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Update claims on tenant change

Jon P Smith edited this page Sep 19, 2022 · 5 revisions

The AuthP's multi-tenant code contains two commands that change the user's tenant claim(s). They are:

When one of these commands are run, then the user's tenant claim(s) are now out of date. This document describes the optional code that can update a user's tenant claim(s) on a change of a tenant data is changed. Example 4 contains the "update on change" feature and code shown in this document comes from there.

The diagram below explains this feature works:

Update Claims On Tenant Change

NOTE: At this time this approach doesn't work for applications using JWT Bearer Token. If you need this to work with JWT Bearer Tokens, then raise a issue about this and I can suggest some things you could do to make it work with JWT Bearer Tokens.

This is an optional feature, so you need to register the various services for this feature. The code below shows the three parts you need to add to the ASP.NET Core Program class. Once all the code is registered, then it automatically updates a tenant's claims on a change.

1. Intercept the Authorization stage

To change a user's claims you need to intercept the Authorization stage and run some code that will update the user's claims an create a new Authentication cookie. The code below shows how to do this when using individual user accounts authentication - if you are using other approaches like OAuth2 or OpenId, then see this section on one of my articles.

builder.Services.ConfigureApplicationCookie(options =>
    //all the logged-in users will have their claims checked 
    options.Events.OnValidatePrincipal = 

NOTE: You can see the code that updates the user's claims when using individual user accounts authentication in the TenantChangeCookieEvent.

2. Adding the FileStore distributed database

The "update on change" feature needs to set a value to say that something has changed at time T. As this value has to be read on every HTTP request it needs to be fast, and in version 3.4.0 I used my FileStore distributed cache library which has read times of ~25 ns. The code below registers the FileStore cache in your Program class.

//This is used to set app statue as "Down" and tenant as "Down",
//plus handling a tenant DataKey change that requires an update of the user's claims
builder.Services.AddDistributedFileStoreCache(options =>
    options.WhichVersion = FileStoreCacheVersions.Class;
}, builder.Environment);

We also want the FileStore cache to work like a database, that is the data should not be lost on the redeployment of the application. By default if the computer that deploys your application has a json file exists with the same name as the FileStore cache file it would overwrite the FileStore cache file. You can make sure this happens by adding a "copy never" command to the ASP.NET Core .csprog file - see the extra <ItemGroup> part to be added.

    <Content Update="Example4CacheFileStore.Production.json">

NOTE: The FileStore distributed cache (in database mode) is also used in the "Down for maintenance" feature.

3. Register the services

The code below registers the two services to manage the "update on change" feature. Note that the TenantKeyOrShardChangeService class detect changes to the Tenant's properties that effect a tenant user's data claim(s), but this could detect any database

//triggers the "update claims on a change" feature
//used for "update claims on a change" feature

Once you have registered all three listed the update is triggered by the database change. That is, a change to the Tenant's DataKey or Sharding DatabaseInfoName properties will cause every logged-in user with claims older than the last database change will be updated to the correct claims.

3. Add the AddGlobalChangeTimeClaim claim

You must register AddGlobalChangeTimeClaim claim, which contains the DateTime when the claims were updated. If you forget to add this claim your application will work, but will be VERY SLOW because user's claims will be recalculated on every HTTP request.

The code below shows how to register the AddGlobalChangeTimeClaim claim.

builder.Services.RegisterAuthPermissions<Example4Permissions>(options =>
    options.TenantType = ...
    //... other AuthP register methods left out

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