Version: 2.x (中文文档)
QQ Group: 255965810
we guess you may also see
version 1.0
Parameters | Description | Type | Optional values | Default value |
id | when this property is empty, the title property will be used as the key | String | Y | - |
title | node name | String | N | - |
children | child nodes | Array[object] | Y | - |
async | whether to load child nodes asynchronously | Boolean | Y | false |
expanded | node Expansion | Boolean | Y | false |
halfcheck | whether the node is half optional (subordinate selected) | Boolean | Y | false |
visible | is the node visible | Boolean | Y | true |
selected | whether the node is selected | Boolean | Y | false |
checked | whether the node check box is selected | Boolean | Y | false |
nocheck | specifies that a node does not render check box when multiple checkboxes are open | Boolean | Y | false |
loading | open load effect | Boolean | Y | false |
chkDisabled | disable the function of a check box for a node | Boolean | Y | false |
Parameters | Description | Type | Optional values | default value |
data | tree Data Source | Array[object] | N | - |
multiple | turn on Check mode | Boolean | Y | false |
tpl | custom templates | JSX | Y | false |
halfcheck | turn on semi-select mode | Boolean | Y | select all |
scoped | quarantine node Selected state | Boolean | Y | false |
draggable | support drag? | Boolean | Y | false |
dragafterexpanded | ro expand after dragging | Boolean | Y | true |
Method name | Description | Parameters |
getSelectedNodes | returns an array of currently selected nodes | - |
getCheckedNodes | returns the array of nodes selected by the current check box | - |
getNodes | the options objects such as {selected:true}, if empty, use {} | options |
searchNodes | filter:function/string (if it is a function, it will eventually return a Boolean type) | node |
Event name | Description | Parameters |
node-click | click the node to trigger the event | node: Object |
node-mouse-over | over the node to trigger the event | node: Object |
async-load-nodes | event used to implement asynchronous loading | node: Object |
drag-node-end | drag node end trigger the event | {dragNode: Object, targetNode: Object} |
Step1: install plugins
npm install\
npm install vue-tree-halower --save
Step2: In your main.js
import 'vue-tree-halower/dist/halower-tree.min.css' // you can customize the style of the tree
import VTree from 'vue-tree-halower'
Step3: In your .babelrc
"presets": ["env"],
"plugins": ["transform-vue-jsx"]
<v-tree ref='tree' :data='treeData' :multiple='true' :tpl='tpl' :halfcheck='true'/>
<input type="text" v-model="searchword" />
<button type="button" @click="search">GO</button>
export default {
name: 'vue-tree',
data () {
return {
searchword: '',
treeData: [{
title: 'node1',
expanded: true,
children: [{
title: 'node 1-1',
expanded: true,
children: [{
title: 'node 1-1-1'
}, {
title: 'node 1-1-2'
}, {
title: 'node 1-1-3'
}, {
title: 'node 1-2',
children: [{
title: "<span style='color: red'>node 1-2-1</span>"
}, {
title: "<span style='color: red'>node 1-2-2</span>"
methods: {
tpl (node, ctx) {
let titleClass = node.selected ? 'node-title node-selected' : 'node-title'
if (node.searched) titleClass += ' node-searched'
return <span>
<button style='color:blue; background-color:pink' onClick={() => this.$refs.tree.addNode(node, {title: 'sync loading'})}>+</button>
<span class={titleClass} domPropsInnerHTML={node.title} onClick={() => {
<button style='color:green; background-color:pink' onClick={() => this.asyncLoad(node)}>async loading</button>
<button style='color:red; background-color:pink' onClick={() => this.$refs.tree.delNode(node.parent, node)}>delete</button>
async asyncLoad (node) {
// method1:
this.$refs.tree.addNodes(node, await this.$api.demo.getChild())
// method2:
// this.$set(node, 'loading', true)
// let data = await this.$api.demo.getChild()
// this.$set(node, 'children', data)
// this.$set(node, 'loading', false)
// method3: use concat
search () {