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Example studies that use bombcell

Julie Fabre edited this page Nov 19, 2024 · 8 revisions

Here are some examples of studies that use bombcell (see the full list on google scholar):

  • van Beest and Bimbard et al., Nature Methods, 2024. Bombcell was used to define real, well-isolated cortical, superior colliculus, striatal, hippocampal and globus pallidus external units in order to match units across days.

  • Bimbard et al., eLife, 2024. Bombcell was used to define real, well-isolated cortical, superior colliculus, striatal, hippocampal and globus pallidus external units in order to evaluate a novel implant's stability.

Preliminary versions of Bombcell have been used in the following studies:

  • Peters et al., Nature, 2021. This study employed a preliminary version of Bombcell to define real, well-isolated striatal units and classify them into MSNs, FSIs, and TANs. You can refer to the script bc_ephysPropertiesPipeline (work in progress) to classify striatal cells in a similar manner, by inputting region = 'Striatum'.

  • Peters et al., Cell Reports, 2022. A preliminary version of Bombcell was used in this study to define real, well-isolated pre-frontal cortex units.You can refer to the script bc_ephysPropertiesPipeline (work in progress) to classify striatal cells in a similar manner, by inputting region = 'Cortex'.