Copyright (C) 2021 Guillaume Guillet
Licensed under CERN-OHL-W v2 or later
This source describes Open Hardware and is licensed under the CERN-OHL-W v2 or later. |
You may redistribute and modify this documentation and make products using it under the terms of the CERN-OHL-W v2 (https:/ This documentation is distributed WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please see the CERN-OHL-W v2 for applicable conditions. |
Made with Kicad
G_Processor8Bits is a homemade, without any microcontroller, 8bits processor.
GP8B follow CodeG_binary (revision 1)
8bits instuction is separated in 2 category :
-------------- Argument selection
||| ---------- Opcode
||| |||||
000 00000
5bits for opcode :
xxx0’0000 0x00 BWRITE1_CLK Apply value to bus “write 1”.
xxx0’0001 0x01 BWRITE2_CLK Apply value to bus “write 2”.
xxx0’0010 0x02 BPCS_CLK Apply value to bus “peripheral CS”.
xxx0’0011 0x03 OPLEFT_CLK Apply value to the left operation.
xxx0’0100 0x04 OPRIGHT_CLK Apply value to the right operation.
xxx0’0101 0x05 OPCHOOSE_CLK Apply value for choosing the operation.
xxx0’0110 0x06 PERIPHERAL_CLK Send a clock pulse to the peripheral.
xxx0’0111 0x07 BJMPSRC1_CLK Apply value to bus “jump source 1”.
xxx0’1000 0x08 BJMPSRC2_CLK Apply value to bus “jump source 2”.
xxx0’1001 0x09 BJMPSRC3_CLK Apply value to bus “jump source 3”.
xxx0’1010 0x0A JMPSRC_CLK Jump to the address of “jump source”.
xxx0’1011 0x0B BRAMADD1_CLK Apply value to bus “RAM address 1”.
xxx0’1100 0x0C BRAMADD2_CLK Apply value to bus “RAM address 2”.
xxx0’1101 0x0D SPI_CLK Send a clock pulse for the SPI.
xxx0’1110 0x0E BCFG_SPI_CLK Apply value to the config bus SPI.
xxx0’1111 0x0F STICK Simple tick, do nothing (delay).
xxx1’0000 0x10 IF Conditional instruction.
xxx1’0001 0x11 IFNOT Conditional instruction inverted.
xxx1’0010 0x12 RAMW Write value to the actual address of the memory.
xxx1’0011 0x13 UOP Undefined operation.
xxx1’0100 0x14 UOP Undefined operation.
xxx1’0101 0x15 UOP Undefined operation.
xxx1’0110 0x16 UOP Undefined operation.
xxx1’0111 0x17 LTICK Long tick, do nothing (delay).
3bits for argument selection :
000x’xxxx 0x00 SRCVALUE The value stored to the source.
001x’xxxx 0x20 BREAD1 The value of the read bus 1.
010x’xxxx 0x40 BREAD2 The value of the read bus 2.
011x’xxxx 0x60 OPRESULT The value of the operation result (ALU).
100x’xxxx 0x80 RAMVALUE The value of the processor memory.
101x’xxxx 0xA0 SPI The value of the SPI.
110x’xxxx 0xC0 EXT_1 External value 1.
111x’xxxx 0xE0 EXT_2 External value 2.
This processor, follow the SPS1 standard
Compatible with all motherboard following the MOM1_SPS1 standard
Please see Contributing file