A simple python script that will transform xyz to exess json input format and viceversa
usage: parley.py [-h] [--input_format {xyz,json}] [--output_format {json,xyz}] --input_file INPUT_FILE [--output_file OUTPUT_FILE]
[--basis_set BASIS_SET] [--aux_basis_set AUX_BASIS_SET] [--driver DRIVER] [--method METHOD]
Convert between XYZ and JSON formats.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input_format {xyz,json}
Input file format (default: xyz)
--output_format {json,xyz}
Output file format (default: json)
--input_file INPUT_FILE
Input file name
--output_file OUTPUT_FILE
Output file name (default: input_file with appropriate suffix)
--basis_set BASIS_SET
Basis set to use (default: 6-31G)
--aux_basis_set AUX_BASIS_SET
Auxiliary basis set (default: none)
--driver DRIVER Driver to use (default: Energy) (options: Energy, Gradient, Dynamics, Optimization)
--method METHOD Method to use (default: RestrictedHF) (options: RestrictedHF and RestrictedRIMP2)