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JuliaCon24 Workshop: Hands-on with Julia for HPC on GPUs and CPUs

Instructors: Carsten Bauer, Ludovic Räss, and Johannes Blaschke (remote).

Where: TU-Eindhoven 0.244

When: July 9th, 1:30 PM (CEST)


Applying for NERSC Training Account (Urgent!)

To get the most out of the workshop, you need to apply for a NERSC training account before the workshop (as early as possible)! The reason for this is that everyone who applies for an account has to be checked, which can take some time (between a few minutes and a week) depending on their personal background (e.g. nationality and affiliation).

Please only apply for an account if you 1) have a workshop ticket and 2) really plan to participate in the JuliaCon 2024 workshop on Tuesday, July 9 in person!

Sign up for an account

To apply for an account:

  1. Go to
  2. Fill out the application form with your details and use the training code that you've received by email.
  3. Iris will display your training account's login credials only once. Take a screenshot of your login credials, you will not be able to change or recover these after you close this tab!
  4. You can already start experimenting once your account has been approved. Your training account will be availabe until July 14th (end of JuliaCon). Accounts get deleted afterwards, so remember to backup your data before July 14th.

If your institution is not listed in the drop down menu at Please choose "Training Account Only - Org Not Listed", and put your organization name in the "Department" field next.

If you are facing any issues, please reach out to Carsten Bauer ([email protected]).

Prepare for the workshop

Ideally, you already do the following things before the workshop (but there will also be time to do them in Eindhoven).

To begin with, make sure that you have VS Code installed on your laptop.

VS Code → Perlmutter (via SSH)

  1. In VS Code, press F1 and run the Remote-SSH: Open SSH Host... command.
    • If the command isn't available, make sure that Remote - SSH extension is installed (but it should be available out of the box).
  2. Enter [email protected] (with trainXY replaced by your training account) and press enter.
  3. In the popup input box, enter your password and press enter.

After a second or two, you should have VS Code running on a Perlmutter login node! 🎉

On Perlmutter

  • Clone the workshop materials into $SCRATCH/juliacon24-hpcworkshopby running the following command.

     git clone $SCRATCH/juliacon24-hpcworkshop
    • You will work in this folder during the workshop.
  • To prepare your $HOME/.bashrc, run the following command(s)

     echo -e "export JULIA_DEPOT_PATH=\$SCRATCH/.julia\nexport PATH=\$SCRATCH/.julia/bin:\$PATH\n# auto-load the Julia module\nml use /global/common/software/nersc/n9/julia/modules\nml julia" >> $HOME/.bashrc
     . $HOME/.bashrc
    • Most importantly, this
      • permanently puts your Julia depot onto the parallel file system ($SCRATCH) and
      • auto-loads the Julia module when you login (such that the julia command is available).
  • Let's now turn to the Julia VS Code extension.

    1. Install the Julia VS Code extension inside of VS Code running on Perlmutter. To do so, open the extensions view (CTRL/CMD + SHIFT + X), search for julia, and click on install.
    2. Open the VS Code Settings, click on the tab Remote [SSH:], and search for Julia executable. Insert /pscratch/sd/t/trainXY/juliacon24-hpcworkshop/ - with trainXY replaced by you training account name - into the text field under Julia: Executable Path.

    If ALT/OPTION + J followed by ALT/OPTION + O (or pressing F1 and executing the Julia: Start REPL command) successfully spins up the integrated Julia REPL, you know that the setup is working! 🎉

At the start of the workshop

(The following is supposed to be done on Perlmutter.)

  • Switch to the workshop repository cd $SCRATCH/juliacon24-hpcworkshop.
    • Tip: You can run code -r . in a terminal in VS Code to open the current directory in the current VS Code window.
  • Run git pull within to ensure that you have the latest version of the repository.
  • Instantiate the Julia environment by running julia --project -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'.