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CSUF Confessions (Django App + DevOps Playground) Build Status


Fundamentally, this is a Django project called CSUF Confessions where users can anonamously write confessions, upvote/downvote, and comment.

Website Screenshot

This app also serves as a basis for a DevOps playground; Can't really practice DevOps without an application (...right?)


ECS + Terraform

CSUF Confessions is Dockerized and gets deployed to ECS, supported by a Postgres RDS instance. Various IAM Roles, Security Groups, R53 entries, AutoScaling Group config, etc are all set up through Terraform in the infra directory.

ECS Screenshot

Travis CI (The CI/CD Platform)

This is where the magic happens. When a commit hits the master branch, the following occurs (moving onto the next step only during previous success):

  1. Travis CI spins up a Python 3.7 container

  2. Dependencies get installed

  3. Django's tests are run

  4. A Docker image is built and tagged with the TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER environemnt variable

  5. Docker image is pushed to AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR)

  6. Newly built image is deployed to ECS:

    • New Task definition created
    • Service is updated to use new task definition
    • ECS performs a Rolling Deployment to arrive at new desired state (New Task deployed)
    • Note - Rollback occurs automatically if the Task fails LB health checks

Travis Screenshot


CSUF Confessions runs on Nginx + uWSGI over port 80. SSL is terminated at the ALB which also redirects port 80 traffic back to 443.

Set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE in Pycharm to config.settings to run unit tests piecemeal.

Secrets Management

Put very simply, AWS Secrets Manager is used for all secrets. Integrates pretty well with ECS, so why not.


Django project built and used as a playground for DevOps stuff






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