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My portfolio site/developer blog written in full-stack Rust.


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Table of Contents

What Is This?

This is my full-stack portfolio site written entirely in Rust to prove the haters wrong -- Rust is production ready. This is both a place to blog about computer science and a form of artistic expression.

crt tv gif

I implemented a retro, CRT TV theme. The background GIF changes on each page refresh and a static GIF loads between each GIF change, simulating flipping through TV channels. All GIFs are miscellaneous screen captures from many different animes -- some are mellow, while others are packed with action. There are many more GIFs I would have liked to include in the rotation, but I have restricted the GIFs to anime to keep consistent with a single theme. This list of GIFs will continue to grow over the years as I find more GIFs that suit the aesthetics of the site. Enjoy cycling through the GIFs!

The site consists of many little easter eggs, including but not limited to:

  • A dynamic GIF background that changes on each page refresh.
  • 404 page stories about a digital nomad getting lost, generated by ChatGPT.
  • [Click around and find out]

Where Does the Violence Data Come From?

My site pulls data from the City of Chicago's Socrata API. Here are links to the documentation:

The City of Chicago's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) codes and descriptions may be found at this page.

The Stack

This project uses the following stack:




Actix Web

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