RayCastWorlds v0.1.0
Merged pull requests:
- add window using MiniFB (#1) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- create and render a grid world (#2) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add environment and agent (#3) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- refactor and add movement to agent (#4) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add rotation and fix movement (#5) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- refactor and cleanup (#6) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add collision detection and prevention for agent (#7) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add ray casting (#8) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add agent view (#9) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- fix collision detection (#10) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- refactor (#11) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add goal (#12) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- refactor (#13) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add RL experiments (#14) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add environment SingleRoom (#15) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- play SingleRoom and save animations (#16) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- cleanup and organize files (#17) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- cleanup (#18) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- rename package to RayCastWorlds (#19) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- rewrite and restructure everything (#20) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add RLBase API and tests (#21) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add ci.yml, CompatHelper.yml, TagBot.yml (#22) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- update README (#23) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- clean up & rearrange code (#24) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add compat entries in Project.toml (#35) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- Bump version (#36) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)