This application facilitates the synchronization of time logs from a link to Jira.
You have two options to run the application:
Build the binary for your local computer:
Alternatively, you can directly run the application using:
go run main.go sync
To synchronize with a specific date, use the following command format:
go run main.go sync --date <yyyy-mm-dd>
For example, to sync logs for August 10, 2023:
go run main.go sync --date 2023-08-10
The application expects a specific format for the description:
TRADE-1111:What have you done
After executing the command, in the prompt you can select a particular task to sync or sync everything.
The script checks if you already have a worklog on a task with the same description on the specified day. This should prevent accidental duplicate entries.
- Go (my Golang version go1.20.1 linux/amd64)