Releases: Kaltharos/RPGMods
Releases · Kaltharos/RPGMods
- Added anti-cheese system for PvP Punishment without EXP System.
- Added a config to disable the honor title only with benefits, etc still active.
- Found an issue with heatspawn faction not applied, no longer this will an issue.
- Fixed customspawn command, stupid mistake was made, fixed it was.
- Added duration option for customspawn command.
- Added honor system and a ton of other mechanics it entails.
- Added siege command.
- Added rename & adminrename commands.
- Added playerinfo & myinfo commands to help server admins with some debugging.
- Fixed hunter hunted not spawning anything on low heat level.
- Give command will now refuse to run if no arguments is given.
- SpawnNPC on waypoint now properly accept the spawn counts.
- Implemented allies caching for better performance.
- Bug fix with the exp gain for killing lower level mobs.
- HunterHunted ambush group are now part of vampire hunters faction.
- Adjustment in EXP System so player don't get more exp if they've reached the max level cap.
- Adjustment in EXP gain for killing lower level mobs.
- Adjusted bonus EXP gain for killing higher level mob to be capped at 10 level higher max.
- User with sufficient permission for waypoint_args will no longer be restricted by the waypoint limit.
- Reduced the required heat for ambush to occur.
- Fixed PvP Debuff punishment not applying correctly.
- Changed command permission to use permission level instead of just checking for admin/not.
- Permission and disabled commands config now automatically include abbreviation.
- Added whitelist/vip system which should be able to bypass max connected user config.
- Added ban command.
- Added kick command.
- Modified the save command to also force the server to save game.
- Modified the level up chat notification to be on/off according to the .xp log command.
- Fixed the waypoint bug, admin will ignore the limit properly now, and config for waypoint is properly set.
- Fixed bug with .mastery set command not being able to set other player mastery.
- Moved EXP lost on death to downed event to avoid people suiciding after pvp and losing exp.
- Attempt to fix rare broken string that is totally unknown how it can occurs.
- Commands
.help [<command>]
will no longer show details if the user doesn't have sufficient priviledge.