary-Matching Network for Temporal Action Proposal Generation | [ICCV'19] |[pdf]
  • [MGG] Multi-granularity Generator for Temporal Action Proposal | [CVPR'19] |[pdf]


A list of papers of temporal action detectino using deep learning.







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