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Kirill edited this page Sep 10, 2016 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Teleportation wiki!


Two technologies:

  • For mid-game - Teleportation. Unlocks Teleporter Beacons beacon; it allows you to teleport from one beacon to another one; also you get top-GUI-button that opens beacons list (or use Y-hotkey) - you can choose where you want to teleport to and you can rename your beacons to navigate easier.
  • For late-game - Advanced Teleportation. Unlocks Personal Teleporter equipment personal teleporter and Jump Targeter jump targeter. First one lets you to teleport to beacons from anywhere - just click "T"-button in the desired row of the beacons list. You can also teleport to the nearest beacon by using CTRL+Y-hotkey. And you also can jump to any position in your straight sight - just take Jump targeter in your hand and click anywhere.

Teleporting takes power:

  • from beacon to beacon: both beacons - sender and receiver - should be charged enough;
  • from anywhere to beacon: both - your Personal Teleporter equipment and destination beacon - should be charged enough;
  • from anywhere to anywhere: your Personal Teleporter equipment should be charged enough to perform straight jump on that distance.

Mod is fully localizable and congigurable, with many descriptions in files and GUIs and tooltips in GUIs.

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