Swift package that lets you have a tip jar running in minutes
SwiftUI example of how to use SwiftTipJar package
Declarative form validator for SwiftUI.
Easily validate your Properties with Property Wrappers 👮
Generate a list of license information for all Swift packages used in your project. For easy *Acknowledgement* views.
SwiftUI package that creates an animated circular progress bar
Official Objective-C SDK for the Dropbox API v2.
JulesMoorhouse / iPhoneMK
Forked from michaelkamprath/iPhoneMKVarious classes performing useful functions for the iPhone.
JulesMoorhouse / RESideMenu
Forked from romaonthego/RESideMenuiOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect.
JulesMoorhouse / docs-1
Forked from fastlane/docsIntroducing the all new fastlane docs, now even easier to read
An MS Access Security utility, providing protection for your databases.
iOS App Store Optimisation - How to make with a storyboard of screenshots