An updated BTC/LTC/USD dashboard with scraped headlines, topical statistics and data from on-going global crises.
Designed with high-visibility and at-a-glance updates in mind. Intended for 2200x1650* e-paper devices such as the Boox Mira. Well suited to low power instrumentation.
<UP> and <DOWN> keys will adjust contrast.
The O key will present the Options interface for editing watch words and changing the locale.
Time, Date, BTC/USD Spot
Headlines from BBC world news*
BTC/USD high and low during the last six hours
Main BTC/USD chart for the last six hours
Extra charts and data from world events (Currently: monthly invaders "knocked out cold" and BTCRUB)
Volatility Indicator
The marker in the vertical box indicates level of current spot price relative to high/low.
If the inner circle fills the outer circle, there's been around 10% movement (or more) during the last six hours.
Spread and change for this period are also shown above and below on its right hand side.
This is also where you'll find the digital clock's analogue second hand.
Weather for specified location
Location, IP address, contrast setting, uptime
Time since last update for each dataset (if > 1 minute; else hidden)
Current LTC value in USD (calculated from latest LTCBTC and BTC spot values)
Version number
Current LTCBTC rate
* Headlines will flash (alternating inverted state) if they match any of a set of words defined in lib/watch-words.txt.
git clone https://github.com/KF-R/cryptopaper-2
cd cryptopaper-2
pip install -r requirements.txt
Optionally, if you would like to run it directly on linux or macs:
mv cryptopaper.py cryptopaper
chmod +x cryptopaper
Now you can run it from the command line with ./cryptopaper
Browse to the local URL, by default:
Watch Words
contains an editable list of newline-separated search strings.
Any headline containing any of these strings will flash (toggling inverted status every other second). -
The weather locale can be set by editing the
constant incryptopaper-2.py
This string is fed to the most excellent wttr.in, so any location strings valid there should also work here.
You can also adjust the serverPORT
here, if necessary. -
Integrated Options Editor
Pressing O reveals the Options Editor.
You can add a new word to the watch word list (with <Enter>), edit or delete existing entries, or change the weather locale.
QR Code
Press <SPACE> to see the current URL and a corresponding QR code to make it easier to connect other devices on the same network to the service.
Headlines are fetched from BBC World News (https://www.bbc.com/news/world).
BTC and LTC data pulled from Bitstamp (https://www.bitstamp.net).
Extra data pulled from https://russian-casualties.in.ua/ and Coindesk (https://www.coindesk.com).