Schooolify api provides you a ready made API System for mostly used in school management system.
- API BETA Release(v1.0.1)
- You can check the (Prototype) API Documention in this link Schooolify API.
Install Packages
npm install
And Run
npm run dev
For Creating a dummy data run
node PopulateData.js
For Resetting the database run
node ResetDatabase.js
- Authentication by jsonwebtoken and implemented via cookies. (3 types of role)
- Admin Account
- Student Account
- Teacher Account
- Student Mangement
- Teacher Management
- Lesson Plan Management
- Subjects Management
- Course Management
- Schedule Management
- Grading Calculation
- Add Parent Portal
- Add Online Classroom
- Classroom Chat
- Video class room.
- [NODE JS] - ES6
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.