This is a code using Arduino for control seven segment
you can click the code to download zip
you can use this command to download
git clone
Note: The hex code need right to left to print
Here inside have a Easy-HexCodeGenerator only one file for make seven-segment code
! Recommend use HexCodeGenerator
flow the segment pins to connect and then coding
KYSevenSegment(uint16_t pins[8], bool inv_mode = false);
KYSevenSegment(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g,int dp, bool inv_mode = false);
void setInvMode(const bool& inv_mode);
void setPins(uint16_t pins[8]);
bool getMode() const;
// Display Number
void displayNumber(const uint16_t& id, const bool& dp = false) const;
// Display using Hex code (you can use easy-HexCodeGenerator)
void displayHex(const byte& value, const bool& dp = false) const;
// Only control DP function
void onlyControlDP(const bool& dp = false) const;
// clear display function
void clearDisplay() const;