A common interface for clustering data. The interface is composed of the abstract types:
which interplay with the functions:
cluster(ca::ClusteringAlgortihm, data) → cr::ClusteringResults
Cluster input data
according to the algorithm specified by ca
All options related to the algorithm are given as keyword arguments when
constructing ca
The input data
is a length-m iterable of "vectors" (data points).
"Vector" here is considered in the generalized sense, i.e., any objects that
a distance can be defined on them so that they can be clustered.
In the majority of cases these are vectors of real numbers.
If you have a matrix with each row a data point, simply pass in eachrow(matrix)
The output is always a subtype of ClusteringResults
that can be further queried.
The cluster labels are always the
positive integers 1:n
with n::Int
the number of created clusters,
Data points that couldn't get clustered (e.g., outliers or noise)
get assigned negative integers, typically just -1
subtypes always implement the following functions:
returns a length-m vectorlabels::Vector{Int}
containing the clustering labels , so thatdata[i]
has labellabels[i]
a length-m vector of length-n
vectors containing the "probabilities" or "score" of each point belonging to one of the created clusters (useful for fuzzy clustering algorithms).cluster_number(cr)
Other algorithm-related output can be obtained as a field of the result type, or by using other specific functions of the result type. This is described in the individual algorithm implementations docstrings.
To create new clustering algorithms simply create a new
subtype of ClusteringAlgorithm
that extends cluster
so that it returns a new subtype of ClusteringResult
This result must extend cluster_number, cluster_labels
and optionally cluster_probs
See also the two helper functions each_data_point, input_data_size
which help you can support matrix input while abiding the declared api
of iterable of vectors as input.
For more, see the docstring of cluster