- Contributors: Joshua Uzor, Godswill Adie, Credo
- Tags: Credo, payment form, payment gateway, bank account, credit card, debit card, mastercard, visa
Take donations and payments for services on your WordPress site using Credo.
- Login to your WordPress Dashboard.
- Click on "Plugins > Add New" from the left menu.
- In the search box type Credo Payment Forms.
- Click on Install Now on Credo Payment Forms to install the plugin on your site.
- Confirm the installation.
- Activate the plugin.
- Go to "Credo > Settings" from the left menu to configure the plugin.
- Download the plugin zip file.
- Login to your WordPress Admin. Click on "Plugins > Add New" from the left menu.
- Click on the "Upload" option, then click "Choose File" to select the zip file you downloaded. Click "OK" and "Install Now" to complete the installation.
- Activate the plugin.
- Go to "Credo > Settings" from the left menu to configure the plugin.
To configure the plugin, go to Credo > Settings from the left menu.
Pay Button Public Key - Enter your public key which can be retrieved from "Pay Buttons" page on your Credo account dashboard.
Modal Title - (Optional) customize the title of the Pay Modal. Default is Credo PAY.
Modal Description - (Optional) customize the description on the Pay Modal. Default is Credo PAY MODAL.
Modal Logo - (Optional) customize the logo on the Pay Modal. Enter a full url (with 'http'). Default is Credo logo.
Success Redirect URL - (Optional) The URL the user should be redirected to after a successful payment. Enter a full url (with 'http'). Default: "".
Failed Redirect URL - (Optional) The URL the user should be redirected to after a failed payment. Enter a full url (with 'http'). Default: "".
Pay Button Text - (Optional) The text to display on the button. Default: "PAY NOW".
Charge Currency - (Optional) The currency the user is charged. Default: "NGN".
Charge Country - (Optional) The country the merchant is serving. Default: "NG: Nigeria".
Form Style - (Optional) Disable form default style and use the activated theme style instead.
Click Save Changes to save your changes.
You can enable default theme's style to override default form style from the Settings page.
Or you can override the form class .credo-simple-pay-now-form
from your stylesheet.
####1. Shortcode
Insert the shortcode anywhere on your page or post that you want the form to be displayed to the user.
Basic: requires the user to enter amount and email to complete payment
With button text:
[credo-pay-button]Button Text[/credo-pay-button]
With attributes: email or use_current_user_email with value "yes", amount
[credo-pay-button amount="1290" email="[email protected]" ]
[credo-pay-button amount="1290" use_current_user_email="yes" ]
With attributes and button text: email, amount
[credo-pay-button amount="1290" email="[email protected]" ]Button Text[/credo-pay-button]
All the payments made through the forms to Credo can be accessed on Credo > Transactions page.