- Julia Beltramini
- Kaira Cristina Peralis Tomaz
- Leonardo V. Azevedo
- Mélcar Collodetti
- Sara Reis
- Victor Aldair
Patient with acute respiratory syndrome with recent use of the antibiotic Azithromycin and the drug Ivermectin.
This work aims to analyze the microbial community present in the sample through omics techniques and the identification of possible pathogens.
Execute the three pipelines provided by the instructors to solve the patient's case.
RNA Virome (Metatranscriptomics or Total RNA)
- VIROMA-R1: (https://aulas-pos-hiae-public-data.s3.sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/TCC-metagenomica/patient_joao_VIROMA_S21_R1_001.fastq.gz)
- VIROMA-R2: (https://aulas-pos-hiae-public-data.s3.sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/TCC-metagenomica/patient_joao_VIROMA_S21_R2_001.fastq.gz)
- What pathogenic virus is present in the sample? What can you say about its genomic and lineage characteristics?
- Is there any virus that could be considered an incidental finding? Which one and why?