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  • there are no issues with this game , if you want to FORK it GO FORK IT!!!!

  • make account to FORK REPO

  • This Script is PyArmor , it will run the same , to keep the settings how they are.

how to download the repo first time users


follow the guide its only few steps these are the requirements to run the game

( oh if it doesnt install pygame OPENup command prompt pip install pygame click enter) (you only have to do this once, with all pygames)

use the requirements install.bat to install the requirements (you only have to do this once, with all pygames)

if you do not have pet python ,

use the python3.11 installer.bat to install python 3.11.6 ( when installing python make sure to click ADD TO PATH) "if you already have python you dont need to install it"

to cd the folder in the directory ,

open up command prompt

make sure the folder is unzipped and placed in a easy location for easy access

aka desktop is a good place ,

type cd make sure to press spacebar then drag and drop the unzipped folder into the command prompt then click enter,

to run game in same window , type python enter game will pop up

to play

use the arrow keys up to change the pattern of the item

if you downloaded this before you are having issues with score keeping track

open up the in pet python , change the width, height, 300, 550

or you can just download the file itself and you good to go