This is a Pybricks program to load directly into the lego move hub in order to remote control Vernie from Lego. The program allows you to perform different actions from the remote.
- Moving Mode: Control Vernie to move front, back, left and right
- Talking Mode: Simulates talking by moving the neck motor (MotorC).
- Dancing Mode: Perform a simple dance routine by moving both wheels in a coordinated pattern.
- Shooting Mode: Activates a motorized shooting action using MotorC.
- Shutdown Mode: Deactivates the robot and prepares for shutdown.
- Shows battery status: Before shothing down the led move hub led will blink green to indicate the level o battery left: 7 times = 7000 (full battery) 6 times = 6000 (still ok) ... 3 times = 3000 (low battery, needs charge)
- Python with Pybricks library
- Vernie from Lego Boost