Copyright (C) 2024 Guillaume Guillet
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. |
- Description
- Tools support
- Documentation
- How to build / Build details
- CMake arguments
- CMake targets
- Windows
- Linux
- Mac OS
- Installing
- Examples
FastEngine is a 2D (targeted for 2D, 3D capable), multiplayer oriented framework on top of the Vulkan API. It brings a lot of tools and classes that can help mostly game development.
FastEngine must be built using a C++20 compatible compiler :
- For GNU/Linux : GCC-11 minimum
- For Windows : MINGW-W64, GCC-11 minimum
- (32bits or UCRT 64bits)
- For MAC : AppleClang 13 minimum
Unsupported compiler/tools :
- Microsoft compiler, (it should work but is not tested on)
Working/supported architecture :
- 32bits
- 64bits
FastEngine is built under C++20 and game/software that link to this library must be too.
You can find the latest Doxygen docs here :
Vulkan specification here :
Note that this is a young project that need a ton of works for examples, documentations, tutorials ...
You can check platform specific build instructions below this chapter.
First you should (if not already) clone the git repository :
git clone --recurse-submodules
You must first compile the dependencies by going into the deps/ folder and then use CMake :
cd deps
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
Then you can go to the root directory and configure the project like this : (don't forget the FGE_DEPS_PATH option)
mkdir build && cd build
Then use CMake to build the project (when building you can use the -j# argument to use multiple core) :
cmake --build .
In order to tell CMake where to find the dependencies you have to specify the relative path to the .../libs folder generated by the deps/CMakelists.txt script :
You can specify the build type of the project by using :
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release or Debug
By default, the project is in release mode. You can build the Doxygen documentation by setting :
By default, the documentation is built if the build type is Release. (You will need Doxygen in order to build the doc.)
You can build all examples by setting :
By default, the all examples are built inside the all target.
The library type flag (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) must not be manually set and static build is not supported.
You can enable/disable tests by setting :
By default, the tests is always built and in order to run the tests, you should use :
- all
- This is the default target, it will build everything configured.
- FastEngine
- This will build the client (audio, graphics, window, ...) shared library.
- FastEngineServer
- This will build the server (no audio, graphics or window dependencies) shared library.
- doc_doxygen
- This will build the Doxygen documentation.
- install
- Install the project, you can configure the project with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX in order to change the location, but by default, it will install it inside the install/ directory in root.
You can also build every example targets.
Please install a MINGW-W64 environment like MSYS2 (recommended) and make sure that either 32bits and/or 64bits GCC is correctly installed with proper CMake package.
Then you should just do the following in a build/ folder :
cmake .. -G"MinGW Makefiles"
and then build :
cmake --build .
I recommend to add a little bit of power in the build with multicore argument :
cmake --build . -j8
Please install GCC-11 or higher in order to correctly compile :
sudo apt update && sudo apt install gcc-11 g++-11
And then use CMake :
cmake .. -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-11 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-11
cmake --build . -j8
For Mac OS you should just be able to do (after installing a correct AppleClang version) :
cmake .. -G"Unix Makefiles"
cmake --build . -j8
The install target support CMake config export, and all the dependencies will be exported too in order to avoid any overhead when linking to the library.
Once built, you can use :
cmake --install .
By default, if no CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is specified, it will install the library in install/ in the project root with a folder name like FastEngine_Windows_64_Debug_0.9.1-441-g4a99f01.
Once executed correctly, it will create a directory structure like this example :
- FastEngine_Windows_64_Debug_0.9.1-441-g4a99f01
- bin
- include
- lib
- share
- cmake
- external
- fge_changelog.txt
- logo.png
You can find examples in the examples/ directory, you can build them by setting the FGE_BUILD_EXAMPLES flag to ON.
This example is a simple tilemap loaded from Tiled with pathfinding using the A* algorithm.
This example is a simple scene with lights and obstacles. This show how to use the light system and the obstacle system. This also use convex decomposition algorithm on the concave obstacles.
This example is a simple scene with the GUI element system with multiple window.
This example show the multiplayer capacity of the engine with a full scene synchronisation.
This example show the text rendering capacity of the engine with a simple scene.
This example show multiple ways to render sprites/shapes with the engine and the performance impact of each.
This example show the mipmaps generation.