This was based on metame mtol
- 7 languages in 8 to 13 weeks
- 2 weeks per language
- Lisp: Clojure
- FPL : Haskell
- ML : Ocaml
- LL : Rust Zig C
- SL : Lua
- Getting started docs 15m to 1h
- Dev env setup: compilers, repls, editor config, etc. 15m to 1h
- Programing a minigame
- Each lang has it's own directory from root
- In the root directory, the README will contain links to the resources used
- Each lang directory will have a
subdir with the hello world and fizzbuzz exercises, plus aminigame
- It's a greate way of showcase what I learned about the languagues,
- It uses the most comon data structures, for example lists, arrays, etc (programing fundamentals).
- Tictactoe Console
- Cross words
- Sodoku