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Releases: JuliaText/TextAnalysis.jl


28 Feb 15:06
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TextAnalysis v0.8.1

Diff since v0.7.5

Merged pull requests:

  • allow DocumentMetadata to hold arbirtary data (#158) (@tanmaykm)
  • Directional coom (#264) (@atantos)
  • Fixed UNICODE processing with the strip_non_letters flag in src/preprocessing.jl (#265) (@sigmundv)
  • ROUGE: fixed sentences calculation and some minor refactoring (#272) (@rssdev10)
  • CI: updated scripts. Minimal Julia is 1.6 now (#275) (@rssdev10)
  • Code refactoring (#276) (@rssdev10)
  • documentation update (#277) (@rssdev10)
  • CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Statistics at version 1, (keep existing compat) (#278) (@github-actions[bot])
  • Fix/showprogress (#281) (@rssdev10)
  • Fix/style improvement (#282) (@rssdev10)

Closed issues:

  • error on LDA Julia 0.4 (#37)
  • remove_corrupt_utf8() not working (#41)
  • remove_corrupt_utf8! giving "no method matching zero" error (#68)
  • stemming issue for certain words e.g. providing -> provid (#69)
  • rouge_n not defined (#193)
  • error strip_spares_terms not defined (#212)
  • Eval can be replaced by getfield in tag_scheme! (#242)
  • Seems there are some typos in documents (#249)
  • StringIndexError when trying to create a StringDocument based on a UTF8 string (#255)
  • Converting Corpus to Dataframe not working. (#279)


04 Oct 03:16
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TextAnalysis v0.7.5

Diff since v0.7.4

Merged pull requests:

Closed issues:

  • Implementation of cosine similarity? (#215)
  • Dependence on BinaryProvider.jl prevents TextAnalysis from working on arm64-apple-darwin natively. (#260)


25 May 11:43
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TextAnalysis v0.7.4

Diff since v0.7.3

Closed issues:

  • PerceptronTagger is not defined (#262)
  • Libstemmer not defined for ARM (M1 Mac) (#263)

Merged pull requests:


05 Apr 20:07
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TextAnalysis v0.7.3

Diff since v0.7.2

Closed issues:

  • CI is failing on the latest Julia master (#252)

Merged pull requests:


19 Dec 12:40
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TextAnalysis v0.7.2

Diff since v0.7.1

Closed issues:

  • Methods to merge two DocumentTermMatrix instances (#243)

Merged pull requests:

  • CompatHelper: bump compat for "DataFrames" to "0.22" (#239) (@github-actions[bot])
  • Use Tables.jl, remove explicit DataFrames dependency (#240) (@aviks)
  • methods to help manipulate and update DocumentTermMatrix incrementally (#244) (@tanmaykm)
  • optimize document term sparse matrix operations (#245) (@tanmaykm)
  • fix Project.toml, add Tables compat entry (#246) (@tanmaykm)


10 Nov 21:12
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TextAnalysis v0.7.1

Diff since v0.7.0

Closed issues:

  • Move models to TextModels.jl (#111)
  • Tag a new release (#177)
  • Provide libstemmer through Yggdrasil (#204)
  • Julia TextAnalysis NERTagger (#214)
  • Unable to convert corpus to DataFrame (#236)

Merged pull requests:


01 Nov 23:52
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TextAnalysis v0.7.0

Diff since v0.6.0

Closed issues:

  • Feature Request: Part of speech tagging (#2)
  • Implement Named Entity Recognition (NER) (#117)
  • Can a new release be tagged? (#139)
  • Need API documentation (#146)
  • Extend Naive Bayes Classifier to support the various document types (#152)
  • Summarize function throws error for docs with less than 5 sentences. (#153)
  • UndefVarError when prepare! called on Corpus (#171)
  • Need to export Flux, Tracker (#178)
  • Docs and docstring for Sentiment Analysis model needs fixing (#182)
  • NaiveBayesClassifier scope error. (#192)
  • APIs to avoid datatype constraint between CorpusLoaders.jl and TextAnalysis.jl (#195)
  • Add entry for ULMFiT in docs/make.jl (#196)
  • Unexpected behaviour of ngram(sd, 3) (#202)
  • "resulting" bug (#205)
  • Statistical tokenization algorithms (#207)
  • Trying to use NaiveBayesClassifier results in UndefVarError (#216)

Merged pull requests:

Various fixes

02 Apr 00:48
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Merge pull request #137 from phereford/master

Remove HTML style tags in preprocessing

v0.5.0 Julia 1.0 Compatibility

01 Oct 11:52
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Merge pull request #97 from JuliaText/as/towards07

Prepare for 1.0

v0.4.2 Bugfixes

30 Aug 18:16
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bug fixes for DTM constructor and for remove_patterns (#94)

* Fixes case where DocumentTermMatrix(crps, lex) would construct a dtm of wrong dimensions if a term provided in lex does not occur in the crps

* added DocumentTermMatrix constructor that takes a crps and a prespecified terms vector

* fixed remove_patterns to use nextind() to find starting position of next unstripped substring. Closes #92

* removed leftover info() statement in prepare! test