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Releases: JointPhysicsAnalysisCenter/jpacPhoto

jpacPhoto v2.2 - Reggeized pion exchange paper

01 Aug 14:33
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Tagged release following "Revisiting gauge invariance and Reggeization of pion exchange"

Most additions are related to the latest JPAC publication. A summary includes:

  • Addition of the amplitudes for gauge invariant pion exchange, electric and magnetic nucleon exchange, and VGL amplitudes
  • Scripts to reproduce all results (i.e. Figs 2 and 4)

Not related to the above paper, are the following additions/changes

  • Added GPD factorized amplitudes from Guo et al's work on Jpsi photoproduction
  • When using fitter class, parameters can now be bounded to be positive with fitter::make_positive_definite()
  • Removed warnings related to copy constructors & int comparison in Lorentz objects
  • Added check to see if jpacColors are already defined. This removes warnings when running scripts in interactive ROOT sessions.
  • Empty/intermediate jpacPhoto::plot canvases close automatically to also remove extra unnecessary windows in interactive ROOT sessions.
  • The amplitude reggeon_exchange can now be integrated over all t when using the k2018 option. Previously, this integrated over poles in a 1/sin(pi*alpha) factor which was very unstable.
  • SDME rotations between GJ and H frames used to be done using the Schilling angle but are now calculated using the correct Wigner angle without additional unphysical rotation.

jpacPhoto v2.1 - Inclusive X(3872) paper

21 Apr 18:56
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Release tag following the "XYZ spectroscopy at electron-hadron colliders III: Semi-inclusive processes with vector exchange".

Additions related to the above paper:

Added amplitude for photon_exchange.
Added semi_inclusive classes for photon_exchange and vector_exchange.
Added proton structure functions for CB_F, DL_F, and pdf_F
Scripts to reproduce all plots in paper added.
Semi-inclusive object instances can now be added together just like amplitudes
Amplitudes can be added to semi-inclusive objects to combine exclusive + inclusive.
Other quality-of-life changes:

Generalized fitter to be much more flexible and allow virtually any analysis using jpacPhoto amplitudes
Added the preliminary wrapper to be used as a starting point for AmpTools fits.
Fixed some bugs with rotations regarding SDMES in different frames. Now frame is clearly stated with SDME_GJ and SDME_H
Added scripts and amplitudes to reproduce older JPAC papers

jpacPhoto v2.0 - J/psi photoproduction paper

16 May 07:24
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Finished a complete overhaul of code structure.

Major changes include:

  • Unified interface for all amplitudes using amplitude class!
  • Amplitudes imported as header-only libraries (no need to recompile core library to add new amplitudes)!
  • Cooler, simplified syntax for adding and partial-wave projecting amplitudes!
  • From-scratch implementation of covariant algebra using a Mathematica-like syntax!
  • Plotting utilities now built in also with completely overhauled interface!
  • Added fitting utilities to fit any amplitude to data!

Additionally all code to reproduce results from new J/psi photoproduction paper have been added.

jpacPhoto v1.2 - Inclusive Zc paper

02 Jul 13:51
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Archival release for version used to recreate the results of [Phys.Rev.D 106 (2022) 9, 09].

jpacPhoto v1.1 - First elSpectro release

27 Jan 15:49
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Fully featured framework for exclusive meson photoproduction up to spin-2.
Tagged for sync with elSpectro event generator.

jpacPhoto v1.0 - Exclusive XYZ paper

01 Dec 22:46
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First "release" version.

Reproduces results in JPAC's XYZ Exclusive Production and Pentaquark Photoproduction papers.

Planning on refactoring to generalize to add spin-0 and spin-2 photoproduction and add inclusive production soon.

Tagging here for compatibility with existing code such as elSpectro.