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Important changes log

Julie Fabre edited this page Oct 27, 2023 · 35 revisions

Here's a log of important changes in bombcell:

  • ✨ 2023/10/27: Option to detrend raw spikes. Set param.detrendWaveforms to 1 to enable this.

  • 🩹 2023/10/19: Optional, if you are using another recording software than spikeGLX or OpenEphys (e.g. Intan), you can still use bombcell. You need to change the inputs to the parameter function param = bc_qualityParamValues(ephysMetaDir, rawFile, ephysKilosortPath, gain_to_uV); . Set ephysMetaDir = '' AND gain_to_uV = your_value_here. For Intan data, gain_to_uV = 0.195;.

  • 🩹 2023/10/16: Optional, if you are using spikeGLX and there is some error in your metafile where your probe type is not defined, change param.probeType to the appropriate value.

  • 🤝 2023/08/29: Optional compatibility with phy. If param.saveAsTSV is true, bombcell saves a tsv file per quality metric in the param.ephysKilosortPath path. This needs to be the same path as where all your kilosort output paths are saved.

  • 🪄 2023/08/23: Move makepretty function to a separate repo, so it can be easily used across different projects. Users now need to download and add it to their matlab path.

  • 🔖 2023/07/21: Bombcell version 1 released! 10.5281/zenodo.8172821

  • 🥅 2023/07/06: Updated SNR calculation. Previously was using largest peak rather largest absolute value - thanks @LaurenzMuessig!

  • 🧹 2023/06/23: Added un-whitening step to templates - thanks @petersaj!

  • ✨ 2023/05/30: New bombcell quality metric parameter param.extractRaw to extract or not raw waveforms. This is currently one of bombcell's most time consuming steps. Note that if this option is disabled, you will not compute each units' rawAmplitude or each units' signal-to-noise ratio.

  • 🐛 2023/05/20: Updated the scaling factor for open-ephys recorded data

Follow me on twitter: basal_gang for updates on bombcell.