Automatically download, compare, and assemble genomes from NCBI
Dependencies This script requires Python 3.6+ and the following libraries: pip install biopython
Install the NCBI Datasets CLI for handling nuclear genomes: conda install -c bioconda ncbi-datasets-cli
This script will automatically download and filter organellar and nuclear genomes from the NCBI database
# basic code:
python "group" "outfolder" --genome_type "chloroplast" --length_threshold INT --batch_size 50 --duplicate_removal --max_individuals_per_species INT --overwrite
# examples:
python -g "ranunculaceae" -o ./genome_ranunculaceae --genome_type "nuclear_genome" --overwrite --email XXX@XXX
python -g "ranunculaceae" -o ./chloroplast_ranunculaceae --genome_type "chloroplast" --duplicate_removal --max_individuals 2 --overwrite --email XXX@XXX
python -g "ranunculaceae" -o ./mitogenome_ranunculaceae --genome_type "mitochondrial" --duplicate_removal --max_individuals 2 --overwrite --email XXX@XXX
# usage: [-h] [--outfolfder OUTFOLDER] [--group GROUP]
[--genome_type {chloroplast,mitochondrial,nuclear_genome}] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
[--duplicate_removal] [--max_individuals MAX_INDIVIDUALS_PER_SPECIES]
[--overwrite] [--email EMAIL]
Download plastid, mitochondrial, or nuclear genomes from NCBI.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-o, --outfolder Output folder for downloaded files.
-g, --group Taxonomic group or organism name (e.g., genus, family, order).
-t, --genome_type {chloroplast,mitochondrial,nuclear_genome}
The type of genome to download.
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size for downloading genomes (only organellar genomes).
--duplicate_removal Remove duplicate sequence files (only for organellar genomes).
Maximum number of individuals per species to retain (only organellar genomes).
--overwrite Overwrite existing output folder.
--email Your email for NCBI Entrez queries.
Dependencies This script requires Java 1.6 or later (for Astral). This script requires Python 3.6+ and the following libraries: pip install biopython
These scripts automatically extract and compare features, and align and assemble sequences/annotated CDS regions from files downloaded from NCBI
# basic code:
python -i INPUT -f FEATURE_SUMMARY -g --group_order GROUP_ORDER -s -a -r --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR --select_group SELECT_GROUP --overwrite
# example:
For a small test datasets, run: python -g "ranunculus" -o ./chloroplast_ranunculus --genome_type "chloroplast" --duplicate_removal --max_individuals 2 --overwrite --email XXX@XXX
python -i chloroplast_ranunculus/*.gb -f ranunculus_features -s -a -r --output_dir chloroplast_ranunculus/
# usage: [-h] --input INPUT [ ...] [-f FEATURE_SUMMARY] [-g] [-o GROUP_ORDER [GROUP1 GROUP2 ...]]
[--generate_gene_sequences] [--align_sequences] [--run_raxml] [--run_astral]
[--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR]
[--select_group SELECT_GROUP]
Process GenBank files and extract gene names and sequences.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i, --input INPUT Path to the GenBank files
-f, --feature_summary FEATURE_SUMMARY
Path for feature summary files (CSV and XLSX)
-g, --group_feature_summary
Whether to generate a section-wise feature summary
-o, --group_order GROUP_ORDER [GROUP_ORDER ...]
Optional: Order of sections in the summary files
-s, --generate_gene_sequences
Generate gene sequences in FASTA format
-a, --align_sequences
Align gene sequences using MAFFT
-r, --run_raxml Run RAxML-NG for phylogenetic analysis
--select_group SELECT_GROUP
Limit gene extraction to a specific group
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Output directory for gene sequences and alignment results
--overwrite Overwrite existing files if they exist
# basic code:
python -i INPUT -s FEATURE_SUMMARY -g --group_order GROUP_ORDER -s -a -r --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR --select_group SELECT_GROUP --overwrite
# example:
For a small test datasets, run: python -g "ranunculus" -o ./chloroplast_ranunculus --genome_type "chloroplast" --duplicate_removal --max_individuals 2 --overwrite --email XXX@XXX
python -i chloroplast_ranunculus/*.gb -o ranunculus_gene_features -s -g -a -r -x
For a small test datasets, run: python -g "ranunculales" -o ./mitogenome_ranunculales --genome_type "mitochondrial" --duplicate_removal --max_individuals 2 --overwrite --email XXX@XXX
python -i mitogenome_ranunculales/*.gb -o ranunculales_gene_features —feeature_section_summary -o Papaveroideae Fumarioideae Thalictroideae Delphinieae Ranunculeae Anemoneae -s -g -a -r -x
# usage: [-h] --input INPUT [ ...] [-o GROUP_ORDER [GROUP1 GROUP2 ...]] [--feature_section_summary]
[--generate_gene_sequences] [--align_sequences] [--run_raxml] [--run_astral]
[--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR]
[--select_group SELECT_GROUP]
Process GenBank files and extract gene names and sequences.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i, --input INPUT Path to the GenBank files
-f, --feature_section_summary
Generate section-wise feature summary
--group_order GROUP_ORDER [GROUP_ORDER ...]
Limit gene extraction to a specific group
-g, --generate_gene_sequences
Generate gene sequences in FASTA format
-a, --align_sequences
Align gene sequences using MAFFT
-r, --run_raxml Run RAxML-NG for phylogenetic analysis
-o, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Output directory for gene sequences and alignment results
--overwrite Overwrite existing files if they exist
If you use any of the scripts, please cite the following reference until the journal article is published:
Karbstein et al. (2024), BioRxiv (