A basic Flutter State Management inspired by Entity Component System (ECS) pattern. This Uses the App as the "Entity" containing "Components" that are being Mananged by running a "System".
A basic management that uses Flutter's InheritedWidget and ValueNotifier to manage state.
AppStateProvider - Used to mount the ComponentStateSystem
instance to the widget tree.
ConsumeComponents - Used to consume a list of Component
instances available in the ComponentStateSystem
onInit: (app) {
// run a system on initialization of the state
child: ConsumeComponents(
strict: false,
/// consume the that has been intialized by TestInitAppStateSystem
types: const [TestLoadingData],
builder: (context, components) {
final data = components.tryRead<TestLoadingData>();
if (data == null) return const CircularProgressIndicator();
final listenable = data.storeValue;
return ListenableBuilder(
listenable: listenable,
builder: (_, __) => Text(
'data ${listenable.value}',
This package is still in Proof of Concept stage and is not recommended for production use. Contributions are welcome.