Implementing a turn based memory game with multiple Clients and custom game size. It currently implements an abstract game class, so its easy to implement another turn based board game onto this service.
The server responds to following API calls.
Basic GET-Request to get the html site
POST-Request to post initial player and game data
sessionName, size, playerName
gameID, sessionID
GET-Request to get the names of all connected player names in the current game session
GET-Request to get the names of all connected player names in the current game session and the data needed to initialize the game
connectedPlayers, data
GET-Request to get updates to game data, points, etc.
data, connectedPlayers, points, turn, won, playingPlayer
POST-Request to make a turn on the posted field index, returns updates to game data, points, etc.
data, connectedPlayers, points, turn