The Color Management System (CMS) Oyranos allows the coordination of device specific Informations (ICC profiles) und system wide settings. KolorManager is a KDE Systemssettings component for Oyranos.
- kmdevices (Kolor Management Devices - Monitor/Printer/etc. profile setup)
- kminfo (Kolor Management Information - Displays specific profile information)
- kmsettings (Kolor Management Settings - Change behavior and policy settings)
- The v1.1.0 tagged release builds fine using Oyranos-0.9.6 .
- Actual git should the latest Oyranos from it's git repository. KolorManager gets updated pretty quick to Oyranos changes.
- Synnefo's libOyranosSynnefo is used for the program logic
Enter the following commands:
mkdir build && cd build/
cmake ..
make install
This build should install a "Kolor Management" icon in the KF5 settings window, under "Computer Administration". An alternative method for running the individual modules would be to type this in a terminal:
kcmshell5 [KMMODULE] (Where KMMODULE is "kcm_kmdevices", "kcm_kminfo", or "kcm_kmsettings")
This is handy for displaying debug information through the console.
The following files are installed under each module directory. They are shown here for reference:
MODULE.cpp (source code) MODULE.h (header) MODULE.ui (Qt Designer file) ui_MODULE.h (Qt designer header file - for hand coding purposes) CMakeLists.txt (build instructions for each module)
# local debug build
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/.local -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-g -Wall" ../kolor-manager
#Possibly prepend the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable to reflect Oyranos...
kbuildsycoca5 # update KDEs internal icon and module cachings
kcmshell5 kminfo & # start
echo $! # obtain process id from bashs most recent process - kcmshell5
KDE_DEBUG=1 gdb kcmshell5 # the variable avoid KDE's crash handler
gdb > attach to process id
gdb > breakpoint kminfo.cpp:line_number
gdb > continue
sha=`cat .git/refs/heads/master | head -c 8`
git archive --format=tar --prefix=kolor-manager-$sha/ HEAD | bzip2 > kolor-manager-$sha.tar.bz2
qdbus org.kde.kded5 /kded org.kde.kded5.loadedModules
kquitapp kded; QT_LOGGING_RULES="kolorserver.debug=true" kded5
# kdebugdialog --fullmode might be useful
qdbus org.kde.kded /kded unloadModule kolorserver
QT_LOGGING_RULES="libkwinglutils.debug=true;kwin_scene_opengl.debug=true" kwin_x11 --replace
- started by Joe Simon in summer 2008-2009
- KolorManager maintained by Kai-Uwe Behrmann 2010-2016
- KolorServer was maintained by Casian Andrei 2012 (It is now a separate project.)
- The configuration has to be ported to a Oyranos configure object to manipulate settings and then apply at once. This is currently not possible, as each setting is imediately applied to the Oyranos settings DB.
- Camera support needs to be outlined first