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remove forgotten duplicated methods (#119)
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* remove forgotten duplicated methods

* code was duplicated in deprecations as well...?
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Datseris committed Feb 21, 2023
1 parent dc36254 commit 56c2537
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Showing 3 changed files with 1 addition and 268 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "DelayEmbeddings"
uuid = "5732040d-69e3-5649-938a-b6b4f237613f"
repo = ""
version = "2.7.0"
version = "2.7.1"

Distances = "b4f34e82-e78d-54a5-968a-f98e89d6e8f7"
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134 changes: 0 additions & 134 deletions src/deprecate.jl
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@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
using Base: @_inline_meta
export DelayEmbedding, embed, τrange
export AbstractEmbedding

# Univariate Delay Coordinates
"Super-type of embedding methods."
abstract type AbstractEmbedding end

DelayEmbedding(γ, τ, h = nothing) → `embedding`
Return a delay coordinates embedding structure to be used as a function-like-object,
given a timeseries and some index. Calling
embedding(s, n)
will create the `n`-th delay vector of the embedded space, which has `γ`
temporal neighbors with delay(s) `τ`.
`γ` is the embedding dimension minus 1, `τ` is the delay time(s) while `h` are
extra weights, as in [`embed`](@ref) for more.
**Be very careful when choosing `n`, because `@inbounds` is used internally.**
Use [`τrange`](@ref)!
struct DelayEmbedding{γ, H} <: AbstractEmbedding
delays::SVector{γ, Int}
h::SVector{γ, H}
@inline DelayEmbedding(γ, τ, h = nothing) = DelayEmbedding(Val{γ}(), τ, h)
@inline function DelayEmbedding(g::Val{γ}, τ::Int, h::H) where {γ, H}
idxs = [k*τ for k in 1:γ]
hs = hweights(g, h)
htype = H <: Union{Nothing, Real} ? H : eltype(H)
return DelayEmbedding{γ, htype}(SVector{γ, Int}(idxs...), hs)
@inline function DelayEmbedding(g::Val{γ}, τ::AbstractVector, h::H) where {γ, H}
γ != length(τ) && throw(ArgumentError(
"Delay time vector length must equal the embedding dimension minus 1."
hs = hweights(g, h)
htype = H <: Union{Nothing, Real} ? H : eltype(H)
return DelayEmbedding{γ, htype}(SVector{γ, Int}...), hs)
hweights(::Val{γ}, h::Nothing) where {γ} = SVector{γ, Nothing}(fill(nothing, γ))
hweights(::Val{γ}, h::T) where {γ, T<:Real} = SVector{γ, T}([h^b for b in 1:γ]...)
hweights(::Val{γ}, h::AbstractVector) where {γ} = SVector{γ}(h)

@generated function (r::DelayEmbedding{γ, Nothing})(s::AbstractArray{T}, i) where {γ, T}
gens = [:(s[i + r.delays[$k]]) for k=1:γ]
@inbounds return SVector{$γ+1,T}(s[i], $(gens...))

# This is the version with weights
@generated function (r::DelayEmbedding{γ})(s::AbstractArray{T}, i) where {γ, T}
gens = [:(r.h[$k]*(s[i + r.delays[$k]])) for k=1:γ]
@inbounds return SVector{$γ+1,T}(s[i], $(gens...))

embed(s, d, τ [, h])
Embed `s` using delay coordinates with embedding dimension `d` and delay time `τ`
and return the result as a [`StateSpaceSet`](@ref). Optionally use weight `h`, see below.
Here `τ > 0`, use [`genembed`](@ref) for a generalized version.
## Description
If `τ` is an integer, then the ``n``-th entry of the embedded space is
(s(n), s(n+\\tau), s(n+2\\tau), \\dots, s(n+(d-1)\\tau))
If instead `τ` is a vector of integers, so that `length(τ) == d-1`,
then the ``n``-th entry is
(s(n), s(n+\\tau[1]), s(n+\\tau[2]), \\dots, s(n+\\tau[d-1]))
The resulting set can have same
invariant quantities (like e.g. Lyapunov exponents) with the original system
that the timeseries were recorded from, for proper `d` and `τ`.
This is known as the Takens embedding theorem [^Takens1981] [^Sauer1991].
The case of different delay times allows embedding systems with many time scales,
If provided, `h` can be weights to multiply the entries of the embedded space.
If `h isa Real` then the embedding is
(s(n), h \\cdot s(n+\\tau), h^2 \\cdot s(n+2\\tau), \\dots,h^{d-1} \\cdot s(n+γ\\tau))
Otherwise `h` can be a vector of length `d-1`, which the decides the weights of each
entry directly.
## References
[^Takens1981] : F. Takens, *Detecting Strange Attractors in Turbulence — Dynamical
Systems and Turbulence*, Lecture Notes in Mathematics **366**, Springer (1981)
[^Sauer1991] : T. Sauer *et al.*, J. Stat. Phys. **65**, pp 579 (1991)
[^Judd1998]: K. Judd & A. Mees, [Physica D **120**, pp 273 (1998)](
[^Farmer1988]: Farmer & Sidorowich, [Exploiting Chaos to Predict the Future and Reduce Noise"](
function embed(s::AbstractVector{T}, d, τ, h::H = nothing) where {T, H}
if d == 1
return StateSpaceSet(s)
htype = H <: Union{Nothing, Real} ? H : eltype(H)
de::DelayEmbedding{d-1, htype} = DelayEmbedding(d-1, τ, h)
return embed(s, de)

@inline function embed(s::AbstractVector{T}, de::DelayEmbedding{γ}) where {T, γ}
r = τrange(s, de)
data = Vector{SVector{γ+1, T}}(undef, length(r))
@inbounds for i in r
data[i] = de(s, i)
return StateSpaceSet{γ+1, T}(data)

τrange(s, de::AbstractEmbedding)
Return the range `r` of valid indices `n` to create delay vectors out of `s` using `de`.
τrange(s, de::AbstractEmbedding) = 1:(length(s) - maximum(de.delays))
133 changes: 0 additions & 133 deletions src/embeddings/embed.jl
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Return the range `r` of valid indices `n` to create delay vectors out of `s` using `de`.
τrange(s, de::AbstractEmbedding) = 1:(length(s) - maximum(de.delays))

# Generalized embedding (arbitrary combination of timeseries and delays)
export GeneralizedEmbedding, genembed

GeneralizedEmbedding(τs, js = ones(length(τs)), ws = nothing) -> `embedding`
Return a delay coordinates embedding structure to be used as a function.
Given a timeseries *or* trajectory (i.e. `StateSpaceSet`) `s` and calling
embedding(s, n)
will create the delay vector of the `n`-th point of `s` in the embedded space using
generalized embedding (see [`genembed`](@ref)).
`js` is ignored for timeseries input `s` (since all entries of `js` must be `1` in
this case) and in addition `js` defaults to `(1, ..., 1)` for all `τ`.
**Be very careful when choosing `n`, because `@inbounds` is used internally.**
Use [`τrange`](@ref)!
struct GeneralizedEmbedding{D, W} <: AbstractEmbedding
τs::NTuple{D, Int}
js::NTuple{D, Int}
ws::NTuple{D, W}
function GeneralizedEmbedding(τs::NTuple{D, Int}) where {D} # type stable version
GeneralizedEmbedding{D, Nothing}(
τs, NTuple{D, Int}(ones(D)), NTuple{D, Nothing}(fill(nothing, D))

function GeneralizedEmbedding(τs, js = ones(length(τs)), ws = nothing)
D = length(τs)
a = NTuple{D, Int}(τs)
b = NTuple{D, Int}(js)
W = isnothing(ws) ? Nothing : typeof(promote(ws...)[1])
c = isnothing(ws) ? NTuple{D, W}(fill(nothing, D)) : NTuple{D, W}(promote(ws...))
return GeneralizedEmbedding{D, W}(a, b, c)

function, g::GeneralizedEmbedding{D, W}) where {D, W}
print(io, "$D-dimensional generalized embedding\n")
print(io, " τs: $(g.τs)\n")
print(io, " js: $(g.js)\n")
wp = W == Nothing ? "nothing" :
print(io, " ws: $(wp)")

const Data{T} = Union{StateSpaceSet{D, T}, AbstractVector{T}} where {D}

# dataset version
@generated function (g::GeneralizedEmbedding{D, W})(s::AbstractStateSpaceSet{Z, T}, i::Int) where {D,W,Z,T}
gens = if W == Nothing
[:(s[i + g.τs[$k], g.js[$k]]) for k=1:D]
[:([$k]*s[i + g.τs[$k], g.js[$k]]) for k=1:D]
X = W == Nothing ? T : promote_type(T, W)
@inbounds return SVector{$D,$X}($(gens...))

# vector version
@generated function (g::GeneralizedEmbedding{D, W})(s::AbstractVector{T}, i::Int) where {D,W,T}
gens = if W == Nothing
[:(s[i + g.τs[$k]]) for k=1:D]
[:([$k]*s[i + g.τs[$k]]) for k=1:D]
X = W == Nothing ? T : promote_type(T, W)
@inbounds return SVector{$D,$X}($(gens...))

τrange(s, ge::GeneralizedEmbedding) =
max(1, (-minimum(ge.τs) + 1)):min(length(s), length(s) - maximum(ge.τs))

genembed(s, τs, js = ones(...); ws = nothing) → dataset
Create a generalized embedding of `s` which can be a timeseries or arbitrary `StateSpaceSet`,
and return the result as a new `StateSpaceSet`.
The generalized embedding works as follows:
- `τs` denotes what delay times will be used for each of the entries
of the delay vector. It is recommended that `τs[1] = 0`.
`τs` is allowed to have *negative entries* as well.
- `js` denotes which of the timeseries contained in `s`
will be used for the entries of the delay vector. `js` can contain duplicate indices.
- `ws` are optional weights that weight each embedded entry (the i-th entry of the
delay vector is weighted by `ws[i]`). If provided, it is recommended that `ws[1] == 1`.
`τs, js, ws` are tuples (or vectors) of length `D`, which also coincides with the embedding
dimension. For example, imagine input trajectory ``s = [x, y, z]`` where ``x, y, z`` are
timeseries (the columns of the `StateSpaceSet`).
If `js = (1, 3, 2)` and `τs = (0, 2, -7)` the created delay vector at
each step ``n`` will be
(x(n), z(n+2), y(n-7))
Using `ws = (1, 0.5, 0.25)` as well would create
(x(n), \\frac{1}{2} z(n+2), \\frac{1}{4} y(n-7))
`js` can be skipped, defaulting to index 1 (first timeseries) for all delay entries, while
it has no effect if `s` is a timeseries instead of a `StateSpaceSet`.
See also [`embed`](@ref). Internally uses [`GeneralizedEmbedding`](@ref).
function genembed(s, τs, js = ones(length(τs)); ws = nothing)
D = length(τs)
W = isnothing(ws) ? Nothing : typeof(promote(ws...)[1])
ge::GeneralizedEmbedding{D, W} = GeneralizedEmbedding(τs, js, ws)
return genembed(s, ge)

function genembed(s, ge::GeneralizedEmbedding{D, W}) where {D, W}
r = τrange(s, ge)
T = eltype(s)
X = W == Nothing ? T : promote_type(T, W)
data = Vector{SVector{D, X}}(undef, length(r))
@inbounds for (i, n) in enumerate(r)
data[i] = ge(s, n)
return StateSpaceSet{D, X}(data)

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