This version of Rate That Condiment is the remastered version on the Reate-That-Condiment Website made in Vanilla Javascript. Thsi iteration of that site will be remade using ReactJS as well as other dependencies to create teh static website. The design and concept files will also be available in this repository as well.
Currently, this is an ongoing project in October 2024 and will be updated weekly.
- Gloo Maps: Sitemapping
- Adobe XD: Web Design and Concepts
- Pexel: Royalty Free Images
- Kaggle: Data for Rating
The intent for the Remastered version of the Rate that condiment is to not only improve viewport adapatability but also to add a cleaner look to the website itself. The sitemap as well is very simple as it only involves a 3 stage site map. The Home Page will be include a similar navigation to the legacy project
The Designs for the the website was created within Adobe XD. XD File available in the project as well.
For the first revision, I wanted to start fresh by creating a simple navigation bar at the top and a search bar as well. This first draft was considered but I felt that the idea did not fit the overall expected theme for the condiment themed website and could be pushed al ittle further.
After Multiple revisions, I revamped the first draft and utilized inspirations from the legacy site including color themes and photos but rearrange the navigational panel to be on the right side instead of the left. This navigation will also include a pointer that will appear when the user navigates to different pages. Within the Content section, the image of the condiment and a brief description will be presented along with a rating. The rating isnt based on any currently know data but are place holders. Ideally I would like to import condiment data using Pytorch to explore how to automate ratings basedo n updates iwthin the CVS file but for now, keeping it simple is the goal.
Maple Syrup: Ketchup, Mustard: Honey: Salt and Pepper: Chicken Mcckay: Hot Sauce: