Browser/Node compatiblle libarary used for wrapping and unwrapping of DynamoDB AttributeValue to and from flat JSON
npm install dynamodb-json-translator
npm test
var translated = Translator.toFlatJSON({
'L': [
{'S': 'the-string'},
{'N': 434},
{'BOOL': true},
{'BOOL': false},
'L': [
{'N': 23},
{'BOOL': false},
{'S': 'stuff'}
'M': {
'k1': {'S': 'v1'},
'k2': {'N': 23}
// [
// "the-string",
// 434,
// true,
// false,
// [ 23, false, "stuff" ],
// { "k1": "v1", "k2": 23 }
// ]
var translated = Translate.toDynamoDBJSON(23)
// { "N": 23 }
Implemented DynamoDB type prefixes are:
- S - string
- N - number
- B - binary
- BOOL - boolean
- NULL - null(or undefined)
- SS - string set
- NS - number set
- BS - binary set
- L - list(list of attributes with DynamoDB types)
- M - map(identical to JSON map, no DynamoDB prefixes)
- Set types for SS, NS and BS are converted to DynamoDB format if and only if all values of the JSON array have the same type as the first element
- Numeric ranges, string lengths and binary buffer behavior depends on the platform where they run
- Decided to use 3rd party
implementation against the intrinsic NodeJS because it is easier to make it run in the browser(the class used is from